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LTo ínsure Insertlon our Ooropondents shou'.d mail thclr Items not later thsn Tnesday a. m. of each week. If sent later they aro likely to becrowdedout.l MANCHHNTKH. Elmer C. Silkworth, of Readinfr, visited his parents and f riends hero Chris traas. Fred Horman camc up from Toledo. Monday evening, for a short vacation with relitives. Miss Josie Fenn, of Helena Montana, is a guest at the home of her father, Col. Fenn, in Bridgewater. Mr. and Mrs. Goodyear entertaincd Mr. and Mrs. EarlCoulson, of Brooklyn, on Christmas Day. Miss Bertha Younghans, of Toledo, is visiting her parents hcre. Mis3 Marie Kirchoffer went to Ann Arbor, Satuady afternoon, to spend a fow days. Mrs. Helen Cleoves, of the U. of M., is hero to spend her vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Iloward Macomber. Miss Bertha Lehu has returned l'rom an extended visit with friends in Detroit. Ernest Kuenzler is home from Elmhurst college to spend the holidays. Cards are out for the marriage of Dr. George 8ervice and Miss Jennie Saley on Wednesday. Dec. 20, at 6 o'clock p. m. Miss Julia Martin of Ypsilanti, and Miss Editb Case, from the Elgin 111. scbools are home for thelr vacations. The young men of tbis villaje gave a dance and cake walk at Arbeiter Hall, Monday evening. Will Wilke, of the U. of M. is spending a few days here with friends. Mrs. E. S. Hagamon and children are visiting her parents and sister in the southern part of the state. Miss Woodward went to Adrián Priday, Miss Bailey to Pontiac, Miss McAdam to Clinton and Arton Yokom to Kidgeway to spaad the holidays. Mrs. Carrie Green, of Monroe, is here caring for her father, Jacob Tilber , who is very 111. Mrs. Almeron Case, of Pittaford, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dillie Hall. Miss Oeta Hall, Chas. Leeson and Ilerbert Witherall, of the U. of M., are home for the holidays. Mra. S. W. Lockvvood is entertaining her sister from North Dakota. Milo Rowe and Miss Abbie Chase have been clerking for G. J. Hauessler and Miss Blanche Stark at the Kacket Store during the holiiay rush. Miss Carrie Widmayer, of Lenewaee Junction, is visiting friends in this vicinity. raiLAN. Mrs. Chas. Gacentlett, and daughter Cecil are visiting friends in Dundee this week.' Married Dec. 25. Miss Maggie Barnes and Mr. Wm. Sissum both of Milan at the brides residence on County St. Uev. F. O. Jones officiating. Mr. and Mrs. E. Blachmer have a baby boy which carne just one day too late to be a Christmas present, Mrs. N. Putman, of Union City is the guest of her son, Mr. E. Putman. Mrs. Charles Siü is quito ill with rhsumatism. Prof. Jone i Ciar k of Shelly is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. W.Clark Atty. Wm. Murry, of Ann Arbor, spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents In Milan. Mr. and Mrs. T. Barnes and son returned from their Qaincy visit Tuesday p. m. Mr. Geo. Laughin, of St. Clair, is visiting Milan friends. Mr. aüd Mrs. H. W. Holcomb. of Detroit, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Holcomb. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mains, of Detroit, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Putman Monday. An Old Folk's Concert will be given at the Presbyterian church in the near future. Atty Salisbury spent Saturday in Ann Arbor. Walter Amba is at home from Ferris Industrial school for a few days. Mable Wilkinson, of Vernon Mich. is the guest of her sister Mrs. Geo. Minto. Mrs. J. Bernap is spending the winter with her daughter Dr. Mary Williams in Detroit. Miss Bessie Hutchinson of Ann Arbor, is visiting friends in Milan this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wisdom are entertaining their daughter from Monroe City for a few days. DELHI MILLS. Rev. Moorehouse, of Webster, will meet with the peoplo of Delhi, cext Sunday, Jan. 2, for tho purpose of organizing the Sunday school. He wants everybody to come. School closed for the holidays with Christmas exereises. Mrs. Emma Benz has been visiting at Mrs. Strehle's for a couple of weeks Mr. Strehle and daughters, OUilie .and Eva, are visiting in Detroit. Mrs. J. E. Marsh and dauhter Kosa, and son Josie, also Mrs. Geo. Young, are spending the holidays in Toledo. Miss Mary Abele spont her Christmas in Jackson, with hor brother and other friends. PITTSFIELD. Mr. Fred Swaith is visitingj home for a few days. The Pittsfleld Sunday school gave ita annual Christmas entertainment at the Stone school house, Tuesday even ing. The house was crowded. Everything passed off pleagantly and everybody eeemed to enjoy the children's songs. Miss Clella Anderson and Miss Matie Ticknor had chargo of the program. SALIiVIi. At the regular clection of offioers of the K. O. T. M. held last weck the following wore chosen : Cora., S. II. Crittenden ; Lieut. Com., John Lutz; R. K., Geo. K. Lutz; P. K., Gilmer C. TownseDd; Chap., S. Josenhans; Phys., C. F. i aderkircher; Sergeant, C. R. Parsons: M. of G., W. Cornish: lst M. of G., IJ. F. Lieevea; 2nd M. of G., John Gates; Sen., Walter Bailey ; Picket, Peter Barnard. At the election of officers of the L. O.T.M, the following were chosen: Jom. Mrf. B. A. Glazier; Lieut. Com , Mrs. C. P. Underkircher; K. R , Mrs. Fannie Allen; P. K„ Mrs. Etta Laltue: Chaplain, Mrs. Adam Stang. Fred Clark, of Chicago, spent Christmas with his parents in this place. Mi3S Mary Woodruff, of Charlevoix, spent a few days with A. M. Humphrey and wifo last woek. Ralph Masón, of Ann Arbor, ate Christmas dinner with M. M. Rouse and family. Edward Schairer, of Ann Arbor, spent Uhristmas with his father in this )lace. Herman Stierle was over from Ann Aroor Saturday. Charles Rogers, of Monroo, was in ,own Sat urday. Herbert Sanford, of Lake City, is spendingatwo weeks' vacation with lis parents in this place. The Christmas exercises held in the three churches of this place Friday evening, were largely attended. W. Hoyt spent Christmas in Milan. Miss Purnell Depuy, who is teaching school in the northc-rn part of the state, s spending the holidays with her parents in this place. Attorney Engel and daughters, of Detroit, spent Christmas with Samuel rittenden and family. Mrs, Wm. Lazerlere entertained the Misses Bristol. Baker, Klager, and Englehart and Messrs. Chas, and Fred Snglehart, of Ann Arbor, at dinner, Saturday. Adam Stang and family spent Christmas at Ann Arbor. G. C. Townsend and wife visited relatives and friends in Detroit Saturday. Jacob Sturm and family entertained 'riends from Ann Arbor Saturday and Sunday. W. N. Li ster is in Lansing this week. NORTHFlELiD. Mr. Thad Leiand, of St. Louis, Mo., ' s spending the vacation with his father, Mr. Ehnery Leiand. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Laraway spent Christmas with friends at Jackson. Miss Agnes Pfeifle is home to ppend ihe vacation. Miss Myrtie Renwick haa gone to Pt. Huron, to visit her father. Mr. and Mrs. Orsen Leiand entertained company Christmas day. WEBS TUR. Will Alexander spent Christmas with his parents. Elmer Lyon and sister, Miss Laura, visited friends here recently. Geo. Alexander ran up home the other day to eat turkey. Jay McCall is spending a week or so in this place. Elmer Latson is spending the winter at Whitmore lake. The children in school district no. ", or the Merrill district, have the whooping cough. The Christmas entertainment of the school was broken up by reason of it. Horace Sayles i? at last able to be around. He has had trouble with his lungs. The C. E. entertainment on the 19th inst. was a success. It was.mainly conducted by home talent. The M. E. church celebrated Christmas by having a tree Thursday. Santa Claus was on a donkey and caused much laughter. The candles set off the evening. The Congregational church had a Christmas tree on Friday evening. Santa was dressed up in a long flowing beard, wampus and trouser?, with bells over his shoulders. After the program the candles on the two trees wero lighted, and presents delivered. A great deal of fun was made. The Sunday school elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Bert Kenney, supt.; Frank Williams, asst. supt. ; Miss Latson, sec. and treas.; May Bal], organist; Rev. Morehouse, chorister; Ray MoCol!, press reporter. There will be preaching next Sunday evening at the Congregational church. The subject is, "The Ideal Life." Miss Millie McColl, who has been spending a fow weeks in Oregon, 111., has roturned. ST ON V CKEEK. Miss Stella Ward, teacher in tho Rcdner district, gave her school a Christnras treo and entertainment. Friday afternoon. The children thoroughly appreciated it. Prof. and Mrs. McGee and Miss Rutb, also Misscs Emma Barr and Geneviea Olcott are spending tho holidays at W. Barr's. Mr. Hortie Davis fcpent Sunday at this place. Wre. V. D. Hogers and Master Cari, of Aon Arbor, spent Christmas with Dell Wain and wife. T. L. Buck and mother spent Christmas at Ann Arbor. The Christmas entertainment at the Preabyterian church was well atteuded, all things being considered. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Fulcher, of Scoffield, spent Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Weleb. Mrs. A. Millor ia entertaining her sister from Cherry Hill. Mrs. Lowe and Miss All ie Crittenden, of Jackson, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Crittenden. Miss Anna Campbell is the vacation with her grandparents at Hastings. Mrs. Ives is spending a few weeks with her daughter near Milford. Mis3 Bell Barr, who has been spending the past few weeks in Detroit, has returned homo. Mr. and Mrs. AUbright and daughter Kttio, spent Christmas at Pinckney. Li.n.v. Miss Minnie Steinbach, from Ann Arbor, has been visiting relativos here. Mr3. A. Stedman from Ann Arbor, is visiting friends here. Mrs. Lena Doyle, of Kalamazoo, is spending this week here. Eddie Grau, from Ann Arbor, is spending a few days with ms father. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stanton, of Eaton llapids, are spending this week here. The officers for Lima Grange for nextyearare: Master, Geo. English; overseer, O. C. Burkhart; lecturer, Mrs. F. Sweetland; steward, Arl Guerin; assistant steward, Mrs. H. Wilson; chaplain, Mr. F. Ward; treas., Frank Sweetland; sec, TIenry Wilson; gate keeper, Estella Guerin ; Ceres, Mrs. F. McMillen; Flora, Mrs. O. C. Burkhart; Pomona, Mrs. E. Keycs; lady assistant steward, Adena Strieter.


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