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Gold Has Been Poured Into The

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United States, at San Francisco, iNew York, and all the great porte, until our gold circulattion ís fifty ínillion more than it was a year ago, while the total increase in circulation is nearly a hun dred million. There really'seems to beno way to stop theso schemers in tho oíd countries f rom flooding us with their gold and sweeping away the underpinningof the Chicago and other freo-coinage platforms. Comptrollee Eckels of the Treasury Department says that the conditioas throughout the country are most satisfactory. The improvement has come rapidly and permeates all Unes of industry. It began with the agricultural classes. The farmers have good crops and are gstting high prices for them. The cattle-raisers are beneflted by a substantial rise in the price of cattle. The same is true with the sheep-raisers. This' improvement in agricultural earnings has had its effect on the railroads by increasing their earnings. It has put money into circulation and ha3 enabled people to discharge their debts and thereby beneflted the merchants. SOME remarkable evidence was olTered in the Richard's murder trial yesterday. We refer to the statement by one of the witnesses that an impressiou made by the boot of one of the defendant's'in a box of dirt in the court room yesterday was, in his opinión, the same as the track he saw in the snow at the Richards house last winter! Unless the prosecution is able to produce far stronarer circumstantial evidence they had better drop the case at once. Such evidence is ludiorous. If there had been some peculiar mark in each case it would have been different. There ara thousands of such boots in thi9 county between the tracks of which it would puzzle an expert to decide if seen at the same moment. Then how must it be with tracks seen nine months apart? Chas. A. Dana is dead. He was one of the very greatcst journalists of the age; his chief claim to distinction resting mainly upon his editorship of the JNew York Sun. He did not found it, but he did do what was a stil] greater feat; ho lifted it f rom the "peaceíu valley" of nonontity to a prominence which made it the Matterhorn of Amarican journalism, and that withoul the help of the war. The ímpetus given to journalism by the war transformed a good many newspapers from poverty to affluence but Mr. Dana did not enter upon what proved to be his life work until 1868. He had had large experience in journalism, but that was his first opportunity to carry out his own ideas of what a newspaper should be, and he improved it to the full. He had sharply defined ideas as to every branch and twig of a newspaper, from the news department and the editorial column down to the smallest detail of make-up James Gordon Bennett had a geniu for news, Horace Greeley for editorials but Charles A. Dana combined both Undoubtedly he was the greatest all around newspaper man this countr has ever produced. His name wiil no be linked with any great reform, a Mr. Greeley 's is with anti-slavery, bu his soul abhorred the "yellow kid journalism which mistakes the fake o a prurient imagination and a vulga display of egotism for journalistic en terprise. The Sun is not likely to change it character. Mr. Dana had the facult of infueing his own spirit into tbos about him, and the great newspape ■which he made the litterary expres3io of his very self will doubtless go righ on as if nothing had happened. It i one of the ironies of life that one ma do his work so well that he inay coat from hia labors and hardly bo missed. Tuk REGISTEE has heard a number kicks becauso the adraission fee to 'rof. Worcester's lectura Monday ight was so large. Not a few íelt ïat it was a sclieme to mildly coerce )eoplo to purchase soason tickets. If ucll was the idea we know it was not complete success. Keen indignation but mildly expresses the feelings of a large portion of the church and University people herc in in Ann Arbor because of the veriscope exhibition in this city last Saturday night of the Corbet-Fitzsimmons fight. Even were the show as hartnless as the manager claimed, there can be no doubt that a great mauy people consider it otherwise and the enetnies of the University will use the fact that it was received in this city, to the injury of the institution. The number of prominent University and church people who were so opposed to the exhibitions and declare that the show was a disgrace to the city, desire it to be generally known that such an affair could not be thrust upon the people ia tiiis city without a stroug protest on their part.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register