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RINSEY & SEABQLT SD. 6 and 8 Washington SI Have alway s on hand a complete Stock of everything in tha 6S0GEBT LINE Teas, Coífees and Sugar AU prime artictea bought for casb and can sell at low figures. Our frequent Wge Lnvoiccs of Teas ia a aure siga w Iva bargains in Quality and Prices. We roast our own coffees every week eilwayg frosh and good. Our bakery tnrns out the verj best of Bread, Cke and Crackors. Cali and see u. FREO. W. BUSS, P110PRIET0B OP THE LEADING HARNESS SHOP. Wo offer tlie public a large assortment Df Hand-Made HARNESS BLANKETS ►a-%. ROBES WH1PS Aud all other Trappings at lowest prices. Repairing Promptly, Cheaply and Neatly Done. Trunks and Valises ai Moderóte Prices. A ng American Stock and Poultry Food kcpt on Sale. FRED. W. BUSS, 12 V. iabcrty Si., Aun Arbor. JOHN BAUMÖARDNER, Dealer Ín American and Imported QRANÏTES ! and all klnda of BUILDING STONE! Cemetery Work A SPBIHALTÏ Oonwr of Detroit md Cathertne bu. INN AKBOK, MIOH. Let The Dogs U the Barking ! You wpn't have to if you'll go to Mummety's Drug Stote Andget a 8-ounee Packagc of Sibley & Holmwood's QICK RELIEF COÜGH DROPS They only cost 5c a Package. RÜGSMADE FROI ïiüROLD CARPETS! Write us today for our reí ii-cular and prioe list, expialning all aboutour new method cf i.'.kIng rovsrsible rtlgs vvith all around, f rom your Oíd Brussels or Ingrain Carpets, ín any size frdra tle smiiltest (i oor mat to the largest urt square. These riiffsaro decidedly oriflntaJ lokinr and equal to t'ne liest ■X'K'kish rug over produced. Addrosí 8, KBOS8, Chicago, JU. 211 WfUliviirtii ,ln. M..THE BlfiGEST OFFER YÉT,... The REGISTER AND The Twice-aWeek Detroit Free Press BotU l'jipvrs One Vear For only pl .JJO. Tlie Tivlce-a-Week Freo fn- i mceded ly all to be Mlchlsati's Leadtng N'utvs.paper. Hls published on TueSday and Friday of ach week. and alnjost eiiiKils a dally puper, Itemembor thui by takiug ndvaDtmrt.' of thís comblnatlon. you get 52 copies of tbe And Arbob Beoistbb and lüt cupiü ot rhe Frue I'ns, toe only íl.50, Wlllch niuKcs (he cost of tu: papero to you Leus than One Cent per Copy. A 500-page BOQK FREE. Tiie Free Press AUANÁC auti JVeaíher Forecants for 189S Correut, eoncise, complete Over 20,000 copies t 1897 book were solil at 25 cents. The book will be out .bout Dec. 25, 1897. Anyoo snibscriuin.; ut onco and aending lSoentsadditlonal for I mailing tíxpn8es, 1.(5 in all, will roceivo the book witli the two I papers. Address 1HE AtUfftVtm. Ana Arbor, Icli. [


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Ann Arbor Register