Physical Education Changes Proposed
In report to the Afin Arbor Board of Education last night by Dr. Sain Sniderman, assistant superintendent for instruction, several alterátions in physical education requirements were proposed. Dr. Sniderman told the board the Secondary Council had recommended t h a t seventh grade physical education be required daily and two periods be left for elective opportunities. O t h e r recommendations were: at the eight grade, requirements remain the same in all academie areas except physical education which should be made an elective; at the ninth grade, requirements should be the same in all academie areas except physi. cal education should be required for one semester (one-half unit) and be trans,e rabie for high school graduation requirements. . The board was informed by ■ various teachers in the audience that the majority of all , seventh grade students enroll I in physical education without it being required. A parent then told the board that he feit that students should be given an option to take cal education instead o f I requiring it in the seventh I grade. Several trustees said they I feit it unfair to make 1 sions on one program área I without viewing the entire I instructional program and all graduation requirements. Trustee Cecil Warner charged the administration with presenting a piecemeal proposal dealing with only one aspect physical education requirements. In Dr. Sniderman's report it was noted that the request for a review of the physical education requirement for the ninth grade continúes to be raised by staff members, both within the physical education department and other departments w h i c h are affected by that requirement. Additionally some members of the community are questioning the need for this requirement because of its limiting factor on other options for students.