City Democrats Spend The Most On Election

I Democratie canmdates for April's City Council election outspent their Republican opponents $21,120 to $17,665, according to campaign expense reports filed in the County Clerk's office. Leading the list was Mayor Robert J. Harris, who reported spending $16,214 in successfully gaining his second term in office. Harris' opponent, Republican Jack J. Garris, reported expenditures totaling $3,868. Various Republican campaign committees also reported disbursing $12,843 for all six party candidates, while the city Democratie Party recorded $150 in expenses for all its candidates. In the First Ward, winner Norris J. Thomas, a Democrat, reported $875 in expenses, and his opponent, Edward Rutka, has not yet recorded his disbursements. The Second Ward winner, Democrat Robert G. Faber, recorded $1,045 in expenses while his challenger, Don W. Robinson, reported no expenses. Third Ward victor, Democrat Nelson K. Meade, reported $1,374 in expenses while Republican Peter S. Wright reported none. Fourth Ward winner Republican Richard Hadier reported no expenses while Democrat Gilbert B. Lee reported spending $1,462. Republican John D. McCormick, winner in the Fjfth Ward, filed expenses of $635 and his opponent, Donald I. Warren, has not yet
Ann Arbor News
Old News
Norris J. Thomas
Edward P. Rutka