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[To usure tnaertlon our Oorrespondents shouktniuil lliuir iteins not later ttiau Tuesday n. m. of earh week. If sent later they oía ükoly to beorowdedout.] A1MN AHBOK XOWN. Geo. Wuster is some better at this Writing-. A. G. Bunge, of Ann Arbór towp, and Hermán t'isher, of iNorthlieM. uut to Detroit oi LiUainesá un Tliür-slhiy ui Jat week. The farmera in this Vicinitj are throujfh husking corn. A. G. Bunge, carpenter and buiMer, ia oa Frjd Kapp's lo Northfleld. Mrs. Wm. Taylor's daughter, of Detroit, is here on a two week' visit. LO DI. Miss Carrie Hammei, of Saugatuck, carne home on Mondry evemug ,inci vvill spend the winter with tier partuts, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hammei. Mr. A. P. Woud, son of F. C. Wood, took the train last Wednesday moriiing Tor South Pines, North Carolina, wliere tie takes the position of principal in the High school. Mr. Wood is a gradúale of ttie Saline fiijfli SCtlOül and th State Normal at, Ypsilanti. He u held in Mghest estaöin by liis teacher, acuonji tliem School Commissiouer L'.ster, tlirough whom he receives thls appointmeuf JIAN 11ICVI I.H. Fred M. Freeman was ia Grand Rupids, a few days last week on business. Mrs. E. A. Ford of New 1-ariá, O., is visiting Mrs. G. H. Ford. Miss Blanche Stark entertained a KenUeman frieod from BlissBeld, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell of Delta, O., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hinckley a few days last week. Misa Wilson, of Tecumscl), is spcndinji the week here with fiiends and relatives. Miss Edith Kapp entertained Miss DtiGarmo, of Ypsilanti, over Sundav. Oowell Eddy, of Clinton, has been spending the past few da.vs here with frieuds. John and Mary McKay, the hlind musjioians, save a very pleasiny enteitainuaeLH to a well filled house, last Tuesday eveniuof. Mra. James Kelley went to Jackson, Satucday to viait friends. The new post office wasopened to the public last VVednesday iu tne building recently occupiod by F. G. Breigel a's ■ a suoe store. The new furniture presentó a tieat appearance. Poïttnater Bailuy lias Miss Aaoetto Kiugsley as A uumberof the L. O. T. Mte, of this place wunt to Napoleon, Tueaday eviiiiiny: to attend a banquet given by tho Napjleon ladies at thöir hall. SALINE. John Fitz was assisted by Sam Lulz, of Aun Arbor, a few days last week, while Mr Fitz was siok. Irvinff Corbett managed the loading of a car of chickens lor Geo. Nissley ai Bruokiyn, l'Yiday. The first paymeut to the patrons cf the Saline Butter aDd (Jheese Co. was made Monday. Another car of chickens was shipped from üillsdale Friday by Geo. J. Nisslv of this place. Jno. Avery spent Thursday evenin wtth Alf Miller aud family. Mrs. Sarah Biddle visited frieods in Tecurasen last week. Mrs. O. Conner of Chicago, nee Miss Cairie Jewett of this place, was brought here Priday from her late residenee, for buriaJ. Dr. Nichols came over (rom Whitmore last Friday. Several from this place attend the fair at Aan Arbor Tuesday ni?ht. The L. O. T. M. of this place, will hold a rrand sücial at their haU Thu[,s_ . day night, Nov. 25. Geo. Nissly paid out over $1000 for poultry Monday. HILAN. Mrs. Pahmer, who has been quite ül, ís now convalescent. Pfof. C. Wisdon will leave in a few dajs for hia school in Shepard. Mrs. Wilkinson, of Nerooo, is the guest of her dautfhter, Mrs. Geo. Minter. Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Rouse spent Suuday witli Mr. uud Mrs. J. C. Rouse. Tlie Baptist Association had interestiug meetings in their ohurch last week. Mrs. Ward is seriously ill. The O, K. 8. Carnival was a grand suocetss frotn start to fiuish. Miss Stella Ward has elosed her fall term o! school and is hoine for a short vacatiou. Kditorand Mrs A. B. Smith are eutertainiug jfuests from BVrmlngtOQ. W. C. Reeves lias moved his oltioe luto a part of Mr. Smith's toueorial ' pariors oa Main street. The Presbyterian sewlng cúrele wil] meet at Miss M. A. Pahmep's residence on Main street, Tuesday afternoon. The Milan mmrods are taking thejr annuul buut in the norlhuru part ui me state. Dr. Turnet s enjoylng the, Mil'ifn roads t.his luadUy weather on l.i w! el. Mr. and Mr. L luimes baVo returaed (rum tjaeir Odio vi. Eiectrio iibt wilj won be iliting-: the palli o tiiu p. Jc-nus bonir uf ' these In.. . Lü prOrebsive Milan. ; The Trèlogxm Excelsior Stara ure billed for the Milán opera house lor the whoki week, eoming the lölli. Tht .MÍ-.S1OD piütcram at the IVi teriau chuicii .-v.iiKiiij evi-niny asv.-iv inturestlng and ihe music was exoeptionally line. Prof. and Airs. CttMuh have u üew baby boy. Miss M. A. Pahmor entertained a. few fiitínds the Brst of tbt) week.


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