Malcolm X Observance Set At WCC

The Washtenaw Community College Black Studies Program is sponsoring a commemoration of Malcolm X's assassination on Friday from 9:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at College Hill Auditorium, 225 E. Clark Rd. The program, entitled "We have got to get together," includes the singing of Negro spirituals by the Black Student Choir; musical readings by student Bill Snead and by Jon Lockard, black art instructor; speeches by Dr. Albert Wheeler, an NAACP official, and by Robert Williams, former president of the Republic of New África; music by the AfroAmerican Music Choir, conducted by Morris Lawrence, chairman of the WCC music department; and musical selections by Franklin McClure, a student. Alvin Roberts, coördinator of the Black Studies Program, will also speak. Assistant Coördinator Johnnie W. Tigner is organizing the program. The commemoration, said Tigner, is in honor of Malcolm X, black leader who was assassinated on Feb. 21, 1965. He said the assassination of Mal-j colm X "is something that relates to all black people." The program is open to tbel public as well as to students and faculty. Black Studies Program officials have asked the WCC Board of Trustees to give them antonomous departmental status comparable to that of other dcpartments, but the trustees have not responded to the request to date. Last week, the Black Student Union at WCC passed out a press release announcing that, "if this request is not granted ... we will no longer accept the restrictions we have for so long tolerated and will retalíate by any means necessary." j