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Fenton has a new bank with 835,000 capital. Lake Odessa Masons have dedicated a new temple. A street fair will be held at Grand Rapids Oct. 26 to 29. The naval reeruitingoffieers aceepted seven men at Bay City. Lapeer eounty held a very suceesssul and interesting reunión. Attendance at Alma college is 40 per cent gi-eater than last year. Bay City salt companies are unable to fill orders for lack of cars. G. J. Griffith, of Pickford, will establish a large woolen mili at the Soo. Ann Arbor's school board elected a woman- Mrs. Anna B. Bach- president. ïhere were 50 cases of diphtheria at Alpena and several families are quarantined. J. E. Hall's barn burned at Essexville, and Henry Buck was arrested on suspicion. The first brick block built at Caro is to be torn down to make room for a 810,000 hoteL Mrs. Nanc.y DeGrafE Toll a pioneer of Monroe, has just celebrated her lOOth birthday. The cold wave which swept over the state brought frost and snow and visions of coal bilis. Mrs. W. H. McKrill was probably f atally burned by a gasoline stove accident at Lansing. Mrs. W. H. McKrill was probably fataUy burned by a gasoline stove accident at Lansing. George Mace, a camp cook for the Delta Lumber Co., suicide d at the American house at Marquette. The Eighth Michigan cavalry at the reunión at Port Hurón elected C. E. Everett, of Milford, as president. The twenty-third annual reunión of the Ingham County Soldiers' and Sailors' association was held at Mason. James Connors, a 60-year-old pensioner, formerly of Owosso, dropped dead of heart disease at Lansing aftei a long spree. Grand Rapids' board of trade has options on several desirable sites and will mak e a bid for the next state military ncampment. The re are 378 pupils enrolled at the school for the deaf, with prospects of 50 more, and the accom modations are seriously taxed. The plant of the Marshall Waterworks Co., at Marshall was bought at foreclosure sale by Geo. II. Southworth, ior $40,450. The Twelfth Michigan infantry reunion at Grand Ledge was attended by i6 veUraa. J. Koble, of Cassopolis, is their president. Wm. Kuip, of Marshall, was arrested by U. S. officers, otiarffed with counterfeiting 5-centk pieces, many of which have circulated thereabouts. Cassopolis entertained the survivors of the Nineteenth Michigan infantry at their thirty-secoird reunión, which 109 of the old vets attended. The Twenty-third Michigan inlantry held ts thirty-second annual re? nnion at Vassar and S. C. Eandall of Fünt, was elected president. Joe Smith's summer residenee, three miles s,outh of Benton Harbor burneö with the barn and considerable housetold furniture. Loss, 83.500. Alíreil fUfon stole a farmer's coal aúd Í120 aear JacKson and got (opee years in prison. James Cleary stole a bag of flonr and got 13 jnontha Mrs. George Lyon, whoèe husband cut his throat three weeks ago, attempted suicide at Owosso, by takin? inorphine. She cannot recover. Mrs. George Hatch, who separated from her husband at Grand Ledge, sb: weeks ago and wentto Charlotte to live with her son, suicided by poisoning. The Port Huron engine and thresher works has received orders for 100 threshers and 100 engines, which wil! keep the plant in operation all winter. Marie Martin, aged 19, committed suicide at Grand Rapids by taking poison. She was from Kalamazoo and was despondent because unable to obtain work. Frederick W. Virgien, pleaded guilty to stealing jewelry from Albaugh & Son, at llillsdale, and Judge Lane sentenced him to thfee and one-half years in Jackson. A construction train on the Soo railroads was derailed near Whitedale by running into a cow. Charles Mose, a section fireman, and an unknown man were killed. Mrs. Ada Rigley, of Bridgeman, is barely 15 years old, but the eomplainant in a divorce suit. She was marrieu Nov. 12, 1896, when she was 14, but lef t her husband last May. John Harmon, aged 76, of Plymouth. was fatally injured by jumping f rom a buggy while a colt he was was running away. A young man with him was also badly injured. The salt trust has ad vaneed the price of salt. In Michigan the price goes np 10 cents a barrel; to agencies outside tht state, 5 cents. The last previous advance was on Aug. 18 - 5 cents. Petoskey's streets were crowded witli people during the G. A. R. encampinent there. Fully 7,000 visitors were present and speeches were made by Senator Burrows, Dept.-Com. Bliss and others. Charles G. Merchant, a veteran, 81 years oíd, committed suicide at Sturgis He sat down in a chair, placed a washbowl on another chair, then leaned over the bowl and blew his brains out. Chaplain Geo. H. Hickox, of Jackson prison, who has held that position since Oct 1, 1872 - 25 years- has resigned. During that time he has eonducted 6,500 services in the prison chape 1. Morgan Butler, of Three Oaks, was instan tly killed by the in of a gravel pit in which he was workingHe was buried alive, the force of the "earth breaking nearly every bone in Judge Allen B. Morse, of ex-coaool to Glasgow, vvho is expected home in Ionia soon is being boomed for the ; Democratie nomination for congress in the Fifth district, against William Aldeu Smith. The late Mrs. Jennie D. Xyler, of Saginaw, left her estáte, vaiued at Beveral thousand dollars, to the Home for the Friendless. This is the second legacy within four years. Harry Bates having léft S25,OÜO. Miss Ella McCarthy, of Chelsea while visiting at Jackson was fined for masquerading on the streets in male attire. Just for fun, she donned the clothe3 and helped a traveling man escort two girl friends around town. Fred Soehlein, of Monroe, froze bis big toe three years ago, and it was mirputated. Later the foot had to be cut off and a portion of the leg soon followed, and now it has cost him his life. He leavcsa widow acd several children. Robert A. Davison, aged 80, of DeckRrville. disappeared on the night of Aug. 24. He often said that no one would be troubled when he died.. It is thought that he secretly prepared his last resting place and took his life. Charles May, of Ann Arbor was drowned in McHugh's lake, near Whitmore Lake. He was fishing in company with Jack Heintzman when the boat suddenly eommenced leakinfr and sank. lleintzman reaehed the shore. Grand Army Veterans and the Uni formed Rank of the Knightsof I'ythias held encampments at Clare at the same time. Both were well attended and the parades were unusually attractive. The U. R. K. of P. gave an exhibition drill. The proposed railroad between Albion and Charlotte, by way of Duck ake, is being boomed. Brookfiekl eitizens will pi-obably raise 85,000, an.l the same amount is expected in Albion. The road wiU be 24 miles long and cost $1GO,OOO. While temporarily insane Mrs. Maggie Hafer. hanged herself in a bain at Marvin Iiathrick's, near Colon. She was a grass widow when she became the third wife of Henry Hafer about a ypar ago and he has cruelly treated ( h r constan tly. John Iiarnhart, a farmer near Alger, got married, and rnoved west of Greenwood. He soon became insanely jealous of his wife, when anyone, even a neighbor, carne to the house. His wife had tried to pacify him, but he went to a stream near by and drowned himself. The attendance at the reunión of the Northwestern soldiers and saüors at Big Rapids was unprecedented, and :ncluded several prominent personages. Senator Burrows, Congressman Mpsick, Commander Bliss and Capt. Belknap were among the speakers. Otis Algo, proprietor of the flouring nill at Oi-tonville, has been missing iour for ïome tiine past, so he set a trap and caught a well-known resident of the town. The fellow confessed and Mr. Algo and a neighbor dueked him in the mili race sëveral times as a )unishment. Joseph H. Gnflin, the Sagmavv man who made seusational statements of what he knew about the Strubel murtler mystei-y at Shepherd, but who could teil nothing of importance op. the witness stand, was found nearly dead n his back yard f rom a dose of opium. U ! thouglu he attempted to suicide. Orand Kaplds jobbers adopted resolutions condemninff the new interchangeable mileage books and appointed' a committee to walt on the presidents of the G. R. & I., C. & W. M. and D., G. R. & W. railroads, to see if the numerous restrictions and conditions suvrounding the sale of the books may not be removed. President McKinley has appointed Freeman B. Dickerson, the well-known book publisher, as postiuaster at De troit. utiier poítmasters appoinlea: At Eseanaba, Chas. M. Thatcher; FowlerVille, Aaron C. Cooper; Gaylord, Faustina M. Towle; Morenci, Abram Babcoek; Norvvay, Kichard M. Sanipson, Jr. Quincy, Francis E. Marsh, Jr.: Wayne, Henry Loss. An attempt to wreek a Michigan Central train at Masón was frustrated by a flagean whodiscovered that a switch had liecn opened and a coupling pin wetlg-ed in between the split rail and the rnain track. At this point the track is on an erabankment 15 feet high and a wreek there would have been serious. A tramp who passed through the town is suspected. Stephen S. Hurlbert, Charles E. Lyman and Fred W. Gage, prominent residen ts of Battle Creek, have been arrested, chargcd with having polluted Goguac lake by bathing therein. The ■ city obtains its water supply from this lake. The men arrested are among the numerous owners of land and surnmer cottages on the lake, and they will fight lor their riparian rights. Edftin F. Uhl, ex-assistant secretary of state and ex-ambnssador to Germauy, will probably leave Grand Kapids for good. He has formed a Chicago law partnership vvith Frank H. Jones, former first assistant postmaster-general and K. M. Landis, ex-private secretary to the late Secretary of State Gresham, under the flrm name of Uhl, Jones & Landis. His wife and family are still in Germany. Sarah Fitch, a frequent offender in pólice court at Grtond Kapids was sentenced to 30 days in jail and her band received a similar sentence at the same time. The woman's fine was afterward paid and she was released. She took a dose of morphine and, goinn- to the jail, called for her husband and when he appeared she said she was to die, and feil in a swoon at bis feet. Medical attendance failed to saye her. The famous Sparrow insanity case, the trial of whieh created such a sation at Lansing a year ago and which resulted in the finding that Miss Ilenrietta Sparrow was insane, is about to be tried all overagain. Judge Q. A. Sihith, attorney for Miss Sparrow, has filed the required bond for an appeal to the circuit court in accordance with an act of the last leg-islature which was passed with special reference to this case. Three houses were broken into early in the evening in the outskirts of Iludson, and then David Way discovered the burglar leaviug his house. He folio wed the fellow four miles into the j country vvith a horse and wagon and got a drop on him. The burglar tried to gct away when Way shot him through the thigh and then loaded him into the wagon and took him to town. He was identified as the notorioüs James Butler, a life-long colored criminal. He may die from his wound. After nearly three months' idleness bettveen 25,000 and 30,000 miners in tlie Pittsburg district have returned to work in accordance vvith the action of the Columbus convention. Nearly all of the others will go to work within a a few days, It is estimated that the strike, which lasted C5 working days, cost the people of the Pittsburg district over $5,000,000. Of tb is amount the strikers lost about 82,250,000 in wag-es. The strike against the DeArmits will be continued until they come to the 65-cent rate. Imposing ceremonies marked the dedication of the new M. li. church at Alma. The building cost $7, 500. Rev. W. M. Puffer, presidiní eider of the Lansing district, condueted the ceremonies. The dedication sermón was preached by Rev. Dr. B. I. Ives, of Auburn, N. Y., and he raised 85,000 to wipe out the church debt. In the af ternoon a service was conducted by Rev. Joseph F. Berry, editor of the fimvoith Herald, Chicagro, and in the , ircniag oecretaryol state vvasmugton (iardner delivered an address. Tb ree Columbus, O., penitentiary prisoners assaulted the guards, took the ir guns, then appeared in the guard room and leveled revolvers at Capt. Saxby, and attempted to escape. A liht ensued. Two of the prisoners, liot'ts and Clark, got away, but were aauffht later. Lincoln, the third prisoner was held. James, a sub-guard, was shot twice. Botts is from Lucas and Clark and Lincoln from Cuyahoga jouaty. Jackson, the capital of Mississippi Is depopulated, its business houses closed, and its newspapers suspended, because sevea cases of yellow fever were ofEcially announced at its very doors, with many suspected cases at various points. Thousands of citizens ned from the city before a rigid quarantine was thrown about the town. The yellow fever situation increases in seriousness at New Orleans, Biloxi, Mobile, Ocean Springs and other points throughout the south. Sarah Bernhardt, the famous actress, íiad a narrow escape from death at Belle Isle-en-Mer, department of Morbihan, France, while endeavoring to reach the seashore via the cliffs. After iesceníimg a short distance, Mme. Bernhardt was unable to advance or retreat. Her shrieks f or help attracted the attention of a bather, who climbed up to her side and seized her just as the boulder, to whicli she was clingIng, broke away, and thus she was saved from beiug crushed to death. The aetress and her rescuer lost their footing and rolled down the cliff to 'Jie sea, where thev were reseued.


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Ann Arbor Register