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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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SWEAK, NERVOUS, DISEASEB MEN 250,000 CÜRED IN 2O YEARS, Ï6@=Cty?HS GUARANTEED OR NO PA.Y I Mai& $1000 IN GOLD F0R A CASE WE ggÉ8pHHEB% PIUUU III UULU CANN0T CURE OF 1 -JB-b SELF-ABUSE, EHISSIONS, VAKICOË&i';::iYÊÊW cele, concealed drains, strsctmWi Éé0!W2l URE ÜLEET. SYPHJLIS, STUNTED 18 VfÉftSBi% W0 PARTS, LOST MANHOC-J, i.vil'OTRNP S WMjM CY' NERVOUS DEBIL1TY, L'.N. ..-■ I 'iÊ$?fêiïMÉttÈÊm URAL ETCiCHifs Hl The New Method Treatmant is the -gC Greatest Discovsry of the fcgs AmBTooBwsacK. FOR CURING THESE DKSEASES Thouaands of young and midöle aged raen arO annually swopt to a premature ■ grave through EARLY INDISCRET1ONS, EX-13SSES, AND l'LOO ÜISfiASKS. Il WÊ you have any of the following symptom8 consult us bofore it la too late. Are you ner■ vous and weak, deapondent and gloomy, specka beforo the oyes wlth dark clrcles under Hthem, weak back, kldneys irritable, palpltatlon of the heart, bashful, droams and ■ losses, sediment In urine, pimples on the face, eyea sunkén, hollow cheeka, careworn H expresalon, poor momory, lifeleaa, distrustful, lack energy and Htrongth, tlred mornB inga, reatlesa nlghts, changeable mooda, weak inanhood, stunted organs and premaH turo decay, bone paina, hair looae, sore throat etc. YOU HAVE SEMINAL WEAKNESS f OUR NEW METHOD THEATMENT alono can ■ cure you, and make a man of you. TJnderita lufluT7'"'r ' '."" B ence the brain becomes active, the blood purlfled KÊBKESSÊÊit ! '-'■ H so that all pimplos, blotcbea and ulcera dlsappear; EnnEBSsSF&íSrSuHir '-vj H the nérvea becomo atrong aa ateel, so that nervouaft. H neas, baahfulnesa and deapondency diaappear; 'jLw f'ifvli'fwfj H the eyea become hrlght, the face full and, ■■QfiK H energy returna to the body, and thomorai, physi.-itl ;.,.. '' ':'!:''i3íiffljHH Hand sexual eyatema are invioratod; all draina '■'.. ■ ;. - "i::r H cease-no moro vital waste from the By.s! n. Tl, '& ' HWÍ HHBPwI H varloua organs become natural and manly. You fSB mS SSfcSÍfíf Bfíi'i'l yn:rK"lf a man and know marrlago cannot be jH ' .tBIJHB ï!VÈfitlLi Dj a ftiluro. We invite all the afnlcted to consult ua KK r TBPffPiInf'flMit H conil'lcntially and free of charge. Don' t let quacks taSMfMBScwjr BsS h and fakirs rob you of your hard earncd dollara. jiHWÍi TBBttT H We vjill care you r no pay. 1 HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED2 VS ffi SYPHIL1S is the moat prevalent and most aerious KvJ" M BLOOi dlsoaae. It eaps the very Ufe blood of thfl BWtwSS ' '' -: üil Hvictlm and unless entirolyeradicated from thoays' ■ tem will affoct the offsprlng. Beware of Mercury. hibeditac : : r.. It only supprosses the symptoms- our N'.W MKTHOD positivoly euros It tor oít. Y0UNC1 O ivilDULH-AOED MAN- You've led a gay lite, or lndulund Ir, th folHoa ■ ofjbuth. Self-abuso or later eiceaaoa havo broken down your aystnni. You foei the H ayurptoma atoaling over you. Mentally, physically and Böiually you arO not the ; B you used to bo or should be. Luatful prácticos roap ri:h harvosis. Will y.iu liued the H tlangor signáis. H 'Ji-ii( ï) I Avoyouavictim? Have you lost hopo? Are youoontomplatln mnrringe? í ■ '■ , I T 11 ! Has your blood been diseaaed? yon any weakn - .' üur Sen H thod B Treaïjnont will euro you. What it has done for others it will do for you. Consultatiriii H Pree. No matter who has treated you, write for au bonest opinión Freeoí Charge. ■ Charges reasonable. Books Praa.- "The Golden Monitor" (illustrftted), on Dlseasesol H Men. Inclose postage, 2 centa. Sealod. Book on "Discancrt it VVonien" l'wo. NO ÑAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PHIVATE. No medicine ssn' C.0 0. H No names on boxes or envelopes. Evcrything confidential. Question list and eest cl ftcat■ ment, FREE. No. !43SHELBY!Vr. I DETROI., MICK. i


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