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Persistent Goughs A cougft which seems to, hang spite of all the remedies which you have applied certainly needs cnergetic and sensible tr eatment. For twenty-five year s that Standard preparation of cod-liver oÜ, SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN has provea íts effectíveness ín curmgr the tryíngr affectíons of the throat and lungs,.and this is the reason why: the cod-Iiver oil, partially dígested, strengthens and o. vítalízes the whole sys' 'AgÊ[ tcm he hypophosphítes (mUW act a tonic to tIie ft Wjr raíndand.nerves, and the 11 Ml ?Iycefinc soothes and 1 1 II heals the ímtation. Gan 'M& you Aínt of any combisF - nationsoeffectíveasthís? + 50c. and ÍloÓ, all druggists. ' __ SCOTT & BQWXE, ■Ctemst.-ye York. ' _. LEGAL NOTICES, ti-u ■ rfdjtor. OTATE OÍ' UIC'lluiAN , . O 'rtnNTYOF WASHTKNAW V Noticc Ib ,,.rby vIvoti. Uy n oidor of '■' ' "1"i ■ i ourt for iljcC.Hntvof Vn r.I monlhs {rom il,:,t ,at,o w, Rtthe estáte' ofCuroline D. Posté, ule 0 saldOounty. dèé'etued. a-hd ttLt ai] red■ "' i" said Pro i e. Court it thc yi.iuM.ati..:, an! ij,,,vnn.:.-, vi. ■ feeforéthe i 'i i i' "r,Ma.v next. iind that suchcla'ms ';lin'!"T nd on ii„. ltitli day of' May, .-y. i; t.-n p'clock i.i.the forenooB1 01 -ach of sHid (l.-ivs. Dsted. Aun Athñr. Niimulmt 1(. A I) 1697 . - II. WIET M:VKIKK. ' Juajte orPrSbSte. 1' róbale Or.l-r, OTATE OF MICHIGAN !v; [ s;Atii soflsion octhti Pfob&tè rourt: f r iho ..nMy.n WashtenHW, li.Uil.:. af tl,,-l'io': ": ":;l 0 m tfre Ofty of Ann Ar!„r, on liousand eight liiiimri-.ü.. _;u,d nli.Vty■'"■ II Wirt -Xewklrk, .Tudge of ProIn t!,c 'M:,, t,.r „f thó'Bstrfle'oí Daniel Weirnit, deeasetí. . "!'.. 'r;"'' K ■'" fliiiK ÍIÍ dulyl "■"'■!L,"( M:ny Knt, .,- pVí j&g ílmt) Üio1 c(i i. or sdrne other snnSbl(i ffeison Thcrrtipon it i ,,v,, .,.,.,. ,.,i,, Wi-d ,'.■ vi!v lti Ilic tiin-niiun, be usi hitii'c! f r tl.e hu-uine- oífeíd petitlom indthilt ,-i,-.-;„-h.v. ',?. ■naMijiiilidi ll„-r )r, s ii l ret.-' eq In suld estáte, are ri-qulied to apii aspioi, ,,f S7ii(„,; lité hdlilèu at! hf 1 i-o.ini... irtl.r (:itv. „f Aon,.Ap- boy, and show causa, r :u -,VIV the of thi' ;n-rni.,„,.f ' hnuld'' .ui'r,-'! l;Kr nu-.;. A.iU iU,..;fBtf!ii.rj0ld.i-l-ur. !:,;, i taioner nqtlce to ïbó persons in.-i paitólag ro.,y ,,f Hiis onlvr t„l,r puUlift,..'!1 "',,"' . N',A'il;iK !''"istu;., .-i „,. i pflnie! ,,. n, tv . tjlY: sije .,.-,.(. revioiuiwi-,,. ; , -Ot In aj-lnjj ' ■ II WIK !' v'rv, f?MM ■ v , . , .JmiWwm-nt'wtot.v 1 J . L f-. 1 1 M ., ■ Rfegtgtèr ■ l'rot;ile Or&ar. .' CITATF UF }ilrlu;A M COUNT1 Of A-SBTkS v -■ saln ■ f ihc ól :ü.- r, ..,!-■ ■,,, ,, Oouatyof Wa lf ikiw. Ji,i!h-i, I r.tait I l!' '■ l 'i "f Auu Árb -i M , i, !i u-.-iv of Novemit'-r, In rh v. .. ,,;',. thyusand m?lit Ituödruau-HtustJ si-i-wi. , reseiit, I! Wlirt Newlrk.jiiguv ' VJ tfrubátbí In tliH .,,,iii f uf llic cstac n :„„, WlnSlow, (luc :isvd. , S ■ üa reaiilug aud flUng the pciitliin'. ihny vvnii (I. ui Kiilicrl A. Winstow j)í I..Ú a eert iin Instrument nu won , in iliioi bürt purponlng to be the last wili aïlcl lest unent ofwiWilrceiised: mtfj ly iidniiiii-,1 tuuruliuio mul th:ii ttdmliilsta-attoii ol sallêf r,i;,i,oted lo tüiuseH i hu e-xacutur in s uil will losoin. ollicr suit .),(;■ perlun. Tljereupon il isoKlertd'.TH-tfïiKilidiiy thé ÏÏ c! ;' -V ■ ' h Qjber, nexJ ;i . tlir foftinóün i í, ,,i i Titiciii. uul'-t)i-;iftl-ili-vi.:,- IfcVutuea IKMI-S ;U luW .I'.U.Ui iiiv:;,,. ;,,,,] ;,,l ötlier persoas iuterestèd in éaid estáte ar i(fuirod to uppour at a söfcSloB óiiaUi L'tiuit then !u be hoiden Uie t'ftíí! i,nti.i:i iinCitjrol Ann A.l.ur. .-in.l sftbw ciiue, there be, wh.y Hiá ü duiiur stiould noi be raniedi ApjJ il i, i,ni:: „ „,- iliiii aald petlti mer . persons Intèrested in sadd eátáté, ui div urfn- OE said ptjtitlim, aud iin-wMin,. :. ,, - 01. of caustngacopy f tliis ordyrto !■ oul Hsiied in the Ann Aíbor IÍKfisri-ru, u ni-wsUd clrsailatud iji said i;OUiiy, Cbree buccesslvu week áruvicuis to siitd uiiv of hearing ' " '"v H. MTIET MOWKLUK, ( A True C'. ny .1 lui o . f J?rolmtL Probate Btegisti r. - - -n .New National rjmblem. A correspondent of ,a New York páptr favors Indian afs .the natioiial siablem,. "Dïstinctiveiy Ameri[aj8 . generous, life-g;.viiig. beu.efiriont. glorious in form and color, with lts crestod flower pointins upward - ii v'y a tnroh of ibprty Uekl aloft." -■"'■ ' ■■■ IBB3- KSggáBBg ''folíale Oi.I, r. VJTTI-, on; :r)l.A: . kj (Xltl-NTV ui' K tHH , ; , wiH'ano "■'"■ whu.the a,u! ;V.1I:'A..',11v"Vïi; ;' i;?.1",1,"; ; -■■"■-■ ;,,,„„■, „:„,, ';:;,:;:;;.;,.í? Beo eb u r.eW!,p; „n.u,-,, .indrlrïuïïS l'roliutv K-;;ilc . ■ m Ortlir. BTATE OF UIUIiÏGA-N, I lOINIV (I 1V1MI1ESUÏ Ss' A!Was!!tt ui Mie Probate Cfiifrt r.)r ihe Offlpelij thoOttyof Anftrbc.r...i, WeUnsdav the :;.il, da of Ock bu.:. l„ u year ons -(■"t.H.lN.-wU,-,,.!:;,!,,,,,!,,.. BÏSlikJ.dSïïS?lm.Wlloi"t-1"'' !)"( ' ''"'"'- Ihe pel'itlcrt (Ully v. ■■■:i, ..:..,! r F,tel. pruyini? lliat he , y saín deceused dled slezi d Thereuponitisordered.tliá . . the J()tlid;,v,)f No.vomberjiext;wttao'clk In the ioreiiooii. !issiïn.-d fnr ti,,, i ix-Aui sru-rp..,!,,,,.:,,,,! fhattho helrsat used. and all ither uerVng Interested in sW estáte, ars required to appear al u session of baM C'ourt,. thcn to fa hulden at Pnobate qëe? lu tle City of Ann Arbor. and sho cau?e,ii aiiytLere be,wljj i' .,,.i the petittopep should rmtbeiranted AnH it Is fnrthr ordered tli:ii SMiïd u-iiii.i,iiT (flTe luitlee to oersons Interestêd iñ sald estáte, of the m ndt said petitlpivand the be-u-Jqg Xrel llslied in the Ann Akiíok RÈoiSTMt. y. newspaper printed and clrèulated in ,nil ,,ni„ y iccesslve ?eek8 preyjoos to said dy LATitLrECOPV.l II. Vllir.K-,VKlKK Ir.b:iie Order lor Hearing Accounts of Uxec-utor. STATE OP MICUIG , CotTNTvor Washtcsjw. f.Sa At aaosflon of the Probate Oourt for the rInrf W;l:lil'!!-a,oldc-nat file rrnI umce mino i ny .„ ,,„ A ibor. on TilWSáay t ti; -itll ; i ;.' of Xoyenibyi in vcar-oiip tbonsand elebt hundred aód nin.-iv'-si-veii In the matter of the estáte Of Horace Carpenter, deceasid. .Vwiaddc. OaxpeMteranÖ Jóèepb n. Vanee raícWoofthé laai uill at„! i.iainrtít of Biört .I...-.MMII. coiné intn foutt uud reiirfst-nt that they are now preparad to pder Mielr Büal account a.? such execitoïS Thereupon it :" i-di-roíl. HiWf riday hi-r.tir.iyday M n"unibiTi)O.t. it ton o'clock ■1"!,i.ll11f'H'L'1"H"(; '■ .as-i-nrd toi examteins Wifees; I.Lí;i.i.-i.a,11 ),,if RW nfsiilcf dcceased, and all other pursons lnterëtted in Bald estáte, are requlrad,, k at a sesslonofaald court, then tö'be bolden at hfl B(batkfcofflpé,ftu (ha i 'it vof Auu Arbor J,n:,.-sHl couiily . i,tuj .s)„. ( !U, . ,ker i trie saul ncèbuhl slipüTd not'1: . I'.wnl: au,l II la f ifri ortlWfd; rlfat %-,id ezecutors ïleelmitcBitn Uie (yaoWinttliestil, ,ui ,ii(l i-Jat e. VI 'f Pi:iHlfiu-y i.f said M-V'uiit ■.aii(1tlvp liearinVtiicn-yf. (Vcausing ("in' ■■f thlSorde) (W%é pittfcHshed iifthe WXiiSHOÏ lvE(.is:rEi!.a, uf.wspapcr ipttóted and rirruiaihit.' i)i ;, ;jiin(y.,tilireu suc.siv,. v., ,.., „ fe :M h;,y ,lf 'lu'lrl'. .1. BBÍrt# J.„i_-, „r Kdiate o',,ïK'ü,i-',,jl,cincA-s, ' ,; ' .O Tuk CncriT Our ut fok tii:' OoOniJ# Wis(?rK.VAw lx Chasoekv. i.kijhuí-: ll.ii -iim. ( 'ompltiiijant, -s I.F.nrK Jl u-mi's. IldViirtnnl In 1 hU raus' f mpp&imxg y nflidavit that the defendant, Lettle Haugunt is jmi a resident of the State of HJicJilgan and tixox she is a resident of tlie ctty 'of Tolodo. In FEe .State of tMiui. Th' iTüforr au niotion af {('rank E. Jones, solfcltór tor complaioant. ii Isordered that'the siiid (Mlpiraa.nt Pnter hor ttpneariiiiiM- in -lid rausi' on dr bvfoii.' four icoHths fi.un ;itv nf ïhis oiiIlt uid that withln ; m nly il.-ivs the i'iuuplii i nan t ' i'aus" tliis oriiiv in !m' iiuiiiisiii'il in the Ans ahbok Beojsrui n iH'wspiiiier. pr'nted. uulilislitd md clrculnted withln s:iid cminty. süd piibljcation lirinL' i'oiitiiiiK'd once in cacli vtieii tor Slx sui-ccssivo (vCüks. Hill'd :il , n 1 1 Ai!mi[. E. D. KINNE (.viuii'i r (st, A f). Mi: Circuit .Tudire All si : I'HIIJP Iil I'M. Ju.. ix'puty uegistor. E. .lOWKS.' SoilRitor fo i m [jl;ii isan t . [99 l'o red i i. UTATK HF MICHIGAN. IQ (dl'M'V llï WASiriKAW. TShNotlce bereby elven. ' i:n by an ordor of the Probate i oan for i he i'ounty oí Washteaaw, made n ttae "ih day of November, A. l. W9T, m.x tnonilis from thatKiate illbeöfo creditors.tö present Chelr claims the tt) .!' f ICIizji N'ortb. aterOfsnJd cinnit.v. (Icw.iisi'd. and thjit all reditprs ofsaid flHf'eHSCd ure t-egujrod to inótn t'liöir t'lainis1 1' said l'rnfiatf Oourt, l'rilati' (Jtlii'x In the tüty of Ann' Ar)or: tor .i'-:tiiiiii:iiiiin anjdttflojfauce. on or efore the 5tn day oï May. uext, and Irii such claims wi I 6e heaVd i'Ofore said ntirt, i1 tlio-.Uh flay df Fcbruaiy and on H' rit li day p May. uoxt. at ten iti the forenöoi of each pf said d.iyv'. ' Dated, Aun 'AVbór. Xoventlïcr 5, A. 1 lsyT. i ii. w n:r m:vkikk. iT ,' . . Judge of P-robuU'. ■ c " Uivinto trouJles araong1 the union wm-kcis. oí i lu' country a jreat scarcity of winclow glass and a ompletc famine r' iL s possiblo iiniess he figiit is eridéd -onn. None of the reat faotories iwve -operated since ulv


Old News
Ann Arbor Register