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OCR Text I o: VTK. DR. D W. NO LAN, VETERINRY SLRGEON, Offlco at Robis in's Livery Barn. 811 S. 4th ArN Aun Arbor. MACK & MACK, F UNE il A L DH E C TORS. 211 Congress Street. DEALER5 IN FURNITURE. YlSILAXTJ. - M1CH. WALLACE & CLARKE, . FUSERAL DIRECTOR, 308 Congress St,, YPhlLANTI, MICU. FRANK STAFFAN & SON CHELSEA. - - MICH. IH-KKII AL EílllEírrOlt ASI) EJIVare Up Muer Ice. WILMAN H. MURkAY, ...LAWYBR... AU Legal Bufeinessand Collectlons Promptly Attencled to. OFFICE IN (OlllT HO1SE. bstracting and Conveyancing. Examinatlon ot tltle uid all tninsactlons alleeting real estáte In Washtenaw count.y madeonreisonableternis- can be found at the Conrt House. Anu Arbor. i N. Seery. WANTED- Trustworthy and active gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible established house in Michisan. Monthlv SB5 00 aud expenses. Posltlon steady. Keference. Eaclose solf-aderessed starapert BQvelope. Tlie Dominion Company, Dopt. C h cago. ol A. C. CLARKE. Funeral Director and Dealer in all Kinds oí Furniture. ALIM " BUCH JOHN GOSTELLO, DEALEK IN I)r ociil. Boot aul Slioc,Círocerlen ProvUious, Ktc. Fuiultuic au.I l uilortiikliiï. OEXTIiK, - i - TWCH WM. W. STICHOJLS, Dental Patio is! O Vi.' 1! BAV1XVS KA XK O P PC 6ITM GOVMT HOUSE S'-jUAKE. LEHMAN BROS. & STIVERS, Attorneys at Law. 4 Bavlnge Bank Bik, Ann Arbor, Mich. GeneraLLaw Practice Also Loans, Collectioos and Conveyuncinf? j ? BSSALSS , VDETROITJIMICH.-- Th best place In America Jor young men and women to secure a Business Ëhucation. Shorthand. tem Qf Actual Buiiness. Sess.onentlre year Studente INTERNA L. Are tou afflicted with PII.KS in any fonti? Send usyour address witliin the ntxt Uurty days and receive Aboolately Free ofnil riiarson one BOTTLE of our Pilu Cure. Guarnnteed to cure. The Howard Internal rnr Co., P. ü. Box 116. Jletrol . Ntebi


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