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Y5? 0S9 IELY'8 ORE AM BAI.M Is aposltlvecure. Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 80 centa at DniRglste or by mail ; samples 10c. by malí. BLY BKOTUERS, 60 Warreu BL, New York City. Domestic Joy. I The chana of domestic joy will be preserved, if those paieuts, who fear the early death of ono of their loved ones when íittackcd witb. a scrioua lluoat or lung trouble, resort at once to Dr. BulI's Cough Syrup, a never-failing reniedy. "I used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for my son, who was eight ycars oíd. He has been troublcd with a broncliial cough since lie was two and a half yimrs of age, and I have tricd everything, hut fouud Dr. Bull's Cough Byrup does him the most good." Mrs. A. Geib, 317 Demott St., West Hoboken, N.J. Dr.BuIl's Cough Syrupcosts only 25 cents, and s cheaper than the dealer's big profit making substituto, because Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup always cures while the aubstitute does not. ' Old Chopper, Good -Bye. ' Tho modern housewife doesn't nocd ! tho aiü of the cbopplng knii'e l:i tljo , prcpuration of mlnce pies. Bbe ic-h NoneSuch Minoo Meat; chopped. und dellolonflly ■aaoned, ready u iüi the crusu Made of the very üncbt, purcBt und cleauest matorials- , NONE SUCH ! MINCE MEAT makes mlnce pies as fine In taste and 1 quallty as any liomc-mado mineo meat. Makes dellcioun fruit cako and fruit pudding, as well. Sold evcrywliere. Take no substituto. 10 cents package- '2 )nrf;e pies. "Mrs. l'u])kluH' Ttnuikixiviag." K bonk hr ft famouB tmniornus writer, will nmil'-.l tnaiijuiic m-iiding I IIHIII'' Illn'-H iVII'1 iT lilis [.(IJKT. , HIKUICKI.I.-NOri.r: ')., Hjrucuur, .V. , JOHN COSTELLO, DBALEIl IN DryGoodw. Hooi and Sliocn,GrocerIea Provlxlou, KIe. Furultnre und I n dcrtaklng iiivriii, - - míen FF.RH 4NBNTLY I.OCATED. DB. 1). W. NOZAN, VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at lioblson's Llvery Barn. ■II s. lihAïf,, Ami Albur. MACK & MACK, FUNERAL DIIIECTOB8. 2ii Congress Street. DEALERS IN FURN1TURE. YPSILANTJ, - M1VH. WALLACE & CLARKE, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 208 Congress St., YPSILANTI, - MICII. FRANK STAFFAN & SON C1IELSEA, - - MICH. FIJNKKAL. IIIIIHI IILS AND IC.tlhiliii:kv Fure Up River Jee. DR. A. KENT HALE, Physian and Surgeon. . . - 1; ICIt A I. PKACTICE. rrompt attentlon to Qffice, Heimlt Bik. igSTJW-i-0 2nd Floor. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL. ESTÁTE BY : : : : L. D. CARR, Iloal Estáte and Loan Ajjency, over Ann Arbor Savings Bank. WILLIAH H. MURRAY, ...LAWYHR... AU Legal HusincssandC'olloctlons l'romptly Attended to. OFPICB IN COIIRT HOUSE. E. SEARS WOUD TUBNING. . . . oj all kinds also JOB WORK.... of every description. Haten K'HNouHllr Shop, Oornor N. fith Ave. and Klngsloy-s Küsldcnce, 95 8. Maln-st. ENOCH DIETERLE, Embalmer and Funeral Director VALL8 ATT F.N DE D DA Y OB NIOHT. Nu. 8 Eat Liberty M. Pbone 129. Hcoldcnee, 75 n. Itii Av


Old News
Ann Arbor Register