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THE WHY OF ITThe new " Ked Star" oil we are now selling is beyond controversy the best oil ever ofïerèd in this market. First: Hecause we pump it divectly from our tanks on the railroad, thereby avoiding contact with the coating of tne oil barrels, and thus leavingthe oil as clpar as and clean asdistilled water 2nd: The oil is so to speok, from the heart of the crnde oil, which leavee it freer from par;iffine and of a lighter gravity than ordinary Water White Uil. For these reasons it will all bmn out of the lamp, wiil not crust the wiek, does not smoke when burning, gives a white light and will save vour eyes by the piirity and brilliancy of tiits lights. Ask for "Bed tar"oil. Huy of iis and yon will be sure to get what you ask for. Uban & Co., 44 S. Main Street. 4S-S1 ANN AEBOK SMALL FRUIT MftSËIïï All kinds of Uerry Plants. Fruit and Ornamental trees from Ellwanger Barry, Rochester, N. Y. SS" Order must be sent at omoe. _iS3 Wii) es d.ï}è Si)rUps Sweet and sour home-made wine for invalida. Bonesett Shrub, Raspberrv Wine and Svrup. Dried Pears. Make Plymouth Rock Eggs. EM1JL BAUR, West Huron Street. IMPORTANT. When you visit or leavo New York City, save Baggag-e Expressaf?e and Carriajfe Hire and stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. Elegant rooms fitted up at a oost of one raillion dollars, reduced to SI. 00 and upwards per day European plan. Elevator, Resturent supplied with the best, Horses cars, stages and elevated railroad to all depots. Families can lire better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at another flrst-class hote in the city. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ïïiim i mm m -AT- ANN ARBOR, MICH. - Otr- MONDAY, JANUARY 2d, ATD. 1888 made; in aceordance with Sections, 18, IS), and 67 of the General Banking; Law as amended in 1871. RESOUBCES. ' Loans and Discounts ... 1157,814 36 Overdrafts 452 19 Pumlture and flxtures 3,407 00 Due rom Banks and liankers 34.983 30 Legal tender and Bank Notes 25,707 00 „„„,„ j United States.. .■.. 4,500 00 Bonds, Ixooal.. 8,725 00 Premium on U. S. bonds 758 25 Gold and Silver 4,080 00 Nickels and Pennies 28 82 miñ.bió 2 LIAB1L1TIES Capital paid in $ 50,000 00 SurplüsFund. 5.884 84 Due Depositors. 178,161 08 Dividendsunpaid 1,500 00 8235,545 92 I do 6olemnly swear tnat the above statemont is the best of my knowlfdfro and belief. WILLIAM A. i'OLCHARD, Cashier. Subseribed and sworn to before me this 3d day of Jauuary, 1888. VM. W. WHEDON, Notary Public. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE 411 hM Ml W, -AT- ANN ARBOB, MICH. - ON- MONDAY, JANUARY 2d, A. D.18 88 MAiia in Aceordance with Sections 18, 19, and 67 of the General Banking, as amended , in 1871. RESOURCES, Loans andDlscounts '. $264,369 44 HoudsandMortgageB- 203,359 18 Overdrafts - 149 89 Furniture and FUtures 1,980 85 Duo from National and State Banks. 101,330 80 Cash on hand 34,699 16 $005.839 32 LIAB1LIÏIES. Capital Stock 80,0(10 00 Surplus Fund --. 50,600 09 Proflt and Loss.. 30.612 06 January Dividend 2,75 00 Due Depositors 472,492 6 SU05,88a 32 I dosolemnly swear th at the ahove statement is truc, to the best of my knowlodKe and belief. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. Subseribed and sworn to before me, this 2nd dayafJanuary.1888. Noiavv Public. iwitEj f mm J.CÖNNÖRS&CO., Grain Commission Merchants AND STOCK BROKERS, Rooms 3 and 4 Chamber of Commerce DETROIT, MICH. Buy, Bell and cirry fnrcustomers,GIÏAIN, I'ROVlSIONSand STOCKS, elther for ensh orluture dclivery, oiisraeH marginsaudlalotsto eoit, %W Special attentipn givon tooountryorders. Correpondence solicitad. Daily market reporta furnished free upon aoplication. -- People'a Savings Hiink, Eetroit Micli. p_ m ! T srivon on trial andgwarrantorl to fftve satlsfftction or money refundel. Chronio Caces a Spafeialty. Offioe No. 6 Wasïïmgrtoii St. Over Rineoy & Seabolt's Store. Anti Arbor


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News