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ZINAP. KWtG'S AGENCY. General Insurance. Life, Firc, Tornado, Accident, Plate (lass, etc, at lowest premium rafes. flortgage Loans. Monuy to loan ;ii 'lio lowest current ratea of Interest. Colleclions. Collections of all kinds' mado on reasonablo terms. No. 210 Itlain Street, Soutli, Ann Arbor, - Mich. "i Didn'i Knoi of a music store down here on Liberty Street' is an expression by mauy who come to our i the firat time, but the small di.- tacoe of only three doors frora Main street makes a ]ara:e ditïerence in expenses - and the benefit tijerefrotn goes to the customer v!i o wants ANYTH?NGSN THE MUSICAL LINE. AGENCY POR Schomacker Gold String Pianos, 8. Shoningsr Celahrated Pianos, Schatter PianosTt woulü be wasting words to teil of the cmerits of the FARRAND&VOTEY PARLOR ORGANS, made by the saine fïrm that made the great World's Fair Columbian orpan, now in University Hall. Schaeberle Music Store No. 8 W. Liberty St. . ANN ARBOR, - KUCH, OüR 25 CENT COLUMN, WANT E, FOK KENT:- A moderate sized house, r Mee. pleasant, central location. rooms, three rio-, vis. pantry. collar. Water closet inside. Sewcr conneotlon. AU i:: nice order, ünly $14 per montli. Enquireat ■22 N. State SI. ',! f?OK RlilNT- A very pleasant nlno room 1 house, No. 112:! West Liberty St. 0.60 per month. Inquire at No. 1085 West Liberty St. :uf CtALESitlmV WAIVTE-S100 to ïüVpTr 0 month and expenses, staple line, posltion permanent, pleasantanddeslrable. Address, wlth stamp, Seymour-Whltney Oo.. 8. 198 ChlcaKO. III. (83) WAMtuD-Ah experti nced salesman and book-keeper desirea-a tiuiation I Arinr. Isst raag ana temperare aud wlillng to work at t moderate salary at any respectablework. If you want such :i man, adilressH. B. M., Ann Arbor, Ktslster O' !tf. WANFIBO- Trustworthy and active pentlemcti i i travel tor respi ble, estalillslied bouge in Michigan. Mouthly 865.00 expenses. PosiUon steady. Rcfori lïnclosfe self-addressed fetamped eavi lope. The Dominion Company, Dept. V, Chicago.. VOB 11.85 per Cord, cash. w will dellvCT ' besi quailty of tbarouehly eeasoned niixet! Hncli :i;:il MaplO WÖaa. Vi'(! havo tJoal and (Joko Clark & Bassett, 208 Èast WaahlDgtoq-gt. Phone ! ■.. ,[ WAWTKD-Bomebrlgbt younji mun about 1-7 yi ar:, of wlio wants to woru ap IntOftgood paylngjob, oan Itarn sómething co li Is advantave Bv enqulring at the Besrister Office rile K. Hiiron st. WAlNTESi-Lady 11 yfiars of age would lite situatlon to du house vori.-. Is a stranser in tlie city. Addrèss Kal ie. Box 1119, City. Ui) WANTEH-Ncw añd Seccnd-hard FeathersattheStoam i .. ruet Uleanins work.s. letroit St. t% ' FOU S.V1.K. PBSALK:-ïly farm of 12a acres tTo ■■ bou1 boast of Ann Axbor, about forty iicres of peach orchard. six acres of peur orchard, five acres of apple orchard, uood buildingsiland in a higli si ate of culi i vat on. l'or terms emnire on premises. Kobert McOardy. FOIt SAI.I2 AT A BAKiAI-Auine room house wítli a BxlS roii lot, íhhi::;v of 1 ountain and Suiiiiit street, Arm Arbor larebarn, shed and shop! house contalDi liath, hoi nti'l cuiil soft water, also city water and a u over failiriK wei] of pure sprlna water. Fine garden. Por price and ti Hpply on the prcmlses. ;, fcf iiCHEDULG OF TElCHEKSi UXAiU1NATIONS. The regalar examlnations for all gradee will be held al Ann Arbor the iliird Thurguay and Frlduy of August, 1807, and the last ïhursday and Frlday of March, 1898. Exuminatlons for second and thlrd erad' Ypsilanti, t!ie thlrd Thursday and l'iidav óf October. 1897, and at A an Arbor tlie tfilrd Thureday and Friday of June, 1898. Special examlnations for thlrd grade only at Salln tiie thlrd Crida; of September, 1897. tf W. N. LISTEB, Commissloner' TELEQRAPHY. Situations Guaranteed JZiï Wantedyoungmou andladli wltn lulu Blsctrlc Telegravh uutimuy una learn telegraphlng on our Unes I ra medir jtely and takepositionaiu a few weeks. For sraw and inforniation addri M. Vf, KA1CSII, Seoretarr, 330 W. Lalie St., Ohlcago. ■ - ■" ' XDETROnF, MICH."- The best pliwie In America, fur yuung men anI tomen to secure a BusÍimhü Education. Bhorthftnrt, , Mechauieal Drvwing: or FaniaanBhip. ïhoronph . tem of Actual Business. Sessf on entire Student [ begin ny time. Catalogue Yeo. lieference, aU SWtnt. T. y. jaWELI', Pret. K E. SPENCER, 8.


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