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'tween The Lakes

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It is believed that John }. McKinnon, formerly a wealthy luinberman, for a number of yeai-s i resiiient of Detroit, corarnltted suicide hy jumpiug from the steanser City of Alpena sotaewhere betweeu Cheboygan und Detroit. Mr. McKinnoB boarded tlio steamer at Cheboygan anö was giren a boa't check, to be taken up upon leaving the boat at Detroit as is customary, and was assig-ned to atoteroom 4:). When the boat arrived the clicck was not takea up and Mr. McKinnon'a overcoat and grip were four.d in the stateropm, aud in one pocket &f tho coat was found a note ascribinij his faraily troubles to a certain perica. II is wife, who had separated front liim, saya liiü miad was weakoned by ao illness a few years ag-o and since then he had been so insanely jealous that sao had to leave him. McKinnon ivns about 50 years oí ;i-e, his wife is S '. Evidenoes of Srosperity in Michigan. State Labor Cominisüioner Cox says that evidences of ceturning prosperity in Michigau are abundant. The office isreceiving reports whicli shows that there are far less unemployed men ia the cities and villajes of Michigan, than tliei-e were a year ag-o. Factory employés have increased oearly 8,000 more than last year being reported from Detroit alone,' and the canvass is not yet eompleted. Prices of all farm producís have increased and the condition of the farmer is much better. Many farm mortgaffea have been canceled or partly so, and debts of other kinds wiped out by the farmer. From an estímate made from a partial canvass it is shown that there have been more than a thousand new mercantile and institutions started up in Michigan within the past year. Allegan' President Arrestcel for I-arceny Dr. L. P. Stuck, president of the village of Alleg-an, has been arrested upon the eomplaint of E. ï. Van Ostrand, a druggist, charged with embezzlement and lareeny. The doctor was supplied with a key to Van Ostrand's drug store so that he could go in at ;my time and obtain medicines for use in his practice. Van Ostrand claims to have missed various articles other than medicines during the eight years over whieh this arranapment has run and three clerks haveeen discharged under suspiion. A detective was employed and he alíeges that he discovered Dr. Stuck taking advantage of his opportunities. Van Ostrand estimates his loss at $2,200. The prisoner denies hisguilt. The doctor has a wife and two sous, one of the latter attendine the U. of M. A Fatal líumnvay. Adley Franks, ajed 56, was instantly killed in a runuway accident at Port Hurón. Franke resides in Kimball townahip and had been in the city all day in the eompany of Mr. and Mrs. Shettler, of Wedhams. About 7 o'oiock they started for home in a sing-le vig drawn by ;i team of colts. The horses became frigh tened and dashed down the street. Wheu near the corner of Lincoln avenue and St. Clair street the "ufegfy carne in con tact vvith a telegraph pole. Frantrs, wlio was di-iving-, was throvvu forward and struck the pole with his head. Hls neck was broken and face budly cut. Mrs. Shettier, was badly ihjurol about the body, being- thrown to the ground. Mr. Shettier was in the back of the buggy and was alao injured. Franks was an old soldier and a vvidower. Woinen's Clubs of SItcliigan. The third annual coúventiou of the Michigan State Federation of Women's clubs which was held last week at Saginaw, w;is attended by over 200 raembers. The followinjj ofticers were electcd: President, Mrs. Anna A. Palmer, of Saginaw; vice-presidents, Mrs. Martha A. Keating, of Muskeg-on, and Mrs. Frank E. Witliey, of Man stee; recording' secretary, Mrs. Florence E. Bulson, of Jackson; corresponiüng seeretai-y, Miss Cora C. I - ,n, of Battle Creek; treasuref, Mrs. Mary L. Ambier, of Northville; auditor, Mrs. Stiles Kennedy, of St. Louis. A llimtiT Mistaken for a Deer. Fred Cawlinn-, a well-known youug business man of Ilion Mountain, was slvbt dead four railes f rom Channing-. lie vas mistaken for a deer by an oíd hun ter named Wamsley and shot in the back, the ball passing throug-h the heart. Cawling was 2ö years of ag-e and was manager of Wriffht Bros.' extensive cedar business, been in the employ of the firrn 11 years. Fire destroyed the lumber piles surrouuding- Brown's mili west of Gajretown. Loss about 1,000. Wiiltnr Bowerman was found dead on Uie railroad track uear Wakelee, and it is supposed that he jumped or feil from a passing train. A marl bed, in soine places 20 feet deep, has been discovered at Climax, and a cement factory turning out 1,000 barrels a day is talked of. Ripe strawberriea are uow beinj pieked in the vieinity of Hideway, and raspberries are in blossom, with some berriea aearly matnred, George Congdon, a barber at Benton Ilarbor, stabbed his 80-year-old father several times with a knife and seriously injured his bed-ridden mother. The lavge roller process iiou ving mili : at Marsball, uhieh has been idie threi' or four years luis been refitted, aud will be put into commission uguiu.


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