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Postmaster Cremer, of Ypsilanti, has been commissioned. E. Wagner, grocer, advertises to take ('anadian silver at par. The Knights Templar held another social Monday evening. Prof. Carhart's lectures at the M. E. church have proven very interesting. A little girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W.Douglas, Monday. rhe Presbyterian pulpit will be occupied by Rev. S. W. Pratt, oL Monroe, next Sunday. Of course no one will forget Company A's grand masquerade next Wednesday evening. John Stiïgel is expected to meet the members of Huron River Assembly, K. of L., this evening. The Toledo and Ann Arbor road showed an increase earning the last week in January of $3,690. The premium list for the fall fair will be arranged at the meeting of the committees, February 20th. The board of managers of the Agricultural Society will hold a meeting on Monday the 20th of February, at two p. m. A Washington dispatch says that Frank P. Bogardus, of Ypsilanti, has resigned his position as post offlce Inspector. Flora, the little six years old daughter of M. Grossman of.the second ward, died at eleven o'clock yesterday of diptheria. The Ann Arbor township registration board sits Saturday, February 25th., from 9 to 4 at N. B. Covert's shop on West Huron street. The Way üill for January contains a portrait of ex-Governor Ashley and a highly compliraentary article discriptive of his eventful life. The Pontiac Gazette says that Geo . W. Lee, of this city, was married in Pontiac, Fabruary 4th, by Rev. J. M. Gibson to Mrs. Linda Hickey. The Taxpayers last Fnday evening voted not to sell a rod or two off their school lot on SUte street to the Students Uhristian Association. The Light on the Point company which plays here next Monday and Tuesday, is a grand spectacular play and should be greeted with full houses. A sleigh load of young people, of thia city, enjoyed a pleasant evening at the residence of Mrs. Perkins, of Saline, Monday. ïhey didn't return 'till morning. Mr. George F. Holt, of the Theological Seminary, at Morgan Park, near Chicago, will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday morning nd evening. Both the Monroe papers unite in speaking of the extremely favorable flrat impression, Judge Kinne made in opening the circuit court there last week. John S. Henderson and W. B. Everest, of this city, have been drawn on the United States circuit court traverse jury to meet in Detroit next month. A petition has been circulated asking the Michigan Central to purchase the home on which the late Gustave Vogel had made a small payment for the deserving widow. Company A's masquemde on Washington's birthday has come to be looked forward to with interest. It will be better than ever this year and you should be there. Mrs Tyana B. Moyer,wife of Franklin Moyer of Salem, died last Thursday of blood poisoning, aged forty-one years. The funeral services were held at Peebles church on Sunday. Rev Mr. JSarp's Bible clasa instruction ia exceedingly interesting; not only to the younger but to the older members of the congregation as w'ell, uaany of whom remain after the isunday morning service to enjoy its benefits. There will be no spring fair this season. The inclemency of the weather last spring during the fair time, when itrained pitchforks every day of the fair, indicated how much risk was run by holding a fair at that season of the year. John W. Nanry, of Superior, has just sold a large shorthorn bull weighing 2450 pounds of massive proportions and surpassed in peicentage of good qualities by very few bulls, He is a descendant of Old Splendor, 767. Judge Gridley, of the Jackson bar, was admitted to practico in this city in 1837. Enoch Banker, of the same bar, was admitted to practice in 1860. ExGovernor Blair was also admitted in this city in 1841. Mrs. Dr. Pomeroy, of the upper peninsula, died Tuesday morning. Her remains were brought here Wednesday evening. She was a daughter of the late James McMahon and a sister of Mrs. Frank Loomis. The amount needed by the G. A R. for fitting up their new hall is being obtained without difficulty by a subscription paper. When approached, give liberally, as their funds are all used for benevolent purposes. Miss Ferguson, who keeps a boarding house for students in the first ward, came down Monday night after some syrup. She attempted to carry two gallons home with her and slipping on an icy walk, fell and broke her wrist. In opening the Alger club, Wednesday night in Detroit, Robert E. irazer said: ''Michigan is a debatable state. 1 have been in nearly every campaign since I waa old enouíh to vote and at present I would not want to predict the iesult of an election." A parlor recital of the pupils of Reuben H. Kempf assisted by Miss Ida Belle Winchell, W. Luderer and F. Abel was held at the residence of Rev. Dr. Earp Tuesday evening. The pupils who participated in the exercises were Misses Lulu Southmayd, Ruth Durheim, Mignon Root, Cornelia Earp and Lydia Condon. Frances E. McMahon, daughter of Mrs. A. McMahon, died Tuesday morning of diptheria. The family resided on the third floor of the Hamilton block. Frances was twelve years, two months and eleven days old . The funeral services were held at five o'clock Tuesday afternoon. In New Jersey persons are üned $500 for neglecting to clean their sidewalks of ice. Here it is different. If paid for neglect they could not be much more dangerous. There seems to be a total disregard for the comfort or safety of the public notwithstanding the many bones broken this winter. A safe walk is the -exception. Why is it? Not many actresses have been paid the complimen paid Nellie McHenry, of Salsbury's Troubadors in this city Monday evening. She was unavoidably left in Chtcago and did not reach here until 10:30 p. in. The opera house was full, yet the entire audience waited three hours for her to appear. The play lasted until half past twelve. A lively runaway occuired on Jefferson street the first of the week, when the spirited horse of Alvin Wilsey started up suddenly and turning the corner threw Miss Wilsey, who was driving out and dragging her several rods, while she clung to the lines. Finding that she was not able to stop the horse, she let go the lines, fortunately before she had received any injuries. The horse reached the stable before ït stopped. The Ann Arbor Lodge No. 320 I. O. G. T. elected and installed the follow officers for the ensuing quarter. C. T., 11. N. Holmes; V. T., Ida Herbert; Sec, John R. Bowdish; A. S., C. Strickler; F. 8., Sarah C. Fletcher; Treas., J. S. Mann; Mar., Chase Conrath;D. M., Myrtie Beeman; 1. G., Edith Dodge; Sentinel, Chas. Abbey; 8. J. T., Mrs. L. Bowdish; P. C. T., G. G. Crozier; Trustees, Alvin Wilsey, F'. Stofflet and John Schumacher. Lenten services in St. Andrews Episcopal church are being held every Mondny, Tuesday and Saturdays at four o'clock. The Wednesday evening service will be held in Hobart Hall at seven o'clock. Thursday afternoons at 4:30 will be held confirmation instruction for children and at seven o'clock Fridav evenings instruction for confirmation of adulls will be given in Hobart Hall. The Sunday services will be at 7:30 a. m., 10:30 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. The Grand Army Post has decided to accept the generous offer of Joe T. Jacobs of his hall over his store for five years free of rental. At the same time they desire to express their thanks to the Odd Fellows for the generous use of tlieip hall and furniture for the past years at a mere nominal reDt. The removül will necessitate the purchase of furnitute by the post. As their funda are all for benevolent purposes, they will call upon our citizens to assist them in purchasing the needed furniture. Atnong the Detroit weddings of last week was that of Mr. George Hamilton Douglas, of the Auditor's office of the Michigan Central to Miss Annie Gibson, of Detroit, at the St. James Episcopal church. Mr. Douglas with his parents formerly lived in Ann Arbor and attended school and college here. He 9 a cousin of Prof. L D. Wines. The ceremony was followed by a reception nt the home of the bride's father, adjoining which is the new home of the bride and groom. Both homes were thrown open to the guests. Among the wedding gifts was $20,000 worth of real estáte from the bride's father. ' Mis. Anton Eisele on Monday received the $2,000 insurance on her husband's life in the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association. The local organization was inaugtirated April, 1881, and this is the fiist death that has occuned in their membership. The obects of the association are, of course, most commendable, and they form a imng association. The present öfficera are, M. J. O'Brien, president; Jos. Haumgartner, first vice-president; J. O'Connell, second vice-president: T. P. Bonner, recording secretary; A. Hrahm. assistant secretary; J. Bourns, anancial secretary; J. O'Brien, treasurer; J. O'Grady, marshal; D. J. Ross, giiHrd and the following trustees, Wm. O'Reiley, A. Brahm, O. P. Carey, David Rinsey and VV. H. Mclntyre. At the next meeting of the Unity Club, Monday, February 20, exercises will be held commemorative of the öirth-day of the father of his countrv, familiarly known as George Washington. There will be an address by Fred N. Scott, on "The Widow Custis's Second Husband," which will be illustrated by pictures loaned by distant relalires of the Washington family. Many faded but interesting relies of the departed and gone will be exhibited, and one or more songs composed by the late Mr. Washington to be sung at a tnass meeting of his nurses, and ti'therto unpublished, will be sung to strange sweet music. A supoer composed mostly of food, with toasts containing amusinst anecdotes daling from Washington's first birthday. will close the impressive solemnities of the evening.