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Nervura! King Of Medicines

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Member of Congress Powers, Formerly Judge of the Supreme Gourt, Pronounces Or. Greene's ' Nervura a Most Valuabie Remedy. The Highest Endorsements by Prominent People Given to Dr. Greene's Nervura Blood and Nerve Remedy that were Ever Given to any Medicine in the World's History. ■ No other medicino in t!3 worid i3 rccommended so highly, so Btrongly and so carneatly and by so ma:iy wdl-known and prominent people as Dr. Grecno's Ncrvura blood and nerve remedy. It is recommended to tba sick by almost everylxdy, as the surest eme. It is recommended everywhere as the greatest of al 1 1 health restorers. it invariably gives strength totbs tired, over-worked and worn-out body. i Itmakes pure, riel), vitalized blood and strengthens and invigoratcs tlie nerves of tbose who are nervous, nerve-weakened and nerve-exhausted. Then, too, look at the standing of the people triio recommend Dr. Greene's Nervnra blood ! and nerve remedy as the greatest and grandest, of medicines. They are our foremost citizens.l men and women ocenpying high places of honor j and trust and known to everybody, people j whose word is ahvays the very essence of trutli and wlio recomnieiid the weak, nervous and euffering to use Dr. Greene's Nervura becanse itcured them, becanse they liave absolute personal knowledge tliat it is a sure restorer of health and trength, and because they wish the public to have the fnll advantage of this truly wonderful medical discovery. 'They desire tliat health, stren.cth and vigor ehall iake the place of weakness, prostration and despair among the people, and they publish the marvelous facts of their own cures, over their own signatures, that the common people everywhere ïnay know that to take Dr. Greene's Hervura blood and nerve remedy means to be restored to health, reinvigorated, rejuvenated, revitalized, with new hope, renewed powers, cuergies and ambitiuus. Heve, 'or instance, is fie reeommendation for tho people to uso Dr. Groene's Nervnra by one of our sreatest Btatesmen, Hon. H. Henry Powers, Morrisville, Vt., Member of Congrega and Chairman of H13 Coinmittse on Pacific líailroads, Mcmbcr of the Committee on election of President and Yice-President, and who for sixteen years before tokinft his scat ia Congress was judt'e of tho Suprerae Coiirt. He has also been State Senator and Speaker of the Verniont House of Representatives. Surely there can be no higher tcstitnony ín favor of a reraedy than the personal words of so distinguislied a 6tatesman and eminent a judge, and v,-e doubt not that liis testimonial andencouraginií reeommendation to those wlio are outof li'ealth to use I)r. Greene's Nervura, will result in the cure of everyone who reads these lines, for his adrice will certainly influenee all to iuimediately use Dr. Greene's Nervura. Consressman Powers says : "I have found that ür. Greene's Nervnra blood and neive remedy is a most valuable tonic, tonini; up the system and producinff a condition of refreshment and buoyaney after long continued mental strain. I have heard it spoken of in terms of high appreciation by raany responsible witnesses, and fully concur a tueir opiaioa. H. HENRY POWERS." Get Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy at once and be cured. Consultation and advice in any and all cases can be had absolutely free f charge, personally or by letter, at the office of Dr. Greene'3 Remedies, H8 State St., Chicago, 111. MEMBER OP CON'GRESS H. HENRY POWERS, EX-JTJDGE OF SUPREME COCRT.


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