Council Ok's Resolution Supporting New College
A resolution endorsing the proposed Community College and urging Ann Arbor citizens to give full support to its establishment was passed unanimously by the City Council last night. First Ward Councilwoman Eunice L. Burns, a representative on the Community College Coramittee, offered the resolution after the committee's director, Wyelh Allen gave a brief talk on the subject. The resolution 'noted that "a citizen's survey of employers, parents, students, taxpayers, and other residents of Washtenaw County regarding a munity college . . . has shown that a serious need exists . . . for the type of education a community college would provide . . ." Allen noted that surrounding counties, such as Jackson, Oakland, Wayne and Monroe, have established community colleges and said there is a need for one in Washtenaw County. He said present thinking on the community college is that it would offer a one to two-year plan in liberal arts with an associate degree, would provide courses that could be credited at a regular college, would give technical and vocational training, would offer-Vcontinuing education for pects 1,000 students the f i r s t year of operation and 3,000 during the third year. He said outof-county students would be accepted, but they would have to pay doublé tuition rates. He also said the trustees elected Jan. 15 would decide the ocation of the college. He added ;hat it would not be in Ann Arjor, although it would probably De near the population centers and main thoroughfares.
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Eunice L. Burns