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-THE- Nation's Pride STANDARD ROTARY SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE is a beautiful piece of mechanism. It is one Single Piece of Solid Steel, hardened and polished in the highost degree. Also the STANDARD VIBRATOR the finest Vibratiñg Shuttle Machine in the world. FOK SALE BY L OTOOLE, 119 N. Main, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Opera House Block. Deacon Hamby - "Wo're going to have a reformed prizefighter talk at the temperance meeting Thursday night." 'I he Deacon's Son- "How is it possibie that he can be reformed if he still talks'í'' - Chicago Nevis. LEGAL N0T1CES. Chancery Sale. Ín nirsmmce and by virtue of doeree of i he ( 'Ircuit Oourt for the C'nunty of WashteniM,Stato-of Michigan, in chancery, raade and, entered the Sevanteenth day f Hay, 1BB7, wherein Mo9es Taggart is complalnam and Henry B. Dlller t defendant. N'otice la hereby glven that I wlll solí :it public auction, at t he east front door of tho Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, la said Comily (that being the building in which the circuit court for tho saiil county is held) on WEDNESDAi. THE IHtb DAV OF FEfiBlLAKY. 1808, at ton o'clock in the forenoon of said day the tlu1 followiug described real estáte. All that certain piece or parcel of land situated in the City of Ypsllanti, Washtonaw County, Michigan, and described as follows, described as commeneing on tho nortli line of Forost Avenue at the southwest corner of land owned by Ellzabetb Grooker; thence northeriy along the west line of land owned by E. Orooker aud Mrs. Buck to the south line of land ownt'd by Wllllam ('rawford estáte; thence west along tho south line of said Crawford's land three hundrod feetj thence southerly parallel with saiu easi line to the north lineof Ellisstreet; i henee easterly along the north line of Ellls street and Forest Avenue to the place of beginninn. d l'ec. 21. 18(17. O. EI.MKR HüTTERFIEI.D, Circuit Court Commissloncr. TAGOABT, W0LOOTT& GAN90N, 06 SollCitors for Coniplainant WANTED- Trustworthy and active geutlemen or ladies to travjl for responsiLile established house in Michigan. Monthly 5tí."00 and expenses. Position stoady. Keference. Euolose self-aderessel stamped envelope. The Dominion Compauy, Dept. V Chicago. 01 "güaranteed pile cure ïor S2.O0, which sum will be refunded if It lalls to cure. For 5Oc will send smaller box 'ontainini; suföcient to cura in most oases. Special Bemedy Co., B. 622,lliitaeo, 111 HOLD-FAST CLOTHES LINE A new anduseful devlce whioh overy famly will buy, is solil only throuffh local agís. Simple and strong; can he put up anywhere; ccurely holds rop? or wire; instant adjustnont and ronioval of lino: no props needed. olls on slght. Popular price. Aiieiit niiilcd ovcryivlicre. Exclusive territory. Ai ractive terms. Premium o"l ProJU-deartng Anyone may beoomo agent. Sample pair, y mail. 25-. Kcluo Noycliy Co., S28 Lui'usi Ut., Pliiladelphla. A Pair o' Old 'üns. Alex Ferguson and hls sister, Bettie Carrollton, live near Anderson, Tnd. Ie is 105 and she is fnur 5-ears older.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register