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Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS, JACOB SCHWEICKERT and Minnie Schweikert, bis wife, of Nonhfield, lichipan, party oí the first part, did by their cerain mortgage bearingdate of June 19, 1686, uud ecorded at 3:50 o'clock on Juce l'Jth, 1886, in iber 72 of Mortgages, on page H5, in Waëhtenay ounty, Michigan, convey to Edmund C Rogers-, ate of Ann Arbor. Michigan, the following premes, situaied in the township of Northfiold , in rnshtenaw county, Michigan, and described as ollows,to wit: The north half of the northeast uarlerof section nuinber thirty-onein township ne south, of range six east, and the eastthirty crea of land ofFirom the eastsideot tlie foutheast uarter oi the uortheast quarter ot said section, ontaiuingin all oue hundred and ten aerea more rlcse", and embracing all the land ownert by the rst party in said township of Northfield, to ecure the payment of four thouBand dollars ín ve years frum date of said niortage with annual riterest at the rate of seven per cent. per annuin, wytible annually aocordingtoa certain promisory note bearing even date with said mnrtgdge xecuted by Baid Jacob Schweiukertto said mortagee. And whereas, said mortcapee died on or about bruary 15th, A. D, 1837, and one Uziel 1. mith was on May 2d, A. P. 1887, appointed and ïas bince been act i ng au his t xecutor, And.whereas. it ís provided ïusaid mortgage, mongr other things, that if default be m,dc in the )ayment oftheintere3tor any part thereof whereon ie saine is made rmyahle, and should the ame remin unpaid fcr the space of ninety days that then O much of said prinoial as rcmains unpaid with areartiges of interest, ehall, at the option oí" second jarty, hi executor and assigns, become due and )aya,ble iiuinediately thereatter, And wheroas, defanlt wys made in the payment f the interest due June 19th, 18S7, and all interest ccruing ujion said notesioce its dnte is still unaid. And aaid Uzziel P. Smith, as such executor, ïas in consequence of such default, exercised eaid ption and decittred the whole priccipal and iuterstdue as in said mortgage provided. Andas uil of said principal sum of money and 11 interest thereon since the date of said note as rovided in sa:d mortgage is due nnd unpaid and ïo suitor proceedings haa been coinmenced or is itnding lor its coUeetion. Now.therefore. I, William Walsh, Sheriff of vVaehtenaw Oonuty, in the State ot Michigan, under thestatute in such cases made and proviacd. nd at the request of the l'-gal nolder of said note. HTeby givenotice that I will on the lOth day of Nfurch, A.D. 1SA8, at ten o'clock in the forenoon D that day, at the south front door of the Court louae, in the city of Ann A riior, County of Washenaw, and 8tate of Michigan, sel) at public Tendue to the highest bidder the premir ea above nd iu said mortage described as 'provided by aw. Dated Ann Arbor, Mich , De. 15, A. D. 1887. WILLIAM WA1.SH, Sheriff. Sherlffs Sale. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF O Washtenaw, ss: Charles Hiehmond and John M. Wheeler. plaintiffs. T8. Amanda M. F. Goodale and "rank W. Goodale. defendants. Notice is hercby giyen that by vlrtue of a writ of Fleri Facías 86ued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for tho County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, in Ohaneery in the above entitled cause, to me directed and delivered.against the goods and chattels, lanris and tenements of Amanda M.F. Goodale and Frank W. Goodale, I did on the ninth day oí January. A. D. 1888, levy uponand seize all the right. title and interest of the said Amanda M. F Goodale and Frank W. Goodale, in and to the following lands, bounded and deseribed a follows, to-wit: On the west by the west line of West street in the village of Delhi, as platted, continued to the point where said west line would strike the center of the Hu ron Kiver, and following said center of said river, down and around to the point where the south line of Railroad street of said village, continued east would strike the said river center and thence westerly along said south line of said last named street to the place of beginning, including all the water and mili rights and privileges eonnected with the Delhi and Ithaca mili property of the defendants, exeepting therefrom the premisos owned and oceupled by VVillits, aleo the premises owned and occupied bySoyder. and also lots 1, 2.;i, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11. and 13, In block 3. Also lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, in block 2. Also lots 7, 8, 9, lü, 11, and 12 in block 4, Also lots 7, 8, 9, and 10, In block 9 of said villageof Delhi. Also all the right, title and interest of the aforeaaid defendants. in and to the land lying south uul weal and between the center of the bignway und the center of the Huron river, extending froui Webster road on the west, where it crosses the Huron river at Delhi, thence easterly and Boutherly down said river to lands owned by Morris Kichmond. All of the aboye and foregoing deseribed lands are situated on Seetion 2, l'own 2 south of Kange 5 east, and all being in the County of Washtenaw, and State oí' Michigan. Allof which I shall expose for sale at public auction, or vendue, to the highest bidder, at the south front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor. in said County, on the twenty-eignth 28thl day of February, A. D. 1888 next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day. Dated this ninth day of January, A. D. 1888. WILLIAM WAXSH, Sheriff. IMPORTANT. When you visit or leave New York City save Baggage Expressage and Carriage Hir and stop at the Grand .Union Hotel, opposit Grand Central Depot. Elegant rooms fttted upTat a cost of on milllon dollars, reduced to $1.00 and upward per day European plan. Elevator, Kesturen supplied with the best, Horses cars, stage and elevated railroad to all depots. Familie can live better for less money at the Gran Union Hotel than at another flrst-class hote in the city.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News