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- i1 [To Insurc lnso?tlon c.r.yspondrnis i SouldmaUthelr Items not later toan Turaliv a n. ol each week. tl peni Latei tiu.y ar liki l.v i" be crowdedout.] D1X.BORO. Sume fai mers have commenced sowIng wlieal . Miases Carrle Taylor and Aliara Ruddaod Mr. Ira beland wiU attend school at Aun Arbor thia year. The rcmains of Prank Kapp were interred hcro last week Thuraday. Frcd Pfeible received tlie prize at tho pnanut social for tindh.g the largest number of bidden peanuts. Nettie Ticadwell is teaching in Elkhart, Jncl. DXXHI M11.L.S. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bausküi, last Fríday, a son. Mrs Snyder has returned home from her three weeks' visit wilh friends in Lima. Mrt. i'.-tabrook is entertalning her cousin, Mrs. DuPoy, frum Bowling Green. Miss EUaEstabrook, of Albion called at the uoaie of her unele, Is. b. L'-=tabrook, last Monday. Mrs. MeConnell has returned home aftor un ubsence of soveral weeks. Farmers have commenced cutting corn. A fair erop is expeeted. DKXTI'.lt Mr. Gco. L. Boyden diod at hls home in Webster Sunday aftornoon. T. S. Alley is no-.v liviag In the Clark house on C. street. Frcd Krause, of Webster, feil Irom a porch last Sunday breaking hië arm two inches above the wrist. Joe Alger has rented liis meatmarket to Ueo. Sinith who took possession Thursday morning. Mrs. J. J. Staley has roturned home from a iwo months visit in üuston, Mrs. T. Murdook and daughtcr returned last Friday to Indiana. Miss Dotha Lee will altend the school at the St. Mary's convent at Monroe this year. Mrs. Yorker and daughter, Anna Love, returned from their vlsit in New York. Mr. R. Bachanan has been Buffering from an attack of rheumatium during the past week. NOKTHV1LMS. Mr N S. Mitehell and family visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Nisbett, at Whitniore Lake, Sunday. Miss Luoretla Digby is visitlng ia Salem. Mr, and Mrs. Frank VanAtta are rejoicing at the arrival of a now glrl in their home. Miss Minnie Perkins, of Salem, is visiting her cousin, Miss Dora Oven shire. Mrs. Owon Leiand, who has boen very sick for a few weeks, is slovvly recovering. IJKIDÍiEWATEK. Mrs.Phil Blum Jr. and Miss Clara Hlldinger returned Wednesday after making a 10-day vísit at Detroit. Mise Mela Schlegel visited tho Adrián fair this week. District No. 1 has engaged Arthur Yocum, oí Manchester, to teaeh the winter term. Geo. Nlsaley received his íor a new house, Tuesday. The furiou3 storm we had last weck Thursday uncovered several clover stacks. The rain made it neeessary to scatter the clover over the üeld to dry before restacking and threshing. Most every body is sowing wheat and cutting corn. Mr. Geo. Stierle in Freedom had the mfsfortune of loosing by fire last S.uurday a barn, two vvheat stacks, some threashed wheat and some oiover seed. The other barns narrowly eseaped beingburned. Also Schneiöer & Ilood's clover huiler was destroyed. MANCHESTER. Chas. Lceson bas gone to Lansicg to attend the M. A. C. Miss Etta Carpenter has returned lo home in flolloway. Mrs. F red Hall spent last weck Sunday ia Ypsilanti. Miss Orla Hall has returned to Ann Arbor where she will resume studies at the U. of M. Miss Bertha Lehu has gone to Detroit to spend several weeks. Mrs. James Martin has gone to Canada to make a two weeks' visit. Misa Mvia Spafford left ior Xew York City last week Tuesday and f rom there will 20 to Long Island where she will teacb in an art school. Shc was aecompanied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frans Spafford, and her aunt, Mrs. E. S. Janes, who will attend the Spafford faraily i'eunion held in New Vork City. Among those who attended the marriaire of Mr. Win Mobb.-, of Tecuinseh, to Miss Mac Aylesworth, of Franklin, a former Mannheeter girl, wcre Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall, Dr. Georgo Spivice, !e3S'■8. Josoph Lamb, Herbert Witherall and Misses Marraret Blosser, Ida BUkwoTtb, Julia Kirchhofor, Allie LaZelle and Mande Goodel. Last week FriJay evenlng a jolly 1 party of iourteen cyclists rode to the pleasant home of L. Herman, four i miles southwi st of town. It is lesa to say that a most enjoyable time was bad by all; even the watermelons and the bicycles rejoiced- but whether or not the neigliboring farmers did ia not recorded. The proprietors of the Manchester cheese factory are now Hagaiiian & Calhoun instcad of Graham & Haganaan. Frank Conklyn went to Chicago, Saturday. Wm. Waterhouse, of Clinton, was in town Saturday. Addis Berger, of Grass Lake, was in town on business last week. Miss Belle Gardanier has returned from a nine weeks visit in Toledo. Miss Tessie Carroll, of Clinton, was a guest of Miss Blanche Stark over Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hagaman spcnt Thursday in Toledo. Mrs. Trefelhern is entertaining a young lady friend from Cleveland. Miss Margaret Blosser, while riding witli a party of cycliste Suuday eveiung coHided witli Rolland Lehr, at the cor ner west of the Central School Bui ld ing. Miss Blosser was quite badly in jured and her wheel nearly demolished. The University Extensión Circle has reorganizad ifter the suminer vauation and Tast Saturday the members had a píonio ia Schmid's grove. Notwith' standing tlje eool jreezes a very ploasant time was had by all. WEBSTKK. The MUsionary Conoert held at the Uongregational clniruh 8uiday pvoning Sept. 12, was well attcnied. MUs {J:i Kenny took charpro of tha meutiog whiuh was ab!y plannod and carnea out. To Misa Vida Tiercé t,he cburch is indebtcd the trainiog of cbildron who participated in class exercises, recitations and songs. Sorae ejfoellent soios wcro rendered, nd ecyllent tal lts given. The meeting closed witb a generous contribution for the "Morning; Star." Next Sundav eveninsr there vvill ha the Convention echo of C. E. work. The California conyention will bo reported. Helpful talks will a!s) Oe given, Every one is requested to cuipe if possible, There will be a pte social for the benefit of tbc Methodist Ohuroh l'Yiday evenlng at Frank Wheeler's. Rev. Hicks, of tho M. IS. church, bas closed bis year's labora. It is tho hopa of all that the conference will place him ag-aiu in our midst. Miss Jennie MoColl has gone to Toledo tor a two weeKs' stay. Miss Lottie Latson attends the Ann Arbor High School and Miss May Ball tho Dcxter blgh school. Mr. John Breningor while oiï a partly built straw stack, feil upon au upturned fork. A tine pierced the palf of his leg and broke off. He is BOW in Ann Arbor under Dr. Gaorye's care. Ossian Konny's house is nearly oom pletcd. Mr. Edgar Cransoa bas completed the foundation for a barn. Ncarly all have finiöhed sowiDg wheat. The township board of School InspeCr tors met Monday at the township clerk's. Saturday is ■ tho last date fta vvhichthe clencwiUrecjoive woodeUucli scalps. LODI. Mis3 Emma Gannet, of Ann Arbor, will spend the weok with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Marken in Ijodi thence she will ?o to Detroit for a visit with relatives and finally to Winghara, Ontario, wbere she will epsod the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Seyfried, of Ann Arbor spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Christian Bohnett. Rosco T. Brokaw, of Northfteld, spent the bitter part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. WaWer Burnett, taking the teacher's examination at Saline oa Friday. He will teach in his home district in Northfield this winter. Misa ida Courville and Miss Minnie Reginary, of Detroit, visited the past week with Phillip Blum acd family. Mrs. John Sgohraitt and Mrs. Leitz were in Ann Arbor on business last Wednesday, SALINIi. Miss Mary Yockley visiled Miss Myrtie Bordine for a few day this veek. The reg-ular teachers' examination was held in this place lait Fi-iday, conlucted by county commissioner Lister. The barns belonging to Matt.hew west of town, were baclly damaged by the cyolone last Thurday. Miss Payne, of Manchester, visited N. HordiDeand family the lirst of the week. Ralph Masón, of Ann Arbor, was in town Saturday. Ilcrbert Sanford visited his parents a few days last weck. . Quite a uumber from this place took in tlie ice cream social at Will Shows' last Priday night. Miss Anna Underbucher, of Manchester, visited Dr. and Mrs. Underkircher, in ttais place last Saturday. Miss Saley, of Manchester, visited James Grcgory aud family Saturday. Rllph Masón has securad a school in Augusta township. wherc hewill teach thocominff year. D. A. Bennett attendod the Hudsoa street fair last week. S. T. Fairbank vpas ia Toledo Sunday. A. M. Humphrey waa in Ypsilanti, Monday. E A. Hauser and Q.scar Laaipkiij are in Cuicagp, Mrs. Warner spent Sunday at Pinckney, the guest of H. W. Crofoot and tamily. Söveral persons from Milan attended the meeting of the Salvation Army in tilia place Suqday evenin?. Miss MatticrSehaffee was in Ann Arbor Tuesday. MILÁN. Miss Cecil Gauntlett oame home from ber school in Ano Arbar Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Whitmarshiíeutertalnlner guests from South Dakota. Di', and Mr8. Meric drove to Ann Arbor Sunday. Mr. Prat McKay, of Detroit, visitod Milán friends over Sunday. Mis. Wm. Reeves entertaiaed guests rom Azalia NÍonday. Miss Ayers er}tertained guests from Adrián oVer Hunflay. Mrs. Hattie Woolcut, of Ypsilanti, ls visiiiiig Milán friends thls weelf. Mr. Parks is seriously ill. Whoopinfr cough has struck Milán. Mr. and Mrs. tíugene Gregory gave Milán a cali Saturday. Miss Mai Alderman is attending the Normal at Ypsilanti this winter. Mis3 Anna Jacobs has rotarued from her Ypsilanti visit. Married September lath at the residence Qf Ihe bpide's mother, Mrs. Springer, of East Main-sí. Misa Ella Springer and Mr. A. Hooker hoth o,f Milán, Bey. B. N. QJijch oH}ciatiog. Mrs. Mary Wallaee left yaturdiiy for the Sanatarum at liattle Creck, Mich., wljere she will take ti-eatroent fora few weeks. Mra. Lawrence viaitod Toledo, Saturday. Mrs. Itowlon, of Durand, ia the suest of her parents, Mr. and Mra. IJ. C. Stener. of Wabash-st. It is rumored that a new meat market will be opened in the near luture. Mr. E. A. Reynolds, of Detroit, yisited Milau iriends the last of the The Salvation Artny WÜl giye Milan a cali L'riday, Mrs. Etta Pyle has returned trom her New York trip. STONY CHKi. A heavy wind storm struckthis place Thursday about 1 m.. Tho raia oame down in torrents while the wind uprcoted trees, unroofed buildings, layed chimneys, sheds and cornfieldá flat. Oae man sawa quantity of his seed hay going away in the air. Others are lookiñg for their bean crops, straw stacks and'numerous othep articles. Mr. T. E. Taladay and wife have retarned form their visit toBuffalo and other points in YMr. Spencer Davis and wife s)ient last week with friends in Detroit. Mrs. Blair, of Yfisilanti, was wlling on old friends at this place one day last week. Mrs. Loilin is entertaining her daughter f rom Chatham, Canada.


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