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Mr. ond Mrs. Eans Baker, of Eay City, are tle b] pv parems of ihiee daughters mimed Fuiih, Hope and Chatity. Thpy are a lot of healthy, r a;, -cheekoc' girls, eaeh 11 years o!d, and are Lherefore - tripleto, Giivernor Luce still precie- over the destir.ies ot tui great slate, hut by way ot divei8;on he occa'sons.Ily indulges in a vanga lectura as he was wout to do bel'oro he enterèil iho laleful arena of po.itlcs. An Alpena firra groun 1 up 3,500,0000 potiiids of paper pulp the past year. ïhe twenly Grand Rapid school ma'ams whoinsci'ibdd thoir autographs in the order book of an eucyclopedia agent "just to help tlie dear fellow," and hlterward had $2J worth of books each to pay tor, hive suddenly gained a bit of worldly wisdom. Mnuistee folks have grown rich out of pine forusts I rom the aurtace ani salt f rom beneatb it, and yet are not satisfied. Col. Fowler, of that town, is in purauit ot a silver mine supposed to be located somewhere in Arkansas. 1 hose baving streams suitable for the propagation of trout can obtain the necessary trout by applying to M. D. Mark3, superintendent ot the state hatchery at Paris. Kalamazoo county electora will express their preferences at the April election on the queation of building a new poorhouse. Gratiot counly's prosecutiog attorney tried 117 criminal caaes in tbe year of grace, 1887. Frora which it is apparent that the people oí that región are somewhat givea to stepping over the line, and that the aforesaid lawyer bas been kept busy in trying to make the bigh-steppers toe tbe mark. 1 Several towns of the state are vieing with each other as to the length of their respective totoggan slides. Alpena apparently leaos the race with her slide of a third of a mile in lengtb. There's lots of fun sailing down that slide, but just think of the climbing, return trip. The Michigan Engineering society will convene in its ninth annual sesslon at Kalamazoo Jan. 17. Proceedingings in a civil suit at Grand Rapiis werè stopped the other day and the convivial defendant sent to the bastile to sober up. Port Huron is booked for another big elevator, which is to be completed in time for i another season's business. Coasting is a prohibited pastime on the streets and walks of Romeo, but the boys manage to get an oooasional glide, nevertheless, in spite of the local ordinance. The Michigan Porestry association convenea at Grand Rapids on Jan. 26. Governor Luce will wield the gavel. A Wakeshma subscr'ber of the old-time Kalamnzoo Mail owed that journal $4.50 on subscription at the time of its demise, but concluded not to pay for a Mead horse" of that color. But he changed his mind at the end of a lawsuit and aUo patd $3.55 costs assessed by a local justiee. Goebic county has voted to in vest $50,000 in a new court house and jail ( The upper península country isn't noted (or ite Italian climate, bufc it's forging ahead just the same. During the last three months of '8? it cost $5,200 to care for the poor of St. Clair countyj and mighty poor care it was according to the published reports. John O'Gau, a Manistee county farmer, while retnrning home from the county seat, was thrown from hi3 sleigh against a tree, anS sus'aiued injuries that resulted in his death. He was 60 years' oíd, and leaves a family. Two business houses wero burned out at Negaunee on AVedre; lay moruiug. Loss, about $4,000; insurance, $2,500. Levi Murray, en employé of Ransom'ssawmill, near Vicksburg, feil agaiust, the saw and was badly cut, losiug a leg. He may recover. John J. Mnjor, of Centerville, who was reported UI from inocculation with glander poisoning, is dead. He was 60 years of age, an esteemed citizen and one of the wealthiest farmers of St. Joseph county. Scarlel fever is getting in its deadly work at Galesburg. E ist Saginaw people rather suspect that the icê harvcst by the local dealers comes from water that would hardly bear au investigation, and yet they've sec an expert chemist at the job. A Sherwood couple, who have traversed the matrimonial vale of tears for the past twenty-one years, are rejoicing iu the advent of their first born. Better late thaa never. Marine City wants a railroad, and she wants it badly too, so her peí pie are putting their hands way down into tbeir pocket to see if one can be enticed their way. A Grand Rápida lady tried eating tbe hot ond of a box of matches, and bad a Lucifer time of it afterward, but will recover. Blissfield is a bustling, busy town just now. The G. A. R.'s are going to have a dance, local option petitious are in pursuit of signaturas. A dealer in "wet" goods is tied up with rheumatism, wbile the girls are making things huin with their leap year antics. A Hersey lady supports an invalid husband and tour little children by donning a lumbermau's suit and hauling Iors, ju-it like any other citizen. And this, too, while many an able-bodied fellow loafs around the corner grocery, complaining of hard times and ornamenting the stove with liquid tobácea Thn localizar of The Manistique Pioneer bhinks that lifting one's bat on meeting a lady on the atreet is a cool custom in that northern latituJe. He triocl it once, aud ha9 been relentlessly pursued by consuming cold in the head ever since. A Bay City greenhouse was roasted $3,000 worth tha other morning. No iusurance. Noi th Muskegon rejoiceth over the proposed erecLion of a huge tub and pail faciOry. The John Spry Lumber mili, the largest one located nt Bault Ste. Marie, burned Thursday night. Ixb, 65,000; partially insured. The fire is supposed to be of incendiary origin. The mili will be rcbuilt on a still larger scale. Opium smuggling is carried on to such an extent from across the Canadian line, that the Lake Huron ehore is to be patrolled by cuatoms offlcers. The Chicago & Grand Trunk railway is hnuling thirty-six freight trains daily over its main lina Disappointment ia the common lot of alL A Sherwood editor contracted for forty loads of wood on sobscription and got just- one. For eight week's services a Kalamazco parson received enoueh to pay his board, leaving a surplus of 87 cents. 'Tis said that the man of God is mighty thankful to that congregation that they didn't run him in debt The plum industry ranks second on the list of iruit-airowing specialties in Ottawa county, peach culture occupying flrst rank. Soil and looatiou are both favorable, and the business has proven exceptionauy remuuerative. A Genesee coanty farmer recently locited in North Carolina, writes back that h likes the country, tbe climate, and the people, but that the native butter is n. g. He Ined lubricating his uggy with the stuff and it was salivated eo that it would only go by running backward.


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