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Teachers, School Board Bargain For Two Hours

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Resumption of teacher contract negotiations last night between the Arm Arbor Board of Education and the Ann Arbor Education Association (AAEA) resulted in procedural agreement between the two parties but little else. The two-hour negotiating session in the AAEA headquarters at 217 Jackson Plaza was the first since fact-finding by Prof. Keith Groty, representing the Michigan Employment Relations Commission, ended Nov. 30 with Groty recommending that bargaining be resumed. A second negotiating session will be held at 8 p.m. Thursday at the AAEA headquarters. Anne Enderby, AAEA president, today issued the following statement about last night's bargaining session: "The negotiating teams for the AAEA vand the Board of Education met for two 'hours Tuesday night to resume negotiations as directed by the state fact-finder Mr. Keith Groty. "The topic for discussion at this sessjon involved coming to agreement on j the manner in which we will calcĂșlate cost of salary and fringe benefit proposals, based on current staff. "A second negotiating session has been scheduled for Thursday at 8 p.m. - - . The AAEA is approaching these sessions with an open mind and attempting to lay aside previous hostilities to earnestly seek a reasonable settlement. We sincerely hope the board will use the same approach." Miss Enderby said procedure dominated last night's discussions. William Stewart, public information officer for the public schools, said today that 'the board characterized the session as a useful exchange of information and positions. Continuation of negotiations gives promise of reaching a settlement satisfactory to both parties," he added.