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Ten Years An Invalid

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tiow Itestored to Ferfect IlrnKli and Able to Perform All Household Oiitles- A Cure After Sitllled Physiciang Had Falled. From the Industrial Xews, Jackson, Mich. Uta. Clara Haxleton, of Webbervijle, Michigan, related to a repreaentative uitiie Industria Neux tlv story of her cure trom eczema and other ills, which luis few f any equala in tliis part of the country, and puzzfed the niost learned physicians. Bh said: " My linsbaiid's name is John G. Hazleton. He is' il farmer, and we live in Leroy, our post-ofiicc address being Webberville, Mich. I am 30 yenrs of age, and for over ten years I have suffered from chronio eczema, female weakness and a coinbination of kidney and bladder troubles. " I employed the most skillcd physieians we could eet, bat my case went from bad to worse, until a few yeara dgo womb trouble and painful menses added to my misery. I si) weak and helplesa that it beeame entirely impossible for me to perform my home 'dntirs. I tried auain different physicians, but did not reeeive the slightcst relief, and I iittully gave up all hope of ever gettiug bettér. "Last June I read in the Jackson Industrial Xews of the case of a lady who was oured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis for Palé People, and although she had only part of th9 difficülties with which I was afilicted aml they had heen of less duralion, I conchulcdto give Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis for Pale People a trial in the hope that they might relieve me to soine extent. On the twentieth of June I boughtthe first box and commenced taking them according to directions. After using three boxes I began to feol improved, and I have now taken in all nine boxes and am able to perform all my household daties. I am, however, gomewhat weak, but ara without pain or suffering. I am now taking the tenth bo., and shall continue to use the pills a short lime longcr and shall never be without them agam if any signs of my former tronbles shall maketiieirappearance. I can heartily recommend these wonderful iittle healers to all women sufl'ering with any of the troubles with which I have been afilicted, and I wili cheerfully answer any inquirics regardins; my wonderful cure." Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis for Pale People are sold in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen or hundred, and the public are eautioned against numerous imitations sold in this shape) at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, and moy be had of all drnggist or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Vellow Complexioiunil Duit Eyes. An Indiana Sclioolxnaeter Oescrlbee How TUcy May I Brlglltencd. From the New Era, Greensburg, Iiul. Thcre ia probably not a brigbter young country school teacher to be found than Mr. Ira Wonn, who lives on a farm about five miles south of Greensburg, Ind., and teaches scbool at New Pennington, in Biltereek towuship. Mr. Wonn boards with Mr. J. S. AVisc, a prominent farmer, who is well-to-do. Mr. Wonn was in this city a few weeks ago, looking stout and healtby, with an encouraging color in bis cheeks. All who know him would formerly describe him as pale and languid, with a very sallow or yellowish complexion, and bis eyes dull; his aubnrn huir haring the appearance of being dead. All of these indioations of poorhealth have Tanished, and all within the last feve weeks, as the result, 60 we have learned from Mr. Wonu himself, f the u f Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Mr. Wonn for several years bas been farming the whole year round, and taught school in the winter time, often ridinj many miles each day to his school. This great amount of exposure soon told on the once stout youth, and he rapidly sank by the suffering of rheumatism in his lower liinbs. He wished to get alone with as unall expense as possible, so confined himself to the family physieian, who, it proved ia time. did not benefit him any. " In early September," said Hr. Wonn, "I began my school duties, taking up my abode with Mr. Wise, for I thought the distance too far to drive each way every dny, feeling as badly as I did. I stili treated my trouble, which I learned to laok upon as a permanent and indeed, very disagreeohle eompanion. I had been at the home of Mr. Wise but a few days, when he told me that he had just been cured of a trouble of Ion? standing very similar to mine by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. He had a few doses on hand, which I took, and began feeling better at once. I sent for two boxes, which I have used, and now I feel stout and healthy, as you see me, and am quite a different person." "Mr. Wonn's fatber in talking of his son's enre to a reporter a few days ago said : " Yes, slr, T)tt WllUatns' Pink Pilis for PalePeopl rere actuaily a great help to my son, as everybody v.lio knew of his case will testify. I have bougiit a feW boxes for family use, and would not be without them." Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis for Palé People contain all the elemeiits necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restoro shattered nerves. Tliey aro sold in box os (never in loóse ibrm, by the dozen, or hundred) at 50 cents a box, or six boxea for $2.50, and niay be had of all druggists or directly by mail from I)r. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Nervonsness and Neuralgia. An instance of' a marvelous cure of nervousness and neuralgia of long standing is furnished in the case of llrs. Benjamin Johnson, of Napoleon, Ripley Co., Indiana. A reporter drove to see Mis. Johnson a few weeks ago, but as sho was not at home he was unable to aecomplisb the purpose of fris mission. However, Mrs. Johnson learning what was desired.wrote a letter, in which she said : " I understnnd tliat you wore desirons of learning whether my trouble had been currd, nnd if a cure had been accomplished how it had been done. I takc plcaaure in saying through your columns for the benefit of the public that such is truc and the marvelous cure was accomplished by nothing other than the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis for Pale People. For some time I had sufl'ered from nervonsness and neuralgia. I continunlly grew worse, although I wa being alinost constautly treated by my physician. "As time wore on I grew weak, reduced in flesli, and was nnable o do much of my work. I tried different remedies without avnil.when 1 was advised by a neiglibor to try Pr. Williams' Pink Pilis for Pale People, wliieh I at once did. I feit better on taking the first dose, and when I had finiblied one box I had experienccd a great change. I took several hoxes aud was entirely well. I have now used three boxes, and can honestly recommeiid thein, as I believe I would have been in the same condition to-day, or perhaps worse had I not been advised to take Pink Pilis." Mrs. JdIihsoii also stated that she induced sonie of 1 er neighbors to use the pills which they are 'loiiisr with good satisfaction. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People contain in a condensed form, all the elementa neerssary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent post paid on receipt of price, 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 82.50 (they are never sold in bulk or by the 100), by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Saved by His Friend. One of the leading farmers of Ripley Co. is Jonathan L. Weis, of Napoleon, Ind. Mr. Weis is a wealthy and inllucntial tiller of the soil, and was a soldier in the late war. He was one of the first to enlist, and served for three years, coming home broken down in health and suft'ering fiom rheumatism, which had been brought on by the great exposure to whieh he was subjeeted. Although previous to his enlisiment Mr. V.'eis had been a strong, healthy man, ever pince the war he bas been a phyeical wreek, being almost a skeleton, 6ucn jrreat destrnction bas that dread disease worked upon him. Mr. Weis for many years was unable to do any work, being conipelled to hire others to do his farm work. To a New Era reporter he stated that to-day he would have been stil! ia siuae mUiuo (ihyMcally kad uot a friend advised him to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, which quickly and perinanently cured him, and to-day he weigbí more, eate more, and can do more work than at any time since his dismissal from the army, although at a fairly advanced age, "For years," said Mr. Weis, " my pains were almost unbearable and during damp weather they were -specially severe. I could sleep but Iittle, and as I had no nppctil 3 I rapidly dwindled away from a lartre man to almost nothing. I consulted different prominent physicians and tried several patent medicines cl&imed to be good for my trouble, but none of them did but Iittle good. As soon as I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People I noticed a difference and by the time 1 had taken a few boxes I was completely cnred. Had il not been for that medicine I would have been in my grave longatro." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People contain all the elements necpssary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are sold in boxes (never in loose form, by the dozen or nundred) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y.


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Ann Arbor Register