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Almost time for new maple sirgar. A case of scarlet fever is reponed west of town. F. D. Ford, returned f rom Honduras, Monday. Meivin Huil was home f rom Arm Arbor, Sunday. Orange blossoms near town, in the springtime. Dr. E. Hall has been confined to the house for several days past. Laverne Bassett, lit. '88 visited friends here Saturday and Sunday. Fred L. Thompson, of Ypsilanti, called on old friends here Wednesday. H. Bennett returned from a prospecting trip in the south, the first of the week. E. C. Rouse, of Homer, visited his brothers, P. H.and R. B. Rouse this week. Mrs. Milton Reynolds has been visiting relatives at Mason for the past week. Wanted! To see the person who has not had a cold during the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Da vis were treated to a surprise pa'-ty Wednesday evening. E. R. Aldrich has a lame back caused by a miss step wtiile going down strairs Monday. S. R. Crittenden went to Detroit Tuesday evening to attend the republican convention. S. H. Mooie reports several contracts for buildings to be put up as soon as the weather permits. 'Tis thought that Gay Harris may succeed J. W. Huil in the hardware business. Time will teil. A. J. Warren went to Detroit Wednesday evening. He has a speculaüng scheme on foot. The stars and stripe's floated in the breeze the 22nd, at the P. O., Mason's drug store and T. H. Bortel's. A. K.' Rouse has telegraphy in shape now so thatjhe can take charge ofan offi'cewh en opportunity presents. Elmer Bickford and Guy Willard brought home a half dozen Pleasant Lake pickeral and a pair of wet feet Saturday. The Baptists make their pastor, Rev. H. M. Gallup ,a donation visit Thursday evening of this week, at the parsonage. Rev. D. R. Shier spoke on local option in Opera Hall, Wednesday night. Quite a humber of the Germans here will vote "dry." The Presbyterian society made Rev. W. E. Caldwell a donation visit Tuesday evening. All enjoyed a pleasant time and he is $87 happier. Canada money in any form is 12fused by several of our merchants, as vvell as at the bank and post office. It certainly is not legal tender here. The rains of Sunday and Sunday night tried the mili dams. The milis were unable to run part of the time Monday because of the "back water." Messrs. A. A. Wood, the stockman, of Lodi, and J. W. Huil, hardware man, went to Detroit, Tuesday night as delegates to the state Republican convention. The Presbyterian Young People's Society of C. E., will hold a hard times and pop-corn social Friday evening at Mrs. A. Bond's. We wonder how many will go with old and patched clothes? The new broom foctory, run by Smith & Co., is turning out some splendid work. If we keep on we will have a city to be proud of. We are waiting now for a street raibvay line and clectric lights. J. M. Klager has turned peddler, for a change. He earries flavoring extracts, cough syrup, essences, conditian power, ink, &c. The flavoring extracts are manufactured by a well known druggist of the town. Maher & Davis, hardware dealers here, dissolved partnership last Thursday. Maher bought Davis' interest in the business, lt will now be S. H. Maher. The vptivinp' rnember has not yet decided to what clime he will migrate. Messrs. Friis and Minnett met with a serious loss at their mili last Thursday. Thesteam connecting pipe and engine cylinder both burst, necessitating a shut down, e'xcept as there was water in the pond to run the mili a fevvhours per day. Mr. W. Minnett went to Fremont, Ohio Friday, to see about a new engine. The Farmer's Club held a regular monthly meeting at George W. Shaw's the second Friday in February. The following is a partial resume of the meeting. Twelve barrels of Diamond Crystal salt received and proporties discussed, which is probably the best salt on the market for dairy purposes. It was decided to hold the next meeting March 9th, at G. W. Allen's residence, and the subject to be discussed is "production and application of lajm manure." G. L. Iloyt will write and read a paper on the subject. There will be other essays by sorae of the ladies, who will also furnish music, etc. There are 26 families connected with this club, and to miss one of the monthly meetings is to miss a social treat, as there are none hut those of the best social standing admitted to the club. The benefits derived from these social meetings concerning farming, stock raising, and the allied branches that are naturally adjunctive, are invaluable to those following agricultural pursuits. lf yoür right ear burus some one is praisine; you; lf your left, vour f riends are rakiug you over the coals.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News