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Chicago, Jan. 17. On the board of trade to-day quotations ranged as follows: Wlieat- No. 2 February, opened and closed 77%o; Maren, opened and closed 78o; May, opened and closed 8-to. Corn- No. 2 February, opened 48$c, closed 49c; M-rch, opened 49c, closed 49%c; May, opened 54c close J 54-c. Oats-No. 2 May, opened 84Jc, closed Pork- May, opened $15.15, closed $15.10. Lard- February, opened $7.37H, closed $7.35. Live stock- Following are the Union Stock yards quotations: Hoes- Market opened quiet and prices unchanged; llght grades, $4 M@!.20; rough packing, $5.10O5.30; mixed lots, 85.15 5.60; heavy packing and shipping lots, $5.40 6.85. Cattle- Market weak; unevcnly lower; choice beeves, 84.60@5.00; common, $3.25@4.00; cows, $.'.00@3.6i; stockers and feeders, 5J.U0 8.40. Shej- Market slow; common, $2.90O 8.50; good, $4.;S@4.75; choice, $ó.0ü@5.iS; lambs, $5.00@G.OO. Produce: Butter- Fancy Elgin creamery, 30 82c per 1b; fancy dairy, 21@lc; packing stock, 1Sí!M5n. E28-Strictlv fresa, 21(at!c per doz; ice-house, 17@l8c; pickled, 12&lUc. Dressed poultry-Chickens, 7@8Jc per lb; turkeys, 8@ 9c; diicks, 8@9; gees , 8@9c. Potatoes- 65 75c per bu; sweet potatoes, $2.504.00 per bbl. . Apples- Fair, to choice, $1.5075 per bbl Cranberries- 'üell and chorry, $9.5 per bbl; bell andbugle, $8.50. New York. New York. Jan. 17. Wheat,-Dull; No. 1 red stata, 94@!)5o; No. S do, 9üJe; No. 2 red winter Februaiy, 91Jáo; do May 94Jc. Corn-Steady; No. 2 mixed cash, 63c; do January, 61c. Oata-Dull; No. 1 white state, 41Oc; No. 2 do, OHe; No. a mixed Febroary, 89c. Rye- Dutl and unchanged. Barley-ïlominal. Purk- Dull; me68, $15.2j@15W lor 1 year old. Lard- February, $7.63; May, $7.84. Live Stock: Cattle- No trading; dressed beef about steady; sides, 6@8c. Today's LiTerpool cable quotes American refrigeralor beef dull and lower at 8Jc tt Sheep and Lambs-Very quiet; no cbaiige in values; sheep, $3.6j@6.00; lambs, $5.50@7.00. Hogs- Car-load western pigs, alive $5.50; nominal range, 5.40@5.80. Toledr). Toledo, Ohio, Jan. 17. Wheat-Quiet; cash, 87c; May, 90c; June, 914c. Corn-Doll; cash, bic; May, B6u asked Oats-Steady; cash, 34c; May, 86ic. Clovr seed -ateady; cash, 84.15; February, $4.20; Maren, 4.7fci. Detroit. Detroit, Mich., Jan. 17. Wheat-No. 1 white cash, 88c; No. a red cas and January, 87140 asked; Februai-y, 88c; Ma 91J4C Corn-No. 8, 51c. Oats-No. 2, M%c No. 8 white, 36c. Milwaukee. Milwaüeb, Wis., Jan. 17. Wheat- Weak; cash, 77)c. Corn- Sleady No. 8, Oats- Quiet. Rye- Scarce; N 1. 65J4Otit)jC. Barley- Less flrm; No. 77J4C.


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