When A.I. Enters the Concert Hall
Wednesday November 1, 2023: 6:00pm to 7:30pm Add to Calendar / Add to Google Calendar
Downtown Library: 4th Floor Meeting Room
What happens when A.I. enters the concert hall in 2023? Composers and experimental musicians have used a range of artificial intelligence technologies to generate new musical works and support their creativity since the 1950s. How have these methods evolved over time and what does the music they influence sound like? Does this technology facilitate new modes of musical expression, or does it, in fact, present obstacles to music making?
Explore these questions through a host of musical examples and expert commentary with Garrett Schumann, a faculty member in the University of Michigan’s College of Literature, Sciences and the Arts, as well as a frequent AADL presenter. This talk will build off of Schumann’s June 2023 feature in The New York Times that assessed the current state of A.I. in classical music. By drawing connections to other genres, as well as different applications of this technology, Schumann's presentation will illuminate critical issues that define A.I.’s role in contemporary society.

Library Event
Music & Performance
Science & Technology
Downtown Library: 4th Floor Meeting Room