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Reglatration Notie. Notice is hereby piren that thera wlll be a seision of the Hoard of Keristration of the city of Ann Arboroa Thursdy, February M, 1888 at the followiair place. lst Ward- J W. Kobiton's Urery offic, ïl South 4tli straet. 2nd Ward- Wm. Hrz'ssho, Weet Waihing-ton itreet . 3rd Ward- Agricultural Koom, Court Houae. 4th Ward- Fireman's Hall 5th 5th ward Eugin House. 6th Ward- fith ward Engine House. For the purpose of regristerinfr electars for the special election to be uld february 27tli 18R8. The books will be open from 9 o'cloek a. m. until 7 o'cloek p. rn . OBO H. POND. Recorder. A New and Useful Invention. Patent IIeater and Lantkrn. An absolute necessity for any one travelling in a buggy, carriage, wagon, cutter, sleigh, rnilk and delivery wagon Iuyaluuble for hacks and omnibiraes. It is a perfect security trom lire. HO matches beiug required to instantly light the lantern without disturbing the globe. Rain and wind will not affect it. Gives a nice light to drive by FOR SALE AT M, M. Greatj's Li Veri}, 17 NOKTH FOURTII ST. Cutters can be hired with the heater in Xo extra charge, lts old comfort itsel f. Estáte of Smlth Macomber. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of WA8HTKNAW, SS. At !l session nf tllt Ptob :U' Court forttoe Countyol Washtena.w,hoider il the Probate Oth'cv ín tbc rit y ii Aun Ardor on Wedbesdáv the eifíliUi iiiv ui b elnuary tu the yeur odb inqusand eight hundred nd iKl"y-f!ílit. Presentí Wiliiatn I. Ha i riman, .) udge oi Probate, ln :ln' runtui ol fché raíate otSiniih .Mucoraber, doceased. Kdwaul Treadwe 1, ejecutor of the laat vrlll and i. -,i,inn'[i! oí said deceásed corn intu eourt in d repieaenta ihit he i now prejurcd lo íiiijur Lis öniil account ussue'i ext-culor. Thereopon, ii icordered i luu Tuediy, the 6th iiy ol Marchn.ext,at teii o'clock in iho forenoon be aisiurnid lor exaiuiöl'ng and allowíngsucb acrount and t)i, it üu' ÜLTiseis, legateegaod lieirs-at-hiw ol siiid acoonsed nd nlluther Dureons interested u unid estáte, ure requirea to Kppeui at scssion oí' said Court, tben tu iipldcn ;it the probtit office in the city ot Aun Albor, in said countv, and Bhow cause ii auy thoro be, why tho saii!. account sliould nol be allowed: And it is íurthei ordered thnt said exeeutor ííívc uotice to ihe prson8 interested ín said estáte, of t he penieney of aid íwcwunt Hnd tile hearing thereoí, by causing a copyof this order publiuhed in the .Aan Arlior Akwüs, a newspaper printec) iind oirculatinfí in said county (hiee suecessive weeks previoua tosaitl day of heariDg. WILLIAM b HAlfKIMAN, (atru.Eeopy) Jude of Probate Wm. U. Ujty, Probate líesíttcr SherifTs Sale, 3TATB OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT OF Wasatenaw: ssJaura U. Godfrey, ■Pliintiï.T. Huehej ilo.u ighli ri, Def endant. Notice is hereby gireD tht bjr Tirtue of mil of k'ien Facía iMued out of and under heseal of tbe Circuit Court for th County of Wathtenaw, State of Michieran in the above ntitled caui to mdireotd, and deürered agrainet tbe roodi aad chattelí, lauda and tenamento of Hughey McLaughlin, 1 did on the 9th. day of Auïut,-A.D. 1887, lvy upen and ieze all. the rítht, titla, and intrat of th naid lufirhey VlcLaughlia in,aad to the foliowinif anda bounded and denoribed as follow to wit: The North half of th Nortk-West fractional uarter of ection Tiro, and the North-Bat uarterof thO North-East quarter of ectioii 'bree in tbe towaibij of SytTan, Washtenaw Couuty, State of Mii-hipan. alto the Soutb-East uarter of the South-West quartr of ection 'hirty-flve in th townshíp of Lyndon in said ounty, all of wbíck I abadl ezpose for eal at ublic auction or vendue to th biyhest bidder it the South front doorof ttie Court House in he city of Ann Arbor, in said county on the Uth, day of Marcu, A. D. 1888, nit, at ten 'clock in the forenoou of that day. Dated this 18lh day of January, A.D. 188S. WILLIA1Í WALSK,: Jacob Stíffbi, Sheriff. Ueputy Sheriff. Real Estáte For Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County oí VTaihO tenaw- ss. In the uiutter of tbe Estáte of Elvira Marsh deceuged. ' Notice ia berehy giren, tliat in pursuancf oían order gran ted to the undersígned dministratorof theKxtate of BHirt deceased bv the Hou. .ludffeof Probato for tbelCounty of ?!? iíS?T' ou the tll'"tieth d"V of Januarj A I). 1.SS7, theru will be koM at Putilic Vendue to tho hig-hest biider, at the ast front door of the Lourtiloimeio the city of Aim Arbor. in the ('ountyof WaBhtenaw in Hii Pmte, on Tuesday, tbe twentieih dar of Mreh A X 1W8, at ten o'clock in the fórenoon of thatday sunjeettoall enonmbranoea by mongaiiff or otherwiaeexistinff ntthe tiuieof the death of stid deceast-d, tbe ioUowiiiif deseribed Heal Estáte, to-wit; The North part of the North-West quarter of tbe North-East quarter of Section Thirtrsii (:J6) in Township Number Tvro (2) South Range Fi ve (5i East (Solo) in Michigan Aleo the undirided one-third part of the North-East quarter of the North-Westqimrtcr of sid SeetioD No. Thi,ty-ix (861 In Township Two (2) South Hange Five (5i East iSolo) in Michigan. JAMES W. WING, Dated, Jmiarr 20th, J888. Administrator Real Estáte tor Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY Ks3"f WiishtlMlÜW, SS. In the matter af tbe estáte of Niithaniel Martin, Notice ís hereby t?Ívt;n, tliat in pursuance of an order ifranted to th undersiined administrator of thu.--u.lir oí said Nathanit-1 Martín bv the Ilon. Judjye of Probate íoí thi;Countv i Washtenawon the iSlh dn ot January, A. D. iSívS, there will be sold at puMic venduc, to the hïifhest bidder, at the (Iwi'llintí house on the premíse below described in Salem, in the countv of Wash tenaw. in saitl state, on Tuesday, the 271 h riay of March A.D. f888, al ten o'clock in the forenoon o i tliat day (subject to al I encumbranecs bv morteOft or otherwise existan; ni the time oí the detith ofsftid decensed,] the folio wing described real estáte to-wit: Korty-seven acres ot land more orless, ofl of thesouth end ofthe : half of the north-east qu.trter of section nurfïber eleven (11,) town o tic (1) soulh rane se ven (7 cast (Salem] in Michigan. Eighteen acres of land more or less, according lo the origina] survey, beme; the Dorthwesc' quarter of the halfofttie northaetquarterof section nummer ten (10) town otíU (1) soulh raneseven (;) eust (Salem) ii, Michigan. Dated January iSth, iSSS. ! JOIINB. WATEHMAX, Administra tor


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News