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Dr. Greene's Nervura Cures Belva A. Lockwood, Foremost Woman Of Her Time

Dr. Greene's Nervura Cures Belva A. Lockwood, Foremost Woman Of Her Time image
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Belva A, Lockwood the Ai kriewieJged Leader of Amerioan Wonien, Has Been Gured by Gr, Greene's Nervura and Recommends lts Use to All Weak Tired, Nerveus, Run Down and Sirffering Peopie. Dr. Greene's Nervura Blood and Nerve Remedy Has Proved Itself the Greatest and Grandest Medicine In the World. It Cures the Peopie. it Gives Health, Strength, Vitality and Vigor to All. Use It and Watch Your Aches Disappear and Your Strength Return. There is no word so powerful amon? women, ' no infiucnce so prcat, and no anthority so Iiíl-Ii as the utteranees of a recosnized leader v;h; Bpoaking to lier sister woiiicq íor the good oí womankind. NV'licn, therefore, the voiee of Bel va A. Lockwood, oL Washington, D.C, w!;o is recogniíed amon? wouien as tlicir niiglitiesí leader and champion in all wcmen's movements wbich mark tliis preneration, is raised in the interests oí wo'ncn ; wbentbismosteminentwomaalawyei and lectnrer In the worid, representativo of hcr eex to siioh ap cxtent that she lias ticen twlce nominatod íor President of the X;ni!od States by tiie Equal Riliís Party, v. iio has been honorcd by membership in more American end Foreign Societies than any other woman, publislies tie fact to tha world that Ehe owcs Ler present pood healtli and strength ío the use of Dr. Grecne's Nervura blood and ncrve reraeáy, it comea as a posltive proof, a rerelatbn of fie way to health to the tliousands upan thonsands of peopla who droop and laagnigh ander the burdcn of ül-hea'th, over-taxed strength, nervoua d i sordera and tho weaküesáes, pains aud adíes oL teníale It rings like a c'arion note of ho'.e and' health for tbc weakened, wom out. ö womeu of our land, depresscd aüke in ncrve power and Lud:'y strecitü, .!io ive cv: without Btrength, enerjjy or ftmbiti' n 1 : -.vbO' will dow kiiow irom the wonderful caro of Mrs. Belva A. Lockwood, tiirough the uso of Dr. Grsene'E Narvura, and frora her enthitstastic praise of t!i!s gratid reraedy and urgent advice to women to seek its remarkabie : inving, invigorutinsr and rettorlog powei s, that good hca'th, stro;; nerves, yfgorou ijodics. ihvays folio r the use of Dr. Greece's Iscrvura! 'ülood and ncrve romedy. Mrs. Locku-ood saya : ■ "I have tsed Dr. Greene's Narrara blood! and nerve remcdy and am pleascd to say that it haa Improvcd my difstiou, relièved tl'.e !sleep!essnes3 under a frreat nervous 6train, (hnki? whirh I believe tbat sleep would otherwise have been impossible, and seems in every way to have built up my fteneral health. The attaeks of faintness to wbich I had previously been inbjcct bave enlirely disappearid. It increases tlie appetitc, tends to cheerfulness and general pucd íeelin?, and leaves no ill effect. "I can freely rccoinmcnd it to all persons offlicted wlth nervous disorders, or that tired feeling which is so common. I recomraend it also to ntrvous ])eople, aged people aud to all persons in delicate health. Belta A. Lockwood, A.M. & B. L., SecreUry American Peace Bureau." Do not suíí'cr another moment, but pet Dr. ! Gree:ie's Xervuva blood and nerve remedy and be curcd. Consultation, examination and ladvice free on all diteases at the offlee of :Dr. Greene's llemedies, HS State Street, Chicago, 111., by calling personally or by writing. BELVA A. LOCKTVOOD.


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