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Piotlce to Proporly Owimt In Lateral Siwer District No. 7. MEBTINQ OF THTC BOARD OF BEVIEW. Notice is bereby griven that the city assessor has duly certlfied to the Common Council of this city the assossment ïoll of all the owners aud occupants of the land contained wHhin the Special Assestnent District No. 7, and of all the lands sitúate therein wéll and sulïiciently described, togother with his estímate and determinatiou of the vahie of each parce] thereof, asrequired by the ordinance of the City of Ann A rbor. Xberefore, it is ordered by the said Common Council. tliat the fourth day of Octobei-, A. 1). lv'.lT, at 9 o'clock & rj. of saiu day 1; flsed and appointed as tho time, and the council chamber of tho City of Ann Arbor as the place, where the said Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor vvill sit as a Board of Keview, to review the said assessmeat roll. AU persons owning property in said Assessment District No. 7, othcrwiso knovvn as the West Liberty street district, are hereby notified üf sucli sitting of the Board of Review. Glen V. Mills, 89 City Clerk. Iutcrvliau;cuble Xlllease Tickets. A new form of Ïhousand-Mile Ticket, the result of careful consideration and discussion between the railroads and their principal patrons, veill be phicrd on sale September l?t. at all important Michigan Central offices. The ticket is sold for SHÜ.OO, with a róbate to the purchaser of $10.00, when used up in eompliance with its conditions, and is accepted on all the lines in the Central Passenger association, forty-fivo in number and covering a vast extent of country. No mileage book has yet been devised so acceptable to alt parties concerned and so advantageous to the holder. Every one who is likely to travel a thousand miles in ayear should aval] themselves of it. and should consult the nearest Michigan Central ticket agent. 89 Jlectiiiir of Oliio Woini-ii's lloine Missiouary Üoard at Columbiis, O. One fare for the round irip via Ohio Central Lines from all point3 in Ohio. Tickets on .salo Oot. llth and 12th good retnrniog until Oct. 14th. 89


Old News
Ann Arbor Register