Nerd Nite @ Top of the Park
Wednesday June 21, 2023: 7:00pm to 8:30pm Add to Calendar / Add to Google Calendar
Offsite Location
Gather ‘round for an evening of informed and informal talks from a friendly neighborhood expert! We’ll have three speakers, each presenting on a different topic and sharing interesting facts that you never knew you never knew! Past Nerd Nite speakers have led deep dives into topics from the legacy of Louis Pasteur, to the origin of elements, to how a trumpet works, to a dissection of romance novel tropes. So bring a friend, grab a drink, and enjoy an evening among fellow nerds. Be there and be square!
Have you ever wondered what your drunk self, Holartic wildfowl and Glen Campbell can teach us about how the brain makes maps? Then meet Chloe Rybicki-Kler and Get Lost in the wild world of the Retrosplenial Cortex, nature's 'Navigator Extraordinaire!
Chloe is a Michigan Alum and a 4th Year Candidate in the PIBS Neuroscience Program. Her research focuses on the cholinergic and serotonergic of retrosplenial spatial navigation circuits in health and neurodegenerative disease.
Why do we keep retelling a story about a felonious blonde, some bears, and a frankly terrible breakfast? Join Amir Baghdadchi for So Wrong It's "Just Right": The Bewildering Story Mechanics of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" We'll revisit this legendary cottage in the woods and discover how "The Three Bears" doesn't just violate the thermodynamic laws of porridge cooling, it flouts everything we're taught about proper storytelling.
Amir is a writer, comedian, and host of The Moth StorySLAM in Ann Arbor. He has appeared at Pickathon Festival and on the Moth Radio Hour, and he actually really does live in a cottage deep in the pines, but prefers room temperature muesli.
“Hey, you got your tuba in my vintage synthesizer!” “No, you got your vintage synthesizer IN MY TUBA!” Guess we’d better Journey to the Center of the Sousaloopaphone. The Sousaloopaphone is part loop pedal, part vintage synth, part sega genesis, and 100% PURE TUBA. Come hear Eli Neiburger its hapless inventor detail the mistakes that led to such an abomination.
Eli plays most woodwinds, a little brass, and a lot of Kerbal Space Program. He is the instigator of the Nintendoland Family Band and can frequently be found in the Director's office at the Downtown Library.

Library Event
Lectures & Panel Discussions
Music & Performance
Science & Technology
Nerd Nite
Offsite Location
Nerd Nite