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ZIMP. KING'S AJGENCY. General Insurance. Liie, Fire, Tornado, Accident, Plate Glass, etc, at lowest premium rates. flortgage Loans. Money to loan at the lowest current ra tes of Interest. Collections. Collections of all kinds' made on reasonable terms. No. 216 ittulu Sitrcet, South, Ann Arbor. - Micti. "I Didn't Know of !i music store down here on Liberty Street," is an expression by many who come to our store the flrst time, but the stnall distance of only three doors f rom Main street makes a lare dlflerence in expenses - and the benefit therefrom goes to the customer who wants ANYTHING IN THE ICAL UNE. AGENCY FOR Schomacker Gold String Pianos, B. Shoninger Celebrated Pianos, Schaffer PianosIt would be wasting words to teil of the imerits of the FARRAND&VOTEY PARLOR ORGANS, made by the same tirm that ruado the graat World 's Fair Colutnhian orpan, now in University Hall. , Schaeberle lusic Store No. S W. Liberty St.. AWW ARBOR, - INCH. OUH 25 CtNI COLUMN, WiNTBfii QAbBnKN 8100 to $125 per M month and expenses. Stitple line, positiou permanent, pleasant und desirable. AdIress, with stamp, Seymour-Whitney Co.. S. 198 Chicago, III. (33) W'AM'I'En- An experienced nalesman and book-keeper desirea a tituationüj tan Arbor. Ib swonfr and températe and wllling lo work at a moderate salary at Jtny respectable work. If you want such a man. ttdIressH. B. M., Ann Arbor, R íster Üfiii-,-. fiStf. WAN'CKI- Somebrigiit youns man about 17 years of age who wants io wort ni' into a good paying job, can loarn sometblng to his advantae i) enqufring at tlie Kegister Office 2W E. Hurón St. WÜNTEI; A boy wlio desires to learn a good trade. Some boy who has good common 86D86 and is willing to work and wants to learn a trade in wliicli there la ftlways a demand for Ihst class men, nhould cali at The Kegisteb office. 210 E. Huron-St. W ANTEO- Trustwortliy and active ííentlemen or ladies to travel for responai ble, establlshed house in Michigan. Munt.hly 165.00 expenses. Position steady. Ileferonce. Endose self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Oompany, Dept. Y., Chicago. Úl ÍOK KEIVT- Avcry pleasint nlne POom house, No. 112:i West Liberty Si. Kent C.6Ü per month. Inquire at No. 1025 West Liberty St. 2tf FOK v .■.. IjOR SAl.E:-My farm of 122 acres two -- miles southeast of Ajim Arbor, a bout forty acres of peach orchard. six acres of pe:ir urchard, fave acres of a pie orchard, good )iuildings;land in ahigli state of cultivation. l''or terms enqulre on premises. Eobert McCardy. FOR SALE AT A BAHíiAIN- A nine room h(;use with a 6x12 rod lot, coTner of Kountain and Summit Street, Ann Arbor, largebarn, shed and shop; house contains iiath, hot and cold soft water, also city water and a never (alUng welloípure spring water. Fi-je garden. For price and terms apply on the premises. 23tf HHKBILK OV TBACBERS' KXAItl1NATIONS. The reeular examinations for alhgrades will be held at Ann Arbor the third Thursday and Friday of August, 1897, and the lost Thursday and Friday of March. 1898. Examinations for second and third grades at Ypsllanti, the third Thursday and Friday of October, 1897. and at A nn Arbor the tliird Thursday and Friday of June, 1898. Special üxaminations for third grade only at Salín i.he third Friday of September, 1897. tf W. N. LISTEE. CommissionerSICK HEADACHI Positively cured foy these Iiittle Pilla. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsla, j Indigestión and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. Thcy Regúlate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pili. Small Dose. , fhwndl PvfoBV


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