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Everyday syroptoms of digestivo disoidci-6- acid siomiich, dlstress after eatuif?. buruiiitr at pit of etomach. dulh heavyfeulinif - Burduok Biouct Bitters never iails to correct troubk-s of this sort. Probate Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN, i . COUNTY OF WASUTBSAW. )"SB' Atasessionof llie Probate Court for the County oí Washtenaw, hulden at tho l'robat( office in tho City oí Arm A rbor, on Saturday, tho 23rd day of Octobervlii the yc;vr oue thousaad cilit liundrod and ninetyaeveu. ■ Prenent, 11. Wirt Nowklrk, Judgc of Probate. In the Matter of the Estáte of Robert Klintoft, dc;o:ised. Ün readiiii; and flllug tlie petition, duly verified, of Kosa ITllntoit praylug that the adminitratiou of said estáte may be ranted to herself or sonie other sultable person. Thereupon it Is nrdtreri, that Frulay, the 19 day of November next, ,a 1 o'clock m the (oi'buoon. ba assijiiiod fut the hearing of said petitloo, nul t.hat the hoirs at law of sain deceaed, and all other persons Interested In said csiate. are retjuiied tü appear at a session of said (' (hen to be hoiden at the Probate Office In tiie City of Ann Arboi'. In said Omnty, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer or the petitloner hhotild not oe urantea.And lt)8 furthur ordered, t, ui said petitloner ave ihitice u tbe perüons Interested in said estaie, of th" penoency of said pütition, aud the hearing thereof. l)y cuisine a oopy of ihis Order to ba publfshed In '1'he ann Akiioh KbgIsteb a newspaper prlnted and i'ir.-nlatsaid couñty, three si veeks in-i-vious Lo said day of bear In ii11 WIR'J NEWK.IRK, (A true copy i Judge of l'rcl):iH!. !'..!. I.KIIMAN Probutè Resiste . SS i BACK BLOW. The Weapon Small,- but None More Certain or Effective. In these times when backs are lame, when almost every other one we meet has now and thon, or all the time, a back that achea or paius - "a weak back," '" a bad back," a back that makes their life a misery to bear - and stiU they go on day by day in pain and suffering. lïow 'tis the casiest thing in the world to give this playcd out back " a blow " that wUl settle il, and put in lts place a new one equal to auy. It's just like this: hit at the cause; most backaches come from kidney disorders. Reach the kidney s, start their cloffged-up fibres inoperation; wbcn this ;s done you can say good-bye to backnche. Hcrc "is a case from Battle CreeU : Mr. Josiah M. Shoup lives at 51 Broad Street, he was a meinber of the Battle Creek police i'orce i'or inany years. As a member of the torce he served the city wol), but the rough weatherhe was often Bubjecte,d to laid Üie foundation of kidney disorder, which has troubled bim very rauch. Here is ivhat he says about it: "About three years ago, while on the pólice forcé, I contracted from exposure a ddney trouble, which has since given me 110 end of trouble. The pain was right ihrough my kidneys and across the small ! of my back; if sitting down and I wanted i to stand up, I had to arise very slowly and Í gently to avoid increasing the pain; I bad Biich tired-out feelings all the time, and I i was steadily getting worse. About two I months ago, hearing of Doan's Kidney Filis, I got a box. Their action and effect was most complete, they removed the old iiching pains for good. I can now get tirpuna as quickly as anybody. Doan's I Kidney Pilis are certainly as represen ted." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Müiled by Foster-Milburn Co., liuttaio, N. Y., sole agents for theU. S. Remember the name, Doan's, and.take no other. PLANS AND SPE CIFICA 1 1 ON 81 Cali on HERMAN PI PP ARCHITECT. 22 SPRING STRÜET LOUIS ROHDE, - DEALER IN - GOAL, WOQD, LIME, - AKD - Cements, Laad Piaster, Drain Tiles, Sewer Pipes -CASH FAID POR- IlIDJES, IKON, SONES. Yardn Near Aun Arbor Itallroad, W Hurón Office. 36 K. liurou- THB RUG THAT THE ANN ARBOR FLÜFF RUG FACTORÏ AND STEAM CARPET CLEANING WORKS is going to give out to its customers can be seen at the FACTORY at 47-49 West Hurón Street. The only jobbor ir. . ,-■; t&nitory hantíürr stock 6heets of P!nte tílaflti. .. ock ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING IN TllL Ü_w. -1E. Send yoiir orders or Trrite for estinuttee. WM. EEID, 124 W. Larnetf Sfc, DHTROIT.MICH.


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