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No fewer than Sa.000 Spanish soldiere are now in thv hospitals ot Cuba. A royal deeree granting autonoray to Cuba wiU be formally gMetted Nov. 23, it is saiil. Fci-nie Toote, aged 3, daughter of a wcíl-known oi1 man, was iostai killed at Portage by a heavy wa rack fallincr opon lier. A rejeeted lover of Miss Christin p Martinussen, of Hattle Créele, thn stone at yonng man who was welUing with her. The stone struck the girl ou the head ;nul she is serionsly injured. Farmer J. Artclitt, near Sarris, is under arrest en the charge of eul botli cords of I hc front of a va 1 1 horse owhpiI by Mrs. Burcl),his tenant The 'wo families have been at odd! sonv time, and Buroh says he Arteliff do the cuttinff. A 10-pe.nny nail was driven into the hoof of Ihe same horse :iboit a week before. Policemaa Peter Iterb was ea into a saloon at Sandusky, O., to si figtt between some dronken men. The oftieer seized one of tlje Harry Burns, of Cleveland, who Instantly drew a revolver and sho; the officer, the ball strik-ing'him abov rin-ht eye, following the soalp and i ing out on top of the head, iniiicLin? an usrly wou nd. A quadruple murder is reported trom Rawdon, Quebee. The victims ure the three daujfhlers and one son of Mr. Nulty. a farmer wtao, upon his return from a visit, found the children murdered. The privls were 18, lü and 14, and the boy 10 years old. Thos. Nulty, an older brother of the mnrdered children, was arreste eharged witli the mmders. and he confessed the awful deed. 11e said his two oldest sistera provoked liim to uncontrollable anger. Jacob Boro, of Lansi ng, has been appointed a special inspector by Labor 0o3EmissioQer Cox to collect information aroone Gerinau üictory employés. The dlphtheria epidemie continúes at Alpena, therc being about 30 cases. Several deaths have occurred. The schools and churches have been closed by order of the board of lu;alUi and all public meetings are prohibited. The Michigan Masooie home library has just received between 400 and 500 which formed the library of the late üeorge E. Pautlind, who died atout a year'ago. Mr. Pantlind was past commander of the Michigan Knights Templar. Mis. Muriah Scranton. was arrested at Curunna, cbarged with cruelty to her little nephew and nicce. It is alleged she vvhipped her niecc across the face, tied her hands above the bead and put her nader a barrel half a day for punishment. The birgest loggiag coutract yet closed for the season is that of cutting 17,000v00ü feet of pine on Ford rivtr by Capt. Martin Golden and liis nephew, William Goldeu, of Menorainee, for ütley & Douglass, the big lunaber and salt iürrn of Manistee. Deputy State (ame Warden Grooerock arrested .Charles Bell, neai MeDominee, for violatintf the gaim; laws. Ikll killed a deer one day beforo the deer season opened. ïhe carcüss and hide were couüscated by the ofticer and the prisoner was fiued $10 and costs. Wm. II. Owen acd B. D. Hicks. of Lawrence, pleaded guilty at Paw l'aw to the local option law Owen was fiuc.d 105. 5G, and Hicks 8115.50. Hieks was village marshal and got the extra Slü to remind him that an officer should not be a Vransffressor of the law. The business industrie 01 Marsnau present a rauch different', aspect from that of orie year ago, v!n business seemed paralyzed and faetories lying idle. Now all of the faetones are running full blast Work at tlie Detroit, Toledo & Milwaukee railroad shops is booming, so that the company ïonud it neeessary to add 20 meehanics to tlieir hop force. Milo Keep, under arrest at Kalamazoo on a cllaisfe of murderously assaiüting Win, Duggau, an a;ed fa:nier, escaped from jail by cuttüng' a hole in the roof and then lettinjjhimseli down with a rope made from a sheet. Later - Keep retnrned to jail and j-ave liunself up beeause he saw the sheriff placing bloodhotiuds on his trail white he he was hidiu; in a barn. A stranger wlio gave the name of Gcorg-e Morris, oï' Flint, entered Nellie Davenport's resort at Báttle Creek, walleed upstairs and entered the room of Jennie Gray. who was siek in bed. She ordcred him out, when he assaulted her with a knife, cutting a deep gash in her neek. Morris was run down after au exuitinf chase by the pólice, who shot at him. Iia.ldvin's saloon iu New Haven was looted oí nearlv all the cigvirs in sloele as well as nickels im the slot maclune. Not saüsfied with. this the burgvlars Un-ned the faucetsof wineaud whisky casks, so that wflien Baldwin came down in the morninjf he found a big cocktail floodiug tïie floor. Frank and Thomas Walker and Feddis have been arrestoed uu suspicion. The establishment of pearl üshe-ries on the . St. Josepjh river promises to develop an Industry of considerable magnitude. Qramd llapids capitalists will employ severa 1 hundred men athering inussel sbeffls the river, while many privatte parties are being; org-anized to engace in the business. Thousandü of shells were taken f roin the rivor last season and many rich finds were niade. Cliffoid. Battry and Vreá Benjamin, woll-kno'wn younff uien of Ortonyille, were anested on -jl charge of stealing ;i rlg and atteinpting a criminal assault upon a, little gir)L The evixJcnce was not snjlficient and they were released. The l.ttle (firl, aítier a severe cross-exainnwation, finally confessed that sb.e had taken the rl, and that someone had lip.lped her hUtch the lioisc, thinking he was therejby doiag her a kinduess. Fire was diseovered issuing trom the boiler room of the Marshall Wagon & Windmül Co. 's plant at Marshall. An alarm was turned in, un(l the fire 5epartment turned out prompUy and in full iorce. However, the third and foui-th stories of the factory wore almost entirely burned. The building vras filled with so unicli combustible matter that but little (iouid be saved. The loss is about L12,000; Insurance 810,000. S. H. TUL-Uer, au Ealou lounty farmer, with liis daughter Grate, a ed 14, wère drivinft across the C. & G. T. t-cks uear Bellevue, when their rig v:ts struck by a passenger train. The oii-1 was instan tly killed andber father probably fatally injured. UolIi uorses were horrïbly mangled and the carriage utterly ruined. Another daughterof Mr. Tueker's was killed a lew miles away, on the same railroad, two y i' ars agO, Secretary Gardner rupárts tUat the average couJition of uhoat in the state is 83 per cent; souCherri counties, 75; central, 88 and northern, 103. The per ceut ia southern ooiinties is 13 !oss tiian a year ago, owinjr to tlie October drouth. but 6 per cent inore wheat was -,wn than ia 1806. Average corn, 61 bushelsof ears por acrej elovcr 1.92 buhhels, tlu; I yield ever reported; potatoes are 04 per cont of an average erop. [oiiee Jnstice L;iird.of Saprinaw, has a sort of tickefc-of-lea-ve solieme, which he savs is doing womlurs Uvaii3s rorming aAruly boys. Al present he -i.-; on the slriiifr. '1 lm boys are sed onder - 1jut eách week they must appi-a adge and brinr a letter fi u eaeher and pavent grivii of tbeir deportraent, etc ix are doing finely, al on ' lwo bad tobe"jacke'l up"' befor scovered that th Jiul The dry kilns of thu Midlanil Heading mili havo burm-d. entailing a loss o. 82,400, with il ' '■


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