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Unlversity news will be found ou page 9 of this issuo. A company of amatours will give Taust in german at Germania Hall, November 27. It is still uncertain whether or not the rcilitia will hold the annual midwinter circus. The jail is almost deserted 80 far as prisonera are concerned sioee the last term of court. It has now been definitely decided that the Chicago game is to be played in the Coliseum. The Normal foot ball team played the Toledo Y. M. C. A. Saturday, winning by a score of 12 to 6. Misses Von Grave and Baily, Professor Zeitz and Jonas took part ia the faculty concert last Thursday night. The ladies of St. Andrews parish begin tbeir Cbrysanthemum show today. It will continue tonight and tomorrow. The New State Telephone Co. is bard at work and promises to have a number of phones in working order by the end of the week. The Anuual Thanksiving Uay aficrB0OH dansing party will tk !.".u at uual atGrauger' Aoademy. Thursday Not. 25, 3 to 6 o'clock. Dr. Boynton, of the First Congregational churcll of Detroit, will deliver the sermón in the Congregational church of this city next Sunday. Catherine McDiTitt bas begun suit ior divorce f rom her dusband T. M. McDivitt, claiming that he has treated her with extreme cruelty. She asks alimony. A bhort session of tbo common council was held Monöay night. A tnotion to lay a sidewalk along Detroit-st. and another to have the mud taken off the ame itreet passed. Miss M. E. Jacobs, of this city, has a humorous sketch in Sunday'a Detroit Free Press, entitled "In Ann Arbor's Classic Shades." The sketch is vcry good and shows talent. The Elks have received word trom Jaok-ion to the effect that 100 Elks of that city have chartcred a special car and will attend the Charity eDtertaiument to be given here. Two good dancing parties will be given by the Knight Templara, this winter. Ths Light infautry will, of courie, repeat their annual and may give one or two more. Mrs. Henry Wade Rogers, who took a degree from the University several years ago, was in this city a few daya last week, stopping with the Sorosis of wbich society she is a member. Mrs. Ann W. Wüson, G. W. Bullids, and W. D. Harriman have purchused the R. C. Scott place, on the corner of Hill and Washsenaw, and will sell it in the form of lots. The price paid was $10,500. Frederick Rice of Dotroit, feil under a Michigan Centi al train in this city last Wednesday ad had one of hi3 feet badly smashed. He waa taken to the hospital and afterward to cis home in Detroit. Father Kelly and Father Goldrick are engaged in a friendly contest at the St. Thomas fair this week. The one who gets the most votes at ten cents each will become the possossor of a set of vestments. Mrs. Merry, a well known phyiculturist, bas organized a class in which a number of prominent ladies particípate The class willoccasionally be invited to meet with the elasie at work in the woman's gym. A number of Elks from this city received invitations to visit their t;helsea brethren last Thursday nignt. Upon amving there they were met by a delegation of Elks and eacorted to the ball rhere they tsok supper. - L___I__I_m -mM The anauai ÍQpt 9tt game at Dtrit will be pla.yed next Saturday between the U. of M. and Minni'sota. Special! train will rüü from hereand the round j trip tncludlng sdmisslon to tho game will cct f i. Rev. W. M. ForreBt, oí tli ■: Chureh of Cbrisf, will begin next Sunday Lot; a series of seruious to; j people. The lir.-t soriion will be on "Why our youag pe estranged froiD the ohürch". The first leclure óf tbe series of lectures to be given in the Trlnity Lutberan church will be an account oí Mr. J. E. Beal'ö trip through Mexico. It will be Liven thia evenin: und will be of the highesi interest. The engine and dynaraos for the University lighting plant huve been shipped. The authorities aru now able to predict with somo degree of certaintythatthe plant will be in working order by December I. The U. of M. Masonic ulub held lts flrst bancjuot of the year at Prettyinan's Saturday nirht. Prof. E. F. Johnson, Dr. Novy, R. G. MeAllasler, Dr. Vaughan, and othors gave toasts. Tho atfair was a great success. Dr. Nansen will appear at University hall next Tuesday night and will teil tha S. L. A. patrons of bis trip in the 'Tram", of the Ion? drift when frozen in the Arctic ice and of his sledge journey toward the pole. Mark Twaln'a cow book, "Followinf; the Equator", has been eompleted and will make its appearance soon. It contains an account of his recent trip around the world and is told much in the style of his former works. The Ann Arbor Elks will seek to swell their charity fund by an entertainment of the vaudevillo order which promises to be first class. The entertertainment will be given at the Athens theater tomorrow evening. Occasional reports from Railroad Jack drift in from surrounding towns. He is still on his hungry happy tour in the interest of good government and low railroad fare. He was ordereii to be gone from Detroit laat week. The Times and the Argu3 have begun a crusade against the gang of loafors wbo hang around the entrance to the opera house block. The pólice have been asked to-heip and it is to be hoped the nuisanco will be doDe away with.; The supper at the M. E. ehurch I Yiday and Saturday evenings was a success both finaucially and socially. The eooks and walters, of whom Hon. A. J. Sawyer was chief, especially distinguished tttómselve. The proceeds amounted to $90. The visiting social of the Chural Union, giyen in the school of music Saturday night consisted of a grand march in which persons found partners by lot and a number of dances. At 12 oTc!ock time was called and the merry makers went home. Rumor says that Oscar Pierco, of Orep;(m, who attended the Ann Arbor highschool last year, is soon to be married to one of the fair maids of this city. Tiiey will meet in St. Louis and be married after which they wil! go on to Mr. Pieroe's homa in Oregon. The junior law class is having a great time over the election of offleers, An eloction was held but some dissatisfie;J members decláred it void and elected a new lot of oilioers. The question as to which set of officers lg the real one has gone to the faculty for decisión. The filet entertainment of the Choral Unio-i Course will be girf in University hall next Thursday night, Mov. 18. The concert will bo given by the Thomas Orehestra, of Chicago. This orchestra has appeared here for a number of seasons and never fails todrawj a good housp. The noxt entertainment on the Y. M. C. A. lyceum course will be given next Tuesday evening at the Athens theatre and will bo the John Thomas Concert Company. The music will be vocal and instrumental selections by wellknown artists. The fire department was called out Tuesday morning to put out a fire on the corner of State and Madison. !n lighting a match one of the rooniers ccidedtally set fire to a sofa. By hard vork the two boys occupying the room suececded in throvving the burning couch out of window. Tickets for Nansen's lectura are on sale at Palmer'! Pharmacy on State-st... and VVuhr'u book store, Main-gt. Season tickets, $2.00. Resorved seats, 50 cents extra, full course. Single admission for Nansen's lecture, Í1.00. Reserved seats, 11.50. A farmers team ran away Thursday afterncon, creating some excitement on Washington btreel. The farm j on, loaded with coal, collided with a buggy to J. !'. lloeizle and' damaged it badly. The tcatn was eaught after running a biook. ■ ' The wrlter o' these liuoa was bUely informed by one of the tonnhers of the ward schoojs that sim enyajred as a teacher 27 years ago, the same year' Prof. Perry beo.itna Superintendent, and sho has not lost a day from nehool un! il a few clays sincc, by slek i - - The po-t, oilii-'o last raorjth did tho largest m nitli's !msi lesa n lts hislory tj dovural hundrod dollars. In spitw of the fact tlüit iIliü-o were Bvé Sundays in the month, the receipts from tho sule of stampa were $3,00082, an increaseof iicarly $500 over thu month of October last year. - Argus. Eddie Ravenaugh, soa of S. B. Ravenaugh, years ago a vvell known Ann Arbof photoiirapher, eommitted suicide in Chicago last weck, by taking chloroform. The young fellovv had been in hard luck for some time and in ja üt of despondency took his own life. I Hls mother lives in Pennsylvanin.- Times. Two Italian fruit peddlars were arrested last week under the ordinanee requiring peddlars to have licences. They received their fruit from the Michigan Central trains and sold it out without going through the central part of town and thus for a time avoided the the pólice. They were flned about four dollars eaeh. The followinjj persone from this county have taken out licenses to shoot deer: Oscar D. Luick, Wm. F. Ludholz, Nelsoa Garlingbouse, Warren E . Walker. Chas. H. Manly, Ann Arbor; Jas. Breakey, H. II. Avery, Che! sea: C. P. Newton, W. S. Draper, Ypsilanti: George Bowen, T. S. Walker, A. W. Sheffield, Salem: Lewis A. Wilcox, A. E. Gurduer and C. A. Gardner, Milan. The Courier of last week contained an account of one of Dr. Coburn's sermons in which he announced to his Denver eongregatiou and to the world some recent discoveries in Egyptian Papiri. One of the discoveries is that of a leaf from the New Testament and tho other is a leaf from a note bookand purports to eontain some of the sayings of Cbrist as recorded by one of his bearers, The Keystone club of Ann Arbor may be all right, but we sball never isek U be electt)4 its prenide. Why 't Because the president has to set up a big banquet to the members. Do you suppose we'd feed a lot of duflers, with appetitos as open as a March hurricane, like some ehaps we know over there, simply for the honor of being president of the club? We're no bonanza king. - Adrián Press. One day last week the Detroit Journal published an account of the .sudden den death of Miss Marie Turner of the Ann Arbor High school. Next day the Journal took it all back. The account had bean written by 'another BEÏgh school girl, who said slie thought it would be funuy to read an account of a nirl'í deeith and then have her come into class. Miss Turner has received a nuinberof flora! gifts for her funeral. The height of the "Card of Thanks1' fad has been reaohed in the oae published in tho Times last night signed by Lyons, Larkics and Jone, thankuig the sheriff, the circuit judge, tho jury, et al., "who so cordially and wil)lnly lielped tis through our long and tei'ious trial." Ye Üods, has it come to that? - Courier. How ruuch a line did they pay for it. - Argus. Next, newspaper uroprietors will insert a card of thanks to subscribers who pay up. The Columbia RepubKoati publUhus the following interesting resume of the laws for the game season: "Bookagents may be killed from October 1 to September 1 ; spring poets from March 1 to June 1; scandal mongers, April 1 to February 1; umbrolla borro wers, Aug. 1 to November 1, and from Fobruary 1 to May 1; while every man wüo accepts a paper two years, and wheu the bili is presented saya "I never ordcred it," may be killed on sight without reserve Qr relief from valuation or appraiseraent iawB, and burieci face downward, without benefit or clergy," In his address last Sunday before the S. C. A., Prof. Kelsey said that from 1885 to 1895 state univcrsities increased in membership 320 per cent. In New Kogland colleges the increase was 20 percent, while iu denominational colleges the inercase was only 4t per ceut. State universities have 84 per cent. of their membership in attendance at religious services and 55 per cent of these are church members. Methodists predomínate, with Presbyteiiaii3, Congregationalists, Episcopa]insi aud BaptUts in order a named,


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