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Signs Posted, In Zoning Dispute

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These signs, just installed, make it clear that the Black Pond area of the Isberg property on the city's north side is private property. Residents of the area, objecting to a proposed multiple-family development on the 37-acre parcel, claim such a development will destroy the Black Pond area which they say is used for nature studies. Developers were denied their request for multiple family by the Planning Commission last week even though they offered to dedicate 13 acres of the Black Pond area to the city. Thomas H. Green, attorney for the developers, said that the developers did not know until last week that the area was being used for nature studies. He said the signs were installed to protect developers against any liability because the Black Pond area can be a dangerous place. Green also said residents believe they had a right to this area and the signs were posted to clearly indicate it is private property and any use made of it would be by permission granted by the area's owners.


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