Ann Arborite Wins WCC King Award
William S. Dixon, 19, of 4141 Kellogg, Ann Arbor, al sophomore at Washtenaw Community College, has been named the first recipiënt of the school's Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship, Thomas Baldwin Jr. and Gary Owen, co-chairmen of the scholarship committee, announced today. Dixon, who will receive a $200 scholarship, was selected on the basis of financial need and his belief in King's principies following screening and an interview by the committee. Mrs. Mary Jones, 20, of Ypsilanti and Edward M. Welen Jr., 18, of Ann Arbor, will receive a special committee award of $100 each as runnersup in the scholarship competition. Welch, a freshman, is president of the Ann Arbor NAACP Youth Council. Mrs. Jones is a sophomore. B a 1 d w i n , student senate president at WCC, and Owen, an alumnus of the college, headed the move to créate the scholarship with the aid of a memorial fund established last April following the Negro leader's death. The drive by students and I faculty members at the college I was supported by community I effort, particularly by the King I Memorial Fund Committee, a I group of Ypsilanti and Willow I Run residents. Members of the King Scholarship Committee, in addition to Baldwin and Owen, are Richard Gartee, WCC alumnus; Meivin Anthony, the school's financial ' aid officer; Philip A. Encinio, a faculty member now on leave in Washington ; James A. Jones, deán of student personnel services; and Frederick F. Wolden, director of Communications arts. According to Owen, the committee is now establishing a panel of county, civic, business and educational leaders to assist in fund raising and planning in connection with the scholarship program.
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