Teachers' Pay Package Aired
Negonatmg íeams ' for thel Board of Education and the Anal Arbor Teachers' Associationl (AATA) met in an all-day bar-l gaining session yesterday andl completed "initial discussions"! of the entire AATA economie] package. The eight-hour meeting "wentl very well," according to AATAI President Donald Newsted. The two teams will meet again next Tuesday evening, when the board's team. will present a new counter-proposal to the teachers on the basic salary schedule. Another all-day session is scheduled for next Thursday, when further economie items and the school calendar are expected to be discussed. Yesterday was the first allday session held by the bargaining teams. All previous meetings had been held on Tuesday evenings. Spokesmen for both sides have indicated that all-day sessions will probably continue to be held in hopes of reaching a settlement.