Elective Class May Be Cut
Letters infofming the parents of Ann Arbor junior and senior high school students that the number of elective courses may be reduced by one were distributed yesterday. The letters said that because it was the decisión of the electorate not to support the 3.10-mill proposition the administration wanted the students to have the opportunity to change their schedules if classes are shortened by one period each day. According to John Hubley, community-relations director for Ann Arbor Public Schools, "This letter should not be interpreted as the final decisión of the Board of Education. They will consider various options besides the reduction of one class period at the meeting tonight, but if this is the only alternativa the students will have the opportunity to change their programs in advance." The administration discussed what action could be taken if the millage proposal failed and the letters were prepared in advance in order to be i distributed before the closing of school for summer vacation. If ■ the board does choose to reduce the class periods, junior high students will change from seven to six hours and senior high from six to five, Hubley said. Although the elective program would ie weakened, says Hubley, there is no danger to acèreditations.
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