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ITo insuro lnscrtlon our Correspondents üliuuld muil their Items not later than Tuesday a. m. of eiieh weok. II Beitt later they uru likcly to becrowdedout.1 wmvsruu. The Congregational chureh at last has a minister located, and at work amoug its parishloners. Eie is l.lov. Mr. Morehouue, who comes froui Grass Lake. Last Sunday ho cntered into fellowship with the churcu over wnich he presides as pastor. A. Sunbay schoof convention will be held Friday ufternoqn and evening of this week. Mra. ElishaCranson is quite 111. Tho W. L. C. met iast Saturday evening at Mr. Whoeler's, aad deoid'ed to take up U. S. History. The majority of farmers are through with corn husking. It is considerud a good yield here. Misses Nettie Hudson and Ntllie Burnett spent a day in North Lakt-, last week. LIMA. Rev. Mr. Thistle' f rom North Lake, preached here last Sunday. Arl Guerin and Pred Staebier aro epending a week at South Lake, huntiug and lishiug. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hammond, ind children, of Bauister, are viailing relativos here. Fred. Groas will live on W. E. Stocking's farm this winter. Mrs. H. Paige, irom Chelsea, spont Saturday and Sunday with her ton, H. Wilson. JI.VM'IIÜSTKU. Fred Blosser went to Lansing Frilay to visit relatives and to regain his üealth. Mr. and Mrs. John Herman, of Ja:;ksoa, carne here Friday to visit his parents, returning Monday. Howard Macomber ii spending a ,ew days with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yokom en'.ertained friends from Chelsea last ïhursday. Mrs. Dan. Gage has gone;to Goshan, Ind., to visit her parents. Chas. Breining, of Ypsilanti. v ho ïhas been visiting his 3ister, Mrs. Pred. Hall, will return on Friday. MU3 Mate Herman and Miss Maide Goottell went to Jackson, Frldity, on their wheels to viait friends. They retui-ued Sunday afternoon. Mrs.;Oxer and little son Ray,of Cleveland, wbo have spent the summer w ith Air. and Mre. l'refetheru, returned home last week. Mra. Ellen Clark of Cambridge, is tbe guest of Jier parents, Air. ana Mrs. Kusliton. Bert Smith spent Sunday with his wife and sons here. Mr. and Mrs. Asliley and daughter Vera, wera ia town Thur=day. jSIessrs. Austin Yooudc, Fred liali and Cnas. Breining called on frienda at Iron Créele, rfanday. SALINE. J. W. Huil shipped a carload of beans froin this place tliis week. Geo. J. Nissly was in Byron, Friday oo business. K. H. Hendershot,, the drummer boy (tf tüe KappinaunocK, is billed tor the opera house, November 12. Messr. Warren and Lister were at yJïUmore laat Friday. Lxr, Kubl is running a dentist ofriee at M uctie8ter, in connection with tlio one in li)is Plce he 3eing there two dajsin week. Sam M cOifligan spent Saurday itud Suuday vUUyr Ws uncle iu Petersburg. Geo A G M'dla!r' tQ0 kia= of njes' merism, hei írtli Ú0 'Jera büuse' türob nigbts t. woekGeo. Nissly ww i Brldowater, Tueaday on busi. les- Married, at the residence of Mrs. Fosdick Wednesda. mgtlt Miss Tinme Posdlck i. !cr. Víctor Öturm. Tbe bestwibhed ■ i Saline' Jeople So with them. LODI. VTra A.ina Buruett hass.oent tho past t. LiifhtTta'ilni with her daugater, Uv. iWoe, ou North Mam-st, Ana Ai' oor. Mrs. Esty. of Lodl, and daugtiter Mi== Mae, ciertoiaed Mfcs Sarah Wright, oL Auu Arboc, oa J-huibilay ana í ..■íüay. Cal. A. Burnstt, who is engaged in the lumber busiaoss at Bowling Green, Ohio, is visiunK a few days witli his wifo and her pareats, Mi', una M.MJas II. Stevens. Mrs John Sihaible made a busiress trip to Anu Ar'oor last Wednesday. k T.r a'id hifi. Avery Downer, and Mr .„ná Mrs. Grey, of ' Chelsea, alten led thewaJdinsrof ir. Will Hiffsins, a 'jDeerflelü, 0Q Tuesday evenln. Mr. and Mrs. George J Klager h-ivo íe ui at home at Nu. Bv.y tast u ' Hn ingt in'8t .


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