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[official] council chambkh, Aun Albor, November löth,1897. i Begulnr session. Oalled to order by Pres. Luick. Hollcalled. Quorum present. Absent Aid. Koel.. Dell, Sweet, Ooi). Cady. L'KTITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. ENGINEEK'S N1STH ESTIHATB. HTKBAL HKVVKH DI8THICT SO. 6. 7Mft. 4 in. pipe at 5c per ft. I 1 ytóft.81n. pipe at lic Per't. - -W W ïkb ft. exoavatfon and back filllnï at Jc per f t 1,873 ft. excavatloa und back fllltng ttt 6?4 ftPerxca.'vatïon and back fliliog at 31o per ít '- !5Í ' 4 manlu.les at $-5.0" each I{ 00 ■ tluslitanks at VAM each J 0 a lampliole at Ï5.00 each '6 w Total estímate 1.;5 1.CB8 10 percent per ''' ' Aaiouatdue oontractor 11,058 56 Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. Aid. Brown moved to suspend Bule 21 tor tliis session. Adopted as lollows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton. Grossman, Brown, Vaiidawarktr, Khodes. Spathelf, Soule, Daiitorth, Pres. Luick -10. Nays- Noue. Aid. Brown moved tbat the bill of Sclmeider Bros. for $1,058.55 be tllowed and a warrant ordered drawn tor the same. Adopted as follows: yeas_Ald. Mooie, Uamilton. GrossmHii, Brown, Vandawarker, Rboiles, Spathelf, Soule, Drtiiforth, lJres. Luick -10. Nays- None. A peütion signeil by Cari Boelm and turee otliers asking for sidewalk on Fountain st. was read and referred to the Sidewalk tnnmittee. A petitiou signed by Frank Korzuck aud 21 others asking for rilling a lióle on Felch st. was read and referred to the Street Committee. A petition signed by C. A. Buehlow and uve othevs askinK for i crosswalk on Feicb ocrosa Miner was read and referred to the Sidewalk Committee. A petition signed by .H. teiser asking for $22ö for gravel alleged to have been takeu trom a lot by the city was rend and referred to the Street Coramittee and City Atlorney. The subject of a sidewalk grade on Belserst. was referred to'.the Sidewiilk Coiamittee. Aid. Uell entered. BKFOETB OF STANDING COMMITTKEg. WATKR. ïo the Common Council: Your Committee on Water would 'recommend that the petition for a hythiviit at the corner of Cliurch and Willard sts. be denied. llespeetfully submitted, H. P. Danforth, Geo. L. Mooie, Arthur Brown, Comtnitlee on Water. Adopten as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Harailton, Groasinan, Dell, Brown, Vandawarker, Uhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Daníortli, Pres. Luick- 11. Naya- None. BEPOKTS OF CITY 0FF1CBBS. To the Coinnion Council: The Board of Public Works dg lureby report the several sidevvalks by ns constructed and repaired at the r.xpense of the Street Fuud of the city, duriiiR the ye-ir 1897 and since the 16th day of Ociober, 18%, belng the date of our bist report and ito. hereby certify the coat and expense ot the same as well as the desciiption of the lands and preinises in front of or adjacent lo whieli the said several sidewalks were caused to te ciiiistnicted or repaired is follows, that is to say: Mrs. Rice, lot 10, h5g. r6e 126.82 lst ward Mrs. Orr, lots 9-10, b 4 s, r 8 e, frac, part 11.12 Mrs. E. A. Spence. lots 9-10, b 4 s, r 8 e, frac, part 1.25 W. S. Perry, luts fl-10, b 4 s, r 8 e, frac, part 90 Mrs. W. W. Hannan. lot 1, b 2 u, r 5e 30.4B th wurrt Mrs. Uatherine UyaD, sec 21 3.93 Ath ward M. E. Qhurch Mistion, seu. 21.... f.00 Mrs. Frita, sec. 21 i) 9" Mrs. McNames, iot 65. Smltb's lst addition - 11.05 Bth wiird John Kapp, Miller addition .... 1.30 7th wiird Glen V. Mills. City Clerk. Aid. Brown moved that tlie report be nceepted and tlmt the Clerk b instrucied to ceriify the name to the city Assessor. Adopted as follows: Yens- Aid. Mooie, Hamilton, Grossinni), Dell, Brown, er, Rhodes. Spathelf. Soule, 1 forth. Fies. Luick- 11. Nays- Nolie. Aid. Kochand Sweet entered. Aid. Dell moved thiit the Street ; Ooinmissioner b instrueted to empoy men to repair the defective sidewaiks of the city. , Aid Hamilton moved a an amenotnent that the Street Coimuissioner be iustructed to notify all persons havmg j defective walks to repair the same. Adopted as follow?: Yeas-Ald. Mojre. llaiuiltou, Grossman. Koch, Sweet, Biuwii, warker. Khodes, Siathelt, bouie, uaiiortb, Tres. Luick- 12 Naya- Aid. Dell. Aid. Kocli stated to the Council tl) at Rev Fr. E. D. Kelly had extended ui nvitation to the Cotntnon Couucil to ittend the Catholic Fair luesd.iy eveningt November 16tli. 1897. Aid. Brown moved that the ïnvitatiou be aeeepted. On itioUou oí Aid. Hrown the Coinicil adiouinetl. City Clerk.


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