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The Daisy Garment Cleaner. Removes Grease from any garnient. Also removes fruit ana all other stains from most delicate fabrio. Absolutely Uninjurious. ; Kvcry famtly needs thls Yonderfolly SuccessM Soap, Almotl Evry Family Wlll Buy It. Big Money for Agents. Jogt the tbing for some enter]trlsing youn? man to make money at. Write for terms to T. S. RAYMOND CHEMICAL CO., PAW PAW, ILLS. Spiui for MHinpif. , DRUG GIST CATAKHl for a generous P?íyH 10 CENT WCMBAlVvl Ely's Cream Balm ËAYfEVERj contains no cocaïne. -S jBk mercuryor any other I (&Êa injurious drug. BsTÍ crllcOLD'NHEAD Itopensand cleanses the ?asal l'assases Allayslnfiammation. Heals and Protects tho Mémbrane. Eestores the Senses of Taste and Smell. FullsizeSOc: Trial Size lCc. at Dru!i?ists or by mail. a ELY BKOTHERS. 56 WarrenSt. ,New York. Do yon want aoy kind of printïng done g Then go to tlie KegiMter Office. K. Hnron Ht. A TOASTER That Toasts. Does not dry or burn thebread BAKES CAKES Used under common round cake griddle, wlll heat it evenly and niake 'lebS smudge and amoke. YOU WILL LIKE IT. For Gas, Gasoline, or Blue Flame Oil Gook Sfoye. 50 CKNT. It will please you. Made by KINNE M'FQ. CO., MIXyEAPOLIS, - - UISS Ask Your Dealer Vor It. Í1 ft CMTO HERE'S A AutlllO MONEY MAKER, Our Automatic Carpet Stretcher & Tackel sella itself. All jou need do is to Bhow it Works on entirely new principie. Oí eratoi . itands and Is drawn wlth earpet. Cuu lolc t carpet and tack twothicknesses. Dop'' fc smash flngers orwearout knees. Jiiv mk times as fastas the oldwaï Iklli. Special pricea on sample to agent fin. Express Pbepaid. Start in now ai (■ÍSffii. season is cloBe at hand, WahanOU ■É other SPECLLÏIES. Write KM once for cartoon circular an terms to agenta. Addrtu Goddard & Allen Co. 8tt St. BKLOIT. WIS AUorney ac Luw, ITCilan, TOeh. Money loaned iór outaicfe pariïes.AU legal business given prompt attp.tiM AN ENTIRELY NEW DEPARTURE IN FENCE WKAVINQ THE BUCKEYE 5 - i - --rz " - ' - - - ' ■ - cUHl ' . v Po-table weavlng machine will weave 3 rods of fenco whllo oae is being woven by any oiher machine. Seud for circulara. HOLMES & IARD,BROS.I.CAMZ. OHIO. The Willsie Pocket Camera.... Is constructea apeo a new principie lt uses no roll film, no Lm holaer, píate holder changing sleeve or bag Takes 24 Pictures without reloadlng. Snap Shots. Time Exposures. Each picture is on a separate fllm 2x256 . Eacti picture eau te develODa separately. Films Changed In Daylight. The camera measuies 4x3s2y, lnches. Has a eood lens, a salety shutter and set of three stops. Is covered with grain leather. Price $5.00. Send for Camera Infoqpiation. THE WILLSIE CAMERA CO., lïé Van Buren St., Chicago, 1U fniohiFnpbsil PCU]Y0 fk RESTORES VITALITY. 15th Day. liW OÍ Me. THE GREAT soth Day. produces the above result tn;30 dayi. M powerfully and quickly. Cure, when I1 othera 1 Í1L Youngmenwillregain their lort manhood and ol REVIVO. It Quicíiy ana fuiw .""" "■-- ness Lost VitaUty, Inipotency, Nightlr EmiMlon Lort Power, Failin Mnoy. Waatin Dieea..nd all effeots ot self-abusc or excesn and india, whlch unfits one f or study. business ormarria.It not only cures by starting at the seat ' dlwa bnt isagreat nervetonio and blood builder, bring ing back tho pink Slow to pale cheo't"n'LrL storing the fire of youth. fi wards J" and Consnmption. Insist on taving KE "U. n other It can be carried in vest pockft. By mail. 1.00 per package. or six ior SÖ.OO. wlth a po "ivo wrlttcn pnarantee to core or rofund themoney. CircElarlree. Aae8s tr„ t Z 1 :, . _ 260 Dearborn otn oy al Medicine to., For salo by Eberbach Drng and Chemical Co., Ann Arbor,Mich.


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