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Hustling Business Men

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America points with pride to the vast sums held in trust by her Savings Banks, whose depositors, as a rule, are found in the humbler walka of life among the artisans, craftsmen, and toilers in all her varied intere3ts, wbose brain aud muscle have builded her most substantial elemente of wealth, and whose grand accumulations is the sure forerunner of the future. Among this class of banks Ann Arbor is rcpresented by the Ann Arbor Savings Bank, which was chartered in 1869 and during its business career has maintained an untarnished record, and has served all its depositors faithfully and iionestly. It is officered as follovvs: President, Christian Mack ; Vice President, W. D. Harriman; Cashier, Cuas. E. Hiscock; Assistant Cashier, Michael J. Fritz. They are gentlemen of arominence in the commercial and pro'essional circles of the county and the scrupulous care with which they have guarded the funds placed at their disjosal, and the success which has at;ended their management indicates not only ability, but that they duly apjreciate the responsibüity of the trust inposed in them, and that they enjoy the reward of knowing the Bank is re jarded as one of the most rellablo institutions in the state. It is an Interest which has been fruitful of pood, and we hope that its good work ivill ive with, instëad of after, it. SCtlALRER & MILLEN. In no class of trade and with no house in the line of an extensive Dry Goods business is the promise of increased activity in trade more strikingly illustrated than at the store of Messrs. Sehairer fe Milieu. In speaking of this house we desire to impress upon the minds of our readers, first, Messrs. Schairer & Millen do at all times and under ill conditions of business, keep constantly presented to the public ;i successio i oí new ideas in the wy i novelties and styles. Seooad, ui,' make it their constant aim aad .s u ly to procure the most desirable good for each department, and, being closely identiüed with many.of tho iniporters and'manufacturers, areenaoled to otter a most superior line of goods, at prices beyond the reach of sucoes-sful competition, and they are daily rcceiving abundantjevidence of the just appreciation of their efforts to ploaso their many patron3 throUiihout Ann Arbor and vicinity. The stock displayed plaiuly testilies to the extent oí their business coaneetions, in fact, this store is tilled to overflowing with the very choicest designs of silks, dress goods, jackets, wraps, capes, underwear, hosiery, corsets, embroideries, kid gloves, lace curtains, notions, fancy goods and miscellaneous merohai.Uise pertaining to this special bi-aneh of trade. A special and most gratifying leature of this house is its system of guaranteeing all goods to be oxactly as represented, all goods being exchangod or money refuuded cheerfully. I: is not saying too much to claim that Messrs. Schairer & Millen possess ao adaptability and capacity for developing and carrying on a gigantio enterprise. The goods are sold at such low prices as to gain for this store the reputation of being tlie greatest bargaip house in the city, and new bargainu are being offered every day. MUEHLIG & SCHMID. Among the prominent and representativa business men engagod in the Hardware tracle in this seetion, special mentiün must be accorded Messrs. M utihlig & Schmid. The business was establishod by L. C. Kisdon, in 1850, and since it oame into the possession of Messrs. Muehlig & Schmid, the busi nes lias been enlarged, so that now ■ they oarry one of the largest and most ! complete stocks in this vicinity, and have uuilt up a largo tirst-elass trade, at the saine time sustaining a high reputation for their enterpriae and business eagacity. It would be impossibie as well as impractical toattempt an enumeration of the arious artieles pertaining to this important branch of ' commerce that may be found at this establishment. The stock is very larga and the specialties iu some articles, of which they possess many, are of suuh a nature and bear such a character of usefulness as to claim universal attention and general patronage. The general stock carried embraces every i Oont.laued on iB(?e two. HUSTLING BUSINESS MEN. [Continued {rom page ono] cnown article in the line of hardware, utlery, tools, manufacturera' supplies, )uiidera' hardware, shelf jood, und general supplies in irou joods, and oole for all trades, as well as farmiug inplement, stoves, ranges, oil and gasoline stoyes, mantels, grates, tiliay:, glass, etc, and do all kinds of tinniDg, urnace wolk, etc., all oí whioh Ure oid at pricea which defy successful competitioü. By addressing or callin; upon Messrs. Muohlig & Schtnid our readers will be afforded immediate inormation relativo to facilities of the ïouse, pnces and torms for the supplyng of any goods, and callers may furthur depend upon receivinjf that attention and consideration in keeping with the charmcter of one of the best estabJishmeuib of lts kind in this section of the state. LUICK BROS. The trade in rough, dressed, and manufactured lumber of evcry deserip" tion is couducted in Anu Arbur by Messrs. Luick Bros. They possess the very best facilities for the handliug and shipment of stook. The planing mili ís well equipped with all the latest and most highly iinproved tnachiuery and appliancea adapted to the business. Sküled mechanice are kept busy in the manufacture of all kinds of sash, doors, blinds, wiudow frames, braekets, etc. of every description. Veneered hardwood doors, interior finish, and boute trimmings of all kinds being; a prominent aud growing feature of the nene. They aleo carry an extensivo stock of lutnber and are always prepared to íurnish anything íroni the rough lumber required for the frame, to the ünest inside finish. Shiugles, lath, siding, flooring, etc. are also ourried in lai-ge quantities and are supplied to the trade or individuals upon terms which are invariably satisfaoiOry. TUeir complete aud thorouglily outlitted establishment enables them to do work of the hitrhest merit at a miuimum of cost to a trade which extends througliout this section of the btate. Messrs'. Luick Bros, are thorough aud skilltd iu every department of the industry and are among our most enterpriaiog and progressive citizeiis and thi6 business under their mauagement has become one of our niott prosp;i-ous ar.d substantial in9titutionf, auü it plays an important part in the business life of the county. KYER MILLING CO. Amollé the very important Flour Mills in this section of the state, iitme enjoy a higber re(.utatioa for tb o excellence of service aud for superiority of its productions than does tbe Kyer Millinjj Co. The plant consista of very sabstantial buildings, eontainiD tho most improved facilities for turaing out an excellent quality of flour, mili feed, meal, g:raham flour, etc. In fact, nothing has Deen leftundone that skill, capital, and science could command, to make tbe plant complete in every detail of equipment and power, aul itt productions are noted for their general excellence, and are in constant ücinund throughout this and surrounding counties. The leading brands of llour inanufactured are the celebrated J '.ollor King, Roller Queen, and Suucess, wiíilu are general invurici iu wju market and are unsurpassed, and rarely equaled for fine quality, by any house in the county. Corn meai and mili feed of all kinds are also ulwaya earried in stock and sold at niarket prices. Cuatoin jrindinti ia done in the most Hatisf actory manner, whilo tho highest market price is paid for all kindB of grain. Messrs. Kyer & Co. are thorougfh and skilied in every department of the industry and are anionp our and (irofrressive : zona aml the aiillinfr hur-infss Under j their management haá biiccuiiH onc of i our tnosii prospi'coiw and mibstantiftl Lngtltutioos, and it plajs u:i important pa;-t in t:m busluesa oí the citj. JRWfiLER AND OPTiClAN of lhemot eleifantly appointMd and nutst i-ioi.-kcil Jewelry estal'lish-j me uts on Anu Arbor'HUO-t profnltlenl I businc-cM 'liorougbfai'u lfl thnt o' lii-. George II aller, whero a co' salesroom is fltted up in modern j politan style, with haudsome plato j glass cases whioh are stockeil witli an admirably selected assortment of tine American and imported watches, rare jewelry and precious stones in jrreat variety, bronze French clocks, solid sil verware, optical goods. and everything pertaining to tbis special brancli of trade, particular attentlon is paid to fine watch and jewelry repairintf, and thereputation which the hou8e has reaüy acquirea in tuis üepartment has led to a larg-e patronage which is steadily increasing. He is also a practical and accomplished optician and devotas his personal attention to this department, üttiotr and adjusting lenses to the peculiarities of hia patrons' visión, "n fact Mr. Halier is ultilled and pxlerienced in every department of the msiness and is enablod to guarantee roliable work to all who have business ■elations with this very reputable house. Personally Mr. Haller is among ur most onterprisintr and progressive juslness men, in whom may be placed the greatest conüdence, and our readers can feel assured that nowhere in this section of the state will a more appropriate selection be placed at thoir disposal. CLOTHING AND FÜRNISHING GOODS. The leading and most popular clothing establishment in Ann Arbor is unquestionably the handsome and well appointed store of Messrs. Lindeaschmitt & Apfel. In speaking of this house we desire to impreas upon the rainds of our readers that Messrs. desohmitt & Apfel mate It tholr'constftnt aim and stiid.v to procuro the most. des'rable gooda for i-ach departmeut und being ulosely identifiod witli many ol tb.3 leadiu importers and manufacturers, are enablud to offer a most superior lino of goods at. prices wtnch defy sueeessful compotition, and they ar daily receiving' abundant evi doni.-e of tlic just appreciation of their etïorts to please tiieir m-inv patrons thfoiiiíhoat Aun Arbor and vicinity. The ttock displayed plainly testilies to thu cxte.nt of their busicesss conneottons. In faot, this store is filled to overflowing with a eompletB lino of men'ri, youth'á, and boys' elothinf? íd every style, design, variety and pattern, inoluding a!l tlio newest fabries, both in fioe and medium grades; also fine white and fancy shirts, novelties in neckwear; collars and cuffs, underwear of all kinds, silk and linon handkerchiefe, trloves, hosery. etc. The hat and cap department is unusually attractive and embraces all tho latest styles in that line. Personally Messrs. LindenschmiU & Apfel are public spirited, enterprisiug business men, and have had a larsre experience in the trade, and by honest and square deahnss have built up a growinjj and prosperous business in this sectioa, and their success in meeting the demanda of the trade, promises oontinued success and prosperity in the futuro.. MARTIN HALLERS. Ilandlin nothinfi but reliable, firstclass goods and strictly upright in his detUns;s, it is only in the nature of thiniis thut Mr. Martin Haller should have attained the fuil uieasuc.j f suooess that has attended n patronage iroucbs&fed to few in this vlcinlty. Thu store whioh is well and neatly arraneed is located at 112, 114 and 116 East Liberty Street, extensive Stock is coustantly cnrried on hand. embraeina: elogant parlor and ehambfir svuts In plain and artUtiC designs, snbstantial and handsoine dinin-roora and kitcben íurmture of every deseriptvon. exquisito cabinet articles, richly i liolstered goods, sofas, settees, rocking chairs, baby carriages and. a complete stock of everything in the funiitnre line aDd carrics one of the largest and most complete stooks of carpets, dvaperies, rugs, etc, in this sectioi) of the state. Bottom prices prevail and custoniers may teel assii'-ed of getting honest value for their moocy in every article they buy. Mr. Halier is alwaya pieased to show customers througrh his large establishment, and an i tion of stock incurs no obligation to puvchase. He does not tolérate misrepresentations; what be sells is sold on its merit and for lts true, value. The style and finish of the parlor, dining-room and office furniture displays a degree of cultivated taste and skilied ! workmanship rarely excelled and fabulously low in price. Mr. Halier is too well and favorably known in social and j business eireles to require any spocial mention at our hands. Suftiee to shv ihat he is a foremost patrón of all measures tending toward the progresa nuC development of trad ïu thU vicinity. . „ J. F. SCHAEBERLE. Üne f the leadiriL and most pftpular estiiblishriients in its line in this 1 tion is that eonducted by Mr. J. F. i Schueberle, who is well and most I orably known iu business and financia! circles of the county. His music rooaii are tasteful in arrangement and a full line of pianos and organa of the most noted manufacturera of tbe country aro carried in stook. Pianos and urgaos are sold for cash or on the installment plan and those intending to purchase are cordially invited to cali and Inspect stock and get prices before purohasing elsewhere. Second hand pianos and orgrans are taken in exohange on a liberal allowance, ünd are rented, tuned, ! repaired and accurately adjusted, ai reasonable rates. He also carries n complete stock of Btring and wind instruments in a variety of makes, also a full line of supplias of all kinds, ing strings for all instrutnents, and all the newest and most popular sheet musie of the day, all of which are sold at prices as low as in any larger city All mail orders for supplies or mugió i are given immediate attention. It is the aim of this house to give every i tomer ful! valué for money expended j and this it is ehabled to do by ineans of its direct purchases. Mr. Schaeberle is a gentleman of unusual business abüity, standing high in business, social, and musical circlea and much respectad j and esteemed by all. EBKRBACII & SON. That i first-cliiss pharmany kepí a cordiog t' modero iUea, and concluciod I with personal skjü tuid inteiligeuo.) is a great buou to any cotiioillnity la tb') palpable to idrait cif quHstion. In thti respect Aan Arbor i well prévidtid fur in tbs esiablisümBlit of Mussi's. tCbdf biicli & Sjo. Tlie slore Whico is oaeof the best equipped in the city, is uomplite in all fts appointinents and weil stockecl with au assortment of pure, fresn drujs and medicines, chemicals, and druggist BUndrlee of every dtrseription, including u judioiously selecteii line of proprietory preparations of standards of value and merit, whily everything about the establishment betokens thorough system and prauucal judgement. Physiciang prescriptions and fatnily receipts are ] pounded with skül and accuraey aud receive at their hands that attentioa j their iruportance demauds. All drug stores mtiKü Bpeoial claims to the merite i of their prescripción department but Messrs. Eberbach & Son caa justly eulogize theirs for ia addition to the largo line of drugs and druist UQ dries carried, they have the most complete Unes of fine chemical glassware, chemical and physical in the state. Pt'.i'tonally, Messrs. Eberback & Son are public spiritcd, pleasant, courtecus and enterpi-isin gentlemen, prompt, accurate and reliable in all business transaetions, and always evince great interest in all worthy projects pertaining to the'growth aud developmeut of trade in this vicinity. DOTY & FEINER. One of the most popular shoe establishments in this vicinity is that eonducted by Messrs. Doty & Peiner whiob i is ono of the oldest business houses ui I the oity, Mr. Doty having been in the S business over 40 years, the present Qrni : of Doty &; feiner being establistied in '. 18S8 una owing to the efficiënt inaaaffe ment it has been a most gratifj injr gUccess. They occupy spacious and bly loculed premises wuicb aro íkled ! up in tire inyst modern styie and wlfcb. j tpeeial reférence to tho business. : Id i the largo and complete awsortment carried, may be fouad overything in the line of fine and medium gradea in hand and machine made boots, shoes, slippers, rubbers, etc, for ladi'.'S, men's, boys', and childrea's wear; also all the D8W und fashionable novtjlties of the season. These goods bave boon selected f rom atnonjí th roduotlöns of the best makers known to thé trade aad are unsurpassed in style, quality of material and workmunihip, wbile the prioea are al aya beyotid Mie reach of ïucoesïful competitiod. Consequeutly the house stands high in the favor and eonlideuce of the trado in this vicinity. Messr6. Doty & Feiuer are public spirited, pleasant, oourteous and entt;rprÍ8Íní; gentlemen; prompt, accurate and reliable In all business transaotions and justly ninrit the buceess they have actiieved by their ability.and perseveVance. WALKER & CO., CARRIAGK MffR. Office and-Repository, 115 W. Liiberty-st Works, 309-311 Ashloy-bt. Among' the leadlng and most reputable carriage muuufaulurert) of i-liis vicinity of the state. promlneDt mentiou I must be aeeorded Mesare; W lker& Cá. who havo met with the best ui sucuesHi fiom tho fuct that lUny hsü aoue huti the best of material. anO their work haS the roputation óf beinsf reliaulo, durable and substaotial. They uccupy couveniently located premlsea wuieh are equipped with every convenience and facility adapted to the business. Tne outut includes line earriug-es, buggiea, and litrht and heavy wagons, whieh, by reason of tlieir unrivaled facilities, they are enabled to offer to putrons at priees readily dupJicated in th is seetion if the state. The work beinu of vei-y high is on tbtese Unes that Messrs. Walker & Co. have won their reputalion. Eniployment is furuishc-id to sKilied workmen under I their personal supeiuntendeaee, thus maüitainiiljí for tlieir producís that high repulatiou which has ínade the enterprise a success. They are also extensivo dealers iu bicyclts,, robes, horse blankels, etc., and those intending: to purcbase are eordially invited to cali and inspoot their larinstock an] get prices before purchasiag: elsewbere. Considerablo repair work is taken in and in this branch alfo the greateet care is taken, In short, it has been the aim of this house froui the start to furnish tirst class work at fair and reasonable prlues, and in this it is sueceediug in a marked defji"ee. Personally Messrs. Walker & Co. are amonti our most enterprizing and progressive business men whotakean inlerest in al! that pertal ns to tho advancement of trads in this vieinity. O. M. MARTIN. If tbere is one business more than another that requires for its suceessfui proseeutiona larje amouutof line taste, delicacy of thought and expxessioii towardb ita patroas, and a teuder respset and sympatliy for thch" feellogs, it is that of funeral director. How few we ñnrt. that ure in tlns profession, vhi have these requisites; but in ever.v citj and villape may be found moo engaged ia tbis profeséion who bavo a natural ad&pt&tion, and a fino scnse of the friendly feeline and sympathy thnt should be awarded to alt such occasions and we reter with pleasure to Mr. O. M. Martin, who, in the complete furnishing and conductiug of funerala, for either the poor or wealthy, b:iK no superior, displayinir no unseemiogiy ostentations hi8 goods, or the eonductinjí of his business. A quieí ülegance pervaiies in bis conveniently arranged establishment. Tbis houee has gone along in.the evon tenor oí tís [ way, aud by honesty and truthflI!es I in all transactions with palrous?. hat gained tbeir entire yoijtl will and i-onli deuce. Special attention is triven ti embalmiug, and the use of a prepara tioti which preserves the features an( eives a life-like expression. Everv de tail is under the personal supervisión of VI r. Martin md perfeot satisfactlon is tbe result. HUTZEL & CO. Few if any of our business men have been more fortúnate m seuurin;; a hoid on public favor and coQJideiiue than Messrs. Hutzal & Co., vvlio are expert plumbers, jas lictor, steam and hot water heatinfr ei)tin"ci'-. nrul all (vork done by them is uarunteed to ba Strictly flrst chtss. Ttoev aluo ui ;.! i:i supplies of all kinds hüi have ;i:i extenglve trade. The eufc-rprls i wua Htablished in 18"7 and froip tho start haa enjoyeO u. larye iiml tjrawiiiü .■ j)0aa1'-. A full am] cotnp stu .. "; ■ -- !ii [jnïs, sleatn and (KttijUtfiugupM lauüt-8 ! are always oarried. Tli are in 1 edtojiive cstlmatea "ii ntl ftseij of i i work iu the line abovtj i;;íiio:Ued. i j iuí especial attentioo 1 1 water syi vm ■, I house dí'aininjís sewnmt;, eanitHpy work and beatintr, und all oontraeta undertaken by them are eertain lo i' performtd in tiie inost oomptete and : satisfaotory ruanner. Jobblng (feneral ly is executed witti skill nná di-pa1ch, ■ all orders reoeiviníf prompt attentton, while the prices charfted are distinctlv moderate. Messrs. Hutzel & Co. llave i done the plumbing1 and other w(irk on some of the bandsomest and largest struetures in the' city. which stands as evidence of their ' skill. Peraonallv they are atnong our enterprisiny and ' progressivo business men and their en; tetprise is an important factor in the business life af our eity. i g. ir. wild. A leading inerchant tttlloring estabI lisüment which, since Inaugurating i business here has, through superior I workmanship and upright and honorable transactions, built up a larre pat■ roñare among the bese classes in the comtiiunity, is the above. The store is I most centrally located and oontains at all seasons everything new and fashïonable in foreign and duuu-stic woolens, cassimeres, worsted, tweed 8, itieltons, cheviots, diagonuls, broadcloth, etc. The worlc of this house is of the I most artistic oi-der and affords perfect satisfaction in materia!, the fit and latI est stykí t)oin(T guarantc'd at a!l limes. ; Mr. Wild is noted for bis close obser vanee ot metropolitan BtjlH umi cos! turnes, anti can turn out, atany time, a ! snit or overcoat equal to any New 5 Ofk of (;hicago house, while the prices charged are most moderate in confiider atlon of the quality of workmanship. Anythlnu made here can be relied upon as belng Btrictry first-clab iu I every particular. Everj srarment made at tliis establishment is closely scrutintaed before being1 sent to it.s des;üü, thua ubsurinjí to iiatrons,thorüu; city made and eleguntly flnlahed jrartaeats in èvory iastauce. Mr. WUd has, by his enterprlse, together wíth I consciëntieus, liberal, and honorable I dealioga, built up a trad and i tiou o( which aoy one might feel proud. ! THE UURD-HOPMES CO. Among the most pi-oirinent of Ann Arbor's ciitnmerclal enterprises is the I house of The Himl-liolines Co , who i navo huilt up a ïnvge aod permanent i patronage in this aud adjolning ■ ties. They ure extensivo dealers in carrlages, wagons, farm Hnd (arden seeda, i eto , and carry a large stock unit j pleto aesortment of linu aod tuadium I harneas, borse i'1 inkets, whips, 1 en, curry coiiibi'id Uorao furnisliin-; j goods of all kinds. They also carry in i stook and inake . specinlty ui all kin-I i of farm muohitiery anl impleniBi the best and most reputable makes, ; ly tliose of well Unow ïïiei-it. being i f'ored for sale. Tliey oarry a fnll Iído i of extras. for all machine aU ali kinds of farmüiü' Implemento and conduct a general supply business, which exteilda throiisrhout this section. Those lnteudtng to pnrehase are coadjsUy invited to cali aud Uispeet stock and get prices be f ore purchasing elsewhero. l'lvir line of farmÍDt; Implements is uuriv!ed bv any iiuilar esrabHshment, fuitllity, durability ahrt general excelfincej mió aro soid al pi icos wliicli úv. y successful etmipetilion and altügetbr tuls eata'blUbmeat is among the most unpotlaot in the county. Messrs. Hun: and Holmest the proprietors of this well known house are amoiiir om most, ènterprising and ] rpgreeslvu iud iness men amJ cilizens svho take nu interest in all pertalDine; to thu adv . iui ■ inent of traite in íIi'lk vicrnity, und their enterprise is au imi ortunt factor iu the business Hfe of our city. ANN ARBOR ELECTRIC GRÁN1TE AND MARBLE WORKS. One of the most gr&tifying evideno b of tho spread of correct artistlc tustcainong uil classes of society is thegreat dtteiition that ia cow beiug paid tu the roductlon of beautiful designs in j ranlte and tcttrble in íuí; wuy of ! uments, heudstones, Boulpture ánd our roductions io these lines are not surjassed by those of any othor country in he world. Every year the national excellence in this respect becoraes more distinctly marked. A ieading house in ,his vicinity of the state in tneso line.s s that of Mr. John Baumgardner, suecessor to Anton Eiaele, whoeatabliijhed I DusitiHSs liere in 1688. .'■ foróe o skilk-ci workma.i aro Umploysd 111 the manufacture of a beautiful assortment of monuments, headstone, memorials. etc, all of designs erabraciní artisúc taste and concepUon in the hiarhest gree. It has been the aim of tais house to furnlah striutly ürstclasa workto the trad 3 and puDlio at reasonable prices. and it cordially invites iutendin; purehaaers to eall and inspect th stock and get pricfts befüre purchainy elsewhere. Personallj. H can be said of Mr. Baumjiardner that hireputation for producing the flnest and most artistic woi'k is beyond doubt. At tbe same time hls honorable metiïods of dealinr assurus cootldonüö to til havijr busiuess relations wilh hlm. (Continued on page flvo )HUSTUNG BUSINESS MEN. 'CoiiUnmci tfOpg pLK tw., I C. H. MAJOR. - DECOUATOH. Tlic develóptoent and prfccttbh of social tastes and rettuuiueñt are uowhere displayed to bcl.l.or advanlatru tban in tbo aim and deMi'o of sooieiy to ' beautifyaad decórate the home. the demand tor attractive aësigoa superior taste in artistic fnihtíng, fr?si'oiiig and house decorating gèu i nliijttd the intelligent ánd cl. tuun'iu-oik of nieu pusseíwfl o! Superior taeUítiea for decorativo ui-r,. Tin; ,-i.-ci-ydited leader in this vitipity in thii ín portan t branch of índústry i Mi-. O. II. Major; who possessos in the hiphedt degree the artistíc facilities, which have boen perfeoted by a. faithfal unpreiíticobliip in soiiw of tlie bes' vie.t?s m the lítate. LlLs d. siüfns aV pecially American in taMe :tnd i and few artists equal him in the Bi t ,.f haodsome and eirikiag effeetiti hínne, cburch and ball decorating, aud pii)'i' j haniíitjj.' in :t!l i!s bi-tn;lics añil -, tures. Mr. Major hax been entín.'( ir, i this business BÍDce 1876. He carril n stock a ílne assortrnent of wall u. i whicn is nqual as rvgnrö beau'fef of Vifcsign, quality and vai-jety. to any , ■- tblishment in the larijl-st ttfvï:ain prints, oils, varnish, paintéri'sUwli -. glass, win.iow sbados. room JRoulil ;, ■-. etc. Mr. Major ia am.iny mriDo terprisinp and pWjffef'StVÍ men and eitizons and hi.s enterpi an important factor in the bilftiai ■ of city. BOOKS, STATIOXHRV, ETC. The book and stationery has been developtd into such. a Vïgoj'oüs and healthy pursuit that it has assuun-d one of the standard and most promj nent business interests of the ooiinty. Probably no meruatitile business in tne vicinity is botter known tliau that uf Mr. George Wahr. In' the tiade pf Dooks and stationery th is esta.blihiin -,t, ranks the C0B,cercs m this Bection, and its suecessful career in this diivction well uiitillus it to the larare and constanllv inereasini ii.iir.nn. ■ I - - - - . _ _ J mm m. _ m. mT "W j f I ■ Í'IJ age whicb it now enjoya. Tliis lare trade isdue to the simple facls of sepinsr the very best in each Une of fotids at moderate prices, and í;ithfully fulfilllng caeh and every representation made to customers. 'ín lo.iking throtiyh the store we find ;i i-oinpíete stock oí everythinjf pertainínr to a first class book, statlonery, íanev goods and wall paper eatablisbmi nt. s" that it would be impossible, a.s #ell as impraclical to attempt an enuiaeiMt ion of the various articles lo thia important branob of trade may bo found at, this establishment. The stock of holiday goods tbis son surpasses all previous yoa. We trust that our readers will" LöqH through Mr. Wahr's stock befor puicha8ÏDg; elsewhere, as liis t-stab kih; ment is regarded as an advantatruous one with vvbicli to transact busin .--, and those vvho are interested wiil lind upon trial, that dcmands c:m b supplied at this store upon terms ;iceptablo, and with a quality supciior to tnany of its cüntemporaries 'iu bitten parts of the state: DENT1ST. One of the most sucuussfuï anión; the dental siirgeona of this comiuuniiy is W. V. Nichols, wbo poisesea' a Ihorough au il conjprshénélv'ë l;rnwledj; of áll branches of tilo iirofi s.ion,and s provided with new ahd iinj)ruvc4 appliancea. und h;.s achievn'd il wUq repulation for the care mam't-st. tl h li (ipm-ations. He bas au 'x'. practice and is pronöUDced one of the' best, most reliablo, and careful in tlie aentai pmiession m this seetion of the state. His splendid gold, and p rcelain crowns, and bridge vork-, whioh is i Bpeólalty, and superior excellence oílis artificial work geuerally, have (fiv.i en him a widö celebrity.' Tn ttie fireservation of natural teeïh, and iu filliiidiid extracting Ueth without pair,, Dï. Nichols is particularly expert. He oc-, cupies spacious parlors :atul operatinir rooms, fltted up with every facility und" convenience requisite. Dr. Kichois is: a close Btudent and keeps pace with allmprovements that have been made lo he profession. , and enjoya a wo&t lib-. eral and high class patronage, and s tb much esteemed and highly proücient, member of the dental prbfessiou. J. P. RENTSOHLHR. Among the skilied photoprapherf and artista of this city, none tujoiy m hiyher reputation for superior work than Mr. J. F. Rentsehler. This jentleman has liad a most extended e.Nperidiiee in the business and was awardfcd a medal at the Phototri-aphera AssorUtion of America in 1897. His studio is utted up with neatne.-s and sjood taste, vliilo tiie rcceplion rooms oontain all onveniences. flis operating. department is provided with the latest and most improved appliances knovvn tothe profession. Tbat Me. Rantschler is familiar with all the details of portrait and picture mailing, one elitnoe throufrb nis studio would readily demónstrate. Iu addition to ■ raphy ho is griving special att.ention to water colors, ink and crayon work, all Of Moh bear the lmpress ot the master artist,. Yon wil] lind Mi Rentsehler ia fully up with tlie times as he is all of the latest tb Ld TB kn elther ylass or platino flniah, tin; latteryiv ing a beautiful carbon effect and it muy be fairly said that in t!i Ener branches of the art. hu is not xelled hv other artist in the city or state, lle inakes a special ty of Qhlldren'g pictu'res, executes work in all sizs and Btylea, eind guaran tees .-iat.isfaci.ion in e instancc tvhlle the prices are tnöst btisfai-lory. Mr. RentsuhlBr is wjll ai:i mosi farorably koown a an expert, in the DrofessioD anrl an iigreaable and con1 te ons gentleman. yüoiitimtl (in ;iit ,HUSTUNG BUSINESS MEN. (Coutlnued from page (Ve.) J. C. WEINMAN. One of the most important of our business iuterests is that of supplyinjf the pubüc with good wholesome meats and we take pleaaure In oalling the attention of our readers to an establishment hcre in our midst, which makes a speciaity of prime beef, veal, ham. inuttou, pork, bacon, sausage and smoked meat3 of all kinds of nis own rcake. At this market may be fouud the choicest steak, the juiciest roasts, and the tenderest chops, at the very lowest prices consistent with good quality. In faut people say that for lirst-class meats this markot takes the lead in both quality and prioes. Mr. Weinman is experienced in all relating to the business and knows wbat is necessary to stock up a ürst-class tnarket. No better meats can be obtained than bought by him and this fact his many eustomer's have the satisfaction of knowlng. Cleanliness and purity are two points upen which tliis raarkiít prides itself and wliich are attained in every instance. He is also an extcnsive dealer in kettle rendered and tiorue made lard put up expressly for famiiy use. Mr. Weinman is among our most enterprising and progressive business men and has built a large trade ín this vicluity and when once a customer trades "with hira achange is seldom desired. KINSEY & SEABOLT. There are few lines of business that anterprise and eneretie methods com with liberality will not produce the best results, and this is particularly ti ue üf the grocery trade in which there is so much competition that only the man of enteiprise uan íí"1 ad hoid it large patronage by keeping only the tinest tfoods and sellinu: thein at prices which defy successful competition. The house of JRinsey & Seabolt has booome entitled to the cl s inction of beinjr ranked as one of the leaderi in the gcooery line ia A nu Arbor. Tliey carry a full and caiefuily select ed stock of choice, ataple au.l fanoy groeeriea, ñnn teas, colfues, rellshes, sauces, table luxuries. caoued goods o( all kinds, butler, ctieoso, cjtüs, llour-, etc, also forein and doiiic'stii: f iiiits, fresh vegetablt-s and fruits in season. Tuis establishment has the trpuution of being the place to get just. wu-.v yon want aud at tha right price;and a!l goodu eau bd relied upon as Ij Injj the best and freffheet in the ma-ket. Messtv. Rinsey & Seabold's thorough knowledge of the trade, prompt attontion to all orders, and the best treatment of custumers has gained tor t iieir house a most enviahie reputtttion throngh this viciuity. Every detafl o' the business 13 uüdcr their personul supervisión, and Uiey arts wel! and most favoi-ably known in the social aud business circleii of the, county. HEUSEL BUOá. The we!l-known and popular bakiug establishment of Messrs. Heusel Uros, was inaugurated here ia 18i);i, sinue which' time they have, Ctwougb ;reat enei'gy and perseverence, uuilt ui j. large and lucrative trade. The pretniges occupied are largc, commodious, and conveniently ari'anged, and well equipped with all requisito app] Anees for the tnanufactui'e of tiie famiiy bread, rolls, buns, plain and faiuij' i-nkf. pastry, etc, wüicb are furnished t tlie trade and consumera, frcsïi every dy, while banquets, parties. etc. are CiUWed to in a tirst-class style and at rcasooable rutes. Thi matorials used at thts establishment are ürst-class ju everv respect and its produuts are universally recognized as the (nest in tb is vicinity. Messrs. Heusel Bros., maleo a specialty of their well-known and very wholesome breads, includinfi their rye, graham, Vienna, and home-made bread wbich cannot be cxculled. They are tljoroughly practical and experieaced in tljis special line of indu8try and perionally supervise every detail of the business. Messrs. Heusel Bros. are among oup most enterprising and progressive citizens and enjoy the reputalion of being careful business men who have, throug-h careful and painstaking efforto, built up a fine business enterprise. L. D. CARR. The rapid gi-Qwth and development of our thriving, Western cities, may be attributed iu a larjre raeasure to the energy, sagacity, aud Uberality of their real estáte dealers. This is true of Anti Arbor whioh owes much of its thriving condltlou to the eiïorts of enterprising dealers 'm realty. l'rornineüt amoi.'g the leaüing agencies enffuged in business of buying, sellig and exohangiog property on order, taking charge of estates, and general ínsuranoe ajfenpy business is ttiat of Mr. L. I). Can-, who established businus.-i bere in 1893. 11e is coaaervative, yet liberal ia his dealtoas aud is ruyarded as beintf oiie of tlie best posted on va) y 68 of farm and oity property in this seotion. Ho is prepared to furnlsh reliable abstracts to land in this and adjoining countiee, on short uotice. In adiiition to the above Mr. Carr dues au extensive business in general iusurance, representiu soiae of the staiinebest, BOundest, and most reliable mpanies in the world. Mr. Carr -is sii-iotly honorable, upright, and perfectly responsible in overy way, and stands In the front rank among the progressive and public splrlled uitizens of our city. CHINA AND CROCKEEY STORE. Jr. VV. IX Adanis' China and Crookci'.v store is araonu tlie most handsomely arranged concerns devoted to the sale of china, orocKery, silverware, glassware, art goods, etc. in this section of the state. In his ware-rooms a vast display of glitterin? china oí delicate ornamentalion and plcturetque designs in all shades and colora, diiiner and tea sets, chamber sets, Elarilaml, Fronch china, Vieuna and Carlsbad china, white granitewaru, queensware, from the to tbo very iinest bric-a-brac. In fact, this house, being direct importers of fine porcelaln JinHer and tea set3, acd carryiag all the new and attractive novelties, many vai'y tempting in price, can be secn here constantly. 'X'here ia also shown an endless variety of lamps, lncluding banquet and hanging lamps, hall lamps, , shades. etc. The strong polnts oí tliis house are, prices the lowest, stock the j argest and assortment the most ! plete. Mr. Adams is too weli and I oïaMy kntrwn in sdeial and business ' oirolea U raquire any special menticm '. at our. hunda, sulüco to sivy that hp is a foremost palro'n of al! ïTieastiroS tendi ingtowards toe progresa and ! rnent of trade in this'viqiDity. ; , A.NN ARBOR STEAM LAUNDRY. One of the most important adjunct-; to the well-being of a city or town (f any consequence is a h'rst-class laundry and Aun Arbor can boast of such a or e in every sense of the woid. Locatel in our midst is the Ann Arbor Steum Laundry, office 111 S. Fourth-ave.. in the ('ook House block. This laundry holds a most excellent reputation for doingf first-class work, every depaftment being: fully cquipped for gvnit perfect satisfaction, a strict rule beinL carried out to let no article go f rom the premises but what will bear out each and every ropresentation. Lace curtains, embroidered garments, sbirt waistá, and piece work generally, is done with promptness and dispatch, makingr a speclalty of shirts, collar?, and cuffs. Goods are called for and delivered freo of charge while orders from out of town are given prompt attention. Special contracts are mnCe for family laundryinpr, and altoethcr this is a model establishment. Mr. Serviss, the proprietor, is an energetic and proressive business man who has determined to continue and increase his large trade by the aoknowleds'pd Buperiority df his work, acd the business is progresing in a most grutifyine manner undor his personal atteiition and has become an importan', factor in the business life of the city. STEAM CARPET CLEANING. Amoui? the prominent buhouses of Ana Arbor, special mpntipn may be accorded tlio carpe.t cl. an i"_r and renovatinsr works of Mr. Norman Camp. who is thorouehly practical and experienced in tliid line of business ttid with improved faeilities has. steadily increased the scope of his operations, until now it is the larest nnd mosi complete carpet oleanlDfj establishment in this vicinitv. The premises aro )ocated at 406 l)etroit-st. , and uv éoiamodious and tbo equipments most. cúmplete, includingr ali the new iind latest improved appliances adapted to !,iie carpet oleanlng and feattber renovuting industry. Carpets, i'uys, etc. are cl ed without ripping, tearinp, frayinjj. or injuriDg; dust, carpet bugs, and motb.8 removed; the nap raised. and colors brightened giving a brillianov that cannot be obtained by any other proeess. Ruga are made from youn old carpets : al-o fcatber renovatin', pillows, oushlooe, and feather beds made over and renovated in the hijjhest style of the art Skilied and expert ca layers are employed and carpets are made over, refittëd, and relaid in & prompt and satisfactory manner, om short notiee. Awuings, canvas, and tents are ruado to order. Upholstering and mattress repalriDg are pr.);.. done, and all kinds of second hand goods are bonght aud sold. whilo the hifrhest uiarket price is paid for gecood hand carpets and feathers. Pirst-elasa work is guaranteed in evory instaDce, and as a consequentie a large trade has been built up. Order from out of tovvn wil! recelve prompt at tention. All goeds called for and delivered fne of charge. F. W. BUSS. Tbis house may be juatly ca'led a lcHiiitiy odö and oae of ttie most prominent in tbis line cf business ia tbe cUy. lt was establtshed ia 1S7 by Mr, Auton Schaible, and came into the posse.ssion of Mr. F. W. ilusa in 1895, aud tbrough nis intelligent and progressive management üohieved gignal success frm tlio outset. He oecupies preroises eligibly logüted wbere he oarriei a large stock aud coiupltsto asiorbment of tine and medium humeas, robes, horse blankets, whips, curry combs, aud horse furidehing- goods of all kinds; also trunks, traveling bags and all kinds of trave ing requisites. tlacness are made to Oi tier In the tinest style and' at short notioe, while repairiug is proinptly and neatly done, makinff a speoinlty of extra pai'ts for liaroess, suoh aa Unes, tugs, eoilars, breechiug, etc, etc, as well as ha.rness hardware of all kinds. Every aiticle sold here is warranted as representad, and all Work executed is guaranteed to be first class. He sells at prices not readily duplicated by any olher house in this section. Mr. Buss is g enterprising and progressjve buijinesii man and maintaius a. high repMtatton fotthe exoellenoe of hia goorts, aud the management of his business aff.i'' . MRS. NEWMAN. Every city und villaje generally Ims among its chiaf distiupuishiag features one whtch persons of ail deifreea thoruughly understand and apprci !;.!■. nanjely, that of a flrst-olags regtauEani. Aaiong the institutioni of this city none are more worthy of recogen itiun tlian tlmt of Mrs. Newtuan, who conduí.'ts a first-olass restaurant and oyster parlor at 209 N. Fourth-ave. Tliis establishment is oeat and cozy aml the cbartrea at ail timos are the most roaeonable. Sineo umbarkation in tiio restaurant business Mrs. Newman bas created a reputation of the highost kind for her unsurpassed manut-r oí supplylng her patrona with the bost and most, tinely provided menu, to 'o desired. Tilo establishment is known to all lovers of a first ulass home like méal, reeulnr dinnera served from eleventhirty to one. The location is neat and attractive; apartments are amoog the tínestdevoted to ihe restaurant business in the city, everything is fresb and tbo service is lirst. oiass i:i every respeOj The biH oí fare always cootrins a ye - Bpoiis Hst of t.i'tnptinjr substantials an 1 all the dellcacies of the season are d a-la-caTt. The public and visitors to Ann Arbor will find this i-ant a modol one in every respect a li ■ I i-iass tablei reasoaable rates and ajfretable management.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register