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Chicago, Feb. 81. Board of trade quotations to-day were as fol lows: Wheal -No. 2 March, opened 75JLc, closed 76j nominal; May, opened SOJe, closed SOcaskel; June, opened 81Jc, closed 81J-!o. Corn- No. 2 March, opened 47Jí?, closed 474c asked; Miy, opened and elosed 61c; June, opened and closed 51J4c. Oats- No. 2 May, opened Sl%%a, closed 314-c; June, opened 1%C closod B1%c bid; August, opened 28c, closed 28c nominal. Porü- Marco, opeued 813.87H bid, closed fl3.9O nominal; May, opened $14. 5, closed 814.10; June, opened $14.15 bid, closed $14.17}$ nominal. Lard- March, opened $7.77 bid, closed $7.7% live Stock- Uuion Stock yards qnotations: Hogs- Markat opened fairly active and prices a sha.le highor on the best grades; Ught grades, $4.95S,6.20; rough packing, $5.05@5.25; mixed lots, $5.]0@5.4O; heavy packing and shipping lots, $5.30@5.75. Cattle- Market strong; beeves, $8.50@5.30 cows. $1.903.10; stockers, $.40 3.00. Sheep- Market weak, 10@15c lower; natives, $3.40@3.40; westerns, $4.90@5.25; lambs, $5.25@6.00. Froduce: Butter- Fancy El sin cream;ry, 30@ 31c per lb; fancy dairy, 23O24c; packing stock, I3@15c. Eggs- Fresh laid, 19@21c per doz.; icehouse, l."i@18c. Dressed poultry- Chickens, 9@ 10c per lb; turkeys, 10@126c; ducks, 9@10c; geeee, "8@9c Potatoes- 85@90c per bu. ; sweet potatoes, $i.5O@4.00 per bbl. Apples- Choice, i.35@2.75; per bbl. Cranberries- Bell and eherry, $9.00 per bbl; bell aad bugle, $9.5J. New York. New York, Feb. 21. Wheat- Quiet; No. 1 red state, 9.'393c; No. 2 do, 90Lc; No. 2 red winter February, 89%c: do Marcb, 80c. Corn- Dull; No! 2 mixed cash, Cljc; do February, üOc; doMareh, 59c bid. Oats- Lifeiess; No. 1 white state, 42(g43c; No. 2 do, 39141)0; No. 2 mixed Fdbruary, 38c. Rye -Dull and uncbanged. Barley- Nominal. Pork - Dull; mess. $lö.00@15.12}L for 1 year old. Lard- DuU; April, $8.00; May, $8.04. Live Stock: Cattle- No trading; dressed beef veiy dull; poor to prime sUes, 6.00@7.50 $! 100 Ibs. To-day 7s cable advices from Liverpool quote American refrigerator beef slow at $a 00 & 100 Ibs. Cbeep- Firm for good stock; barely steady frr coinmoii to medium; shaep, $4 50 47.0ü ï Io0 Ds; lambs. gti.u0@7.50. Hogs - Noneoffered alive; weaker; $3.50@4.50. Milwaukee. Milwaüxes, Wis., Feb. 21. Wheat-Steady; cash, 764c; March, 15%c; May, 79c. Corn- Lower; No. 3, 46c. Oats- Dull; No. 2 wbiw, 3.C Kye- Stady; No. 1, 0194e. Barley- Quiet; No. 2, 75c. St. I.OUÏH. St. Louis, Feb. 21. Wheat-Firmer; cash, 80M@81c; March, &:%c; April, 81!4c; May, 8:%@8.!4c. Corn- Firm and 4enlghfer; oash. 459i@46s; March, 45?ííi45%c; April, 4014c; May, 4r@474c. Sleadyj cash, 30i4i&S0ac. Lard-$7.40. ' Whi-ky-$1.09. Live stock: Cattle - Market steady; choice heavy nativa steens $4.40@5.80; fair lo good native steers $3.S)@5.45; butchers' steers, medium to choice $3. lüjM.2); stockers' and feeders', tanto good $.@3.30. Ilogs -Market active and a shade strouL;er; choioe and heavy butchers1 selectious$r).4)@,5.ü0; packing, medium to prime $5. 10@5 50; .liht srraJes, ordinary togood $4.85@ 5.10. Sheep -Mnrket steady; fair tu fancy $3.50 @"j.25. Detroit. Detroit, Mich.. Feb. 21. Wheat- No. 1 white cash, 8"Hc; No. a red cash, 85J4c; May, 87Jc; June, 880; July, 8514c. Corn-No. 2, 51e. Oats- No. 2, 83ic; No. 2 hite, 3öHe liH


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