Lawrence Welk and members of his show at Willow Run Airport, May 1959
Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 7, 1959
WELK ARRIVES AT WILLOW RUN: John L. French, general manager of the Ford Motor Company hardware and accessories division at Rawsonville, (second from right) welcomed Lawrence Welk and members of his show when they arrived at Willow Run Airport this morning for the Ninth Annual Future Unlimited Celebration of the Junior Achievement of Southeastern Michigan, of which Mr. Welk is master of ceremonies. The celebration will be held at the Masonic Temple in Detroit at 8 p.m. tonight. Accompanying Mr. Welk from Los Angeles were Janet Lennon, of the Lennon Sisters, (fifth from left); her father, William Lennon (extreme left); Warren Luening, Jr., trumpet player, (second from left); Brian Siebman, singer, guitarist, (third from left), Bo Wagner, dancer and drummer, (fourth from left), and Thomas Owens, accordianist, (fifth from left). Also on hand to greek Mr. Welk and his troop was Carl Kolon, 20, of Detroit, president of the Achiever's Association of Southeastern Michigan. French is president of the J. A. board of Southeastern Michigan.
Ann Arbor News, May 7, 1959
WELK ARRIVES AT WILLOW RUN: John L. French, general manager of the Ford Motor Company hardware and accessories division at Rawsonville, (second from right) welcomed Lawrence Welk and members of his show when they arrived at Willow Run Airport this morning for the Ninth Annual Future Unlimited Celebration of the Junior Achievement of Southeastern Michigan, of which Mr. Welk is master of ceremonies. The celebration will be held at the Masonic Temple in Detroit at 8 p.m. tonight. Accompanying Mr. Welk from Los Angeles were Janet Lennon, of the Lennon Sisters, (fifth from left); her father, William Lennon (extreme left); Warren Luening, Jr., trumpet player, (second from left); Brian Siebman, singer, guitarist, (third from left), Bo Wagner, dancer and drummer, (fourth from left), and Thomas Owens, accordianist, (fifth from left). Also on hand to greek Mr. Welk and his troop was Carl Kolon, 20, of Detroit, president of the Achiever's Association of Southeastern Michigan. French is president of the J. A. board of Southeastern Michigan.
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