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fl-jVlCHIGAN V )tc" frfot Mms. ? : walffBffjffi Time Tablb (Kevised) Nov. 20, 1887. kastwahu. íffrHi !-' 2 J.glii_Lttá A M I. M.P.M. P.M. T. MP. M. .. Titeago, Lt. 8 50 9 00 S 101 440, S 15' 10 . Kalainaioo.. 12 1"! 150. (158; 5O!1J3S'. 2 !7 I 3 Battle Creek' 1 ril Í27: 7Sï!a.ra.! 1 25 3 18 8 Jackson ' 3 15 420 849! 9 151 315! 460 SN Urafia Lake.. S S8 9 34 S 13 OUelBea 358 : 9 55 f nxter 4 14 10 1'8 f50l Delhi Mills... 4 22, 10 17 AnnArbor... 4S3 5S0 8 4.1 10 SS 4 35 6 06 Ypsilanti.... I 4 6(1] 5 45 9J6.1047: 4 52: ' WavncJunc 5 15 66i 11109! o b 6 47 Detroit. Ar 610 645!l045 II 50 1 6o! 7 Q bt. Tho. au 1105 2 00 lo (JO! 9 401 S 2 Falls View... : i 1 17 Niac'ra Fallí 3 21 i 4 59. I li] 6 50 Butfalo... J8JI 6 161 (1251 2 4o 8 ft WESTWAKD. A.M. .M. 1A.M. A.M.1; Buffalo ' LISO 546' 7(ij; 900; 1 Ofl! Niag'raFallB IJ 681 ', 41 2 16 St. Thomas... 420 10 "Oi 9 55' 1 05 5 40 ;A.M. A. M. P.M. P. M.! Detroit, Lv.. 7 00 9 10 1 30 4 00 8 00 1015' WayneJunOi 741 9 63 2031 445' 837Í10551 Ypailanti : 8 03 10 12 2 20 5 121 8 58,1118Ann Arlior...' 8 18 10 30 2 32 6 30 9 12 11 35 Delhi Mills.. 8 28 5 42! Dexter 837! 6 50; 9 32 Chelsea '.....! 8 62 I 6051 951] Grasa Lake.. 9 15 6 27 10 15 Jackson... .9 45 1135 3 32 7 10 10 52 .12 Í4 645 Battle Creek, II 20 112 4 40 8 62 12 12 2 21 1 31 Kalamaïoo... 12 17 15015 15 9 45 1 2" 3 07 9 Chicago. Ar. 5 40 6 40' 9 30 7 00 7 451 1 Y O.W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYE6, G. P. & T. Agent, Chicago. Ag't Ann Albor. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. Time Talile ROing into efleot, Sunday, Oct,. 9, "Í7 Goin; Norili. ■ ; Going South. STATIONS. I Pass. Kip. Mti'l Standard Time. Kxp. Paas Miil F M. p. m. a. m. Lv'eJ [Arr a, m. t. u. r. K. 6 SU SIS TOLEDO.... 00 110 1 41 7 SI 4 0.-. 6 02 Mnnroe Juucl'n 8 10 ÍS 31 7 51 8 OS 4 12 6 10 . . . . Dundee 8 03 12 24 7 40 8 35 4 36 6 35 Milun 7 4 19 04 7 3 9 06 4 S3 7 00 I'ittsfield 7 16 U Ai 16 9 25 5 10 7 1S..ANN AKHÜK. 7 15Í11Í0 88 9 50 6 30J 7 S3l Leland's 6 So 11 14 6 S P. m. 5 45 7 46 Wbitmore Lake A. m. 11 00 f ft I 6 R2 7 53 Hamburg '10 Sil w I 6 28 8 30, Howell : 10 20 S 8S I 7 20 9 30 Durand 9 SO 4 36 7 46 9 Sí Ooruona 9 08 9 15 7 65 Owosso 9 00 98 ! Ithaca ' - ' St. Louls 7 27 Sí ! Alma i 7 20 10 30 12 30 ...Mi Pleasant SO 1 3O P. M. P. M. I I A. M. P.M All passenger traína run aaily ex ept SuDday. Tramo run on the South Lyon Branch leavt Aun Arbor at 9:.vs p.,m. l.elund'aat 9:50. Worden'iat 10:00 und arriveat south Lyon at 10,20p. m.j lear South Lyonat C:00 a. ni., Worden's at 6:90, Leland's at 6:M0 and arnve at Ana Arbor at 7:16 i.m; Counections at Toledo with railroads dlvergiug. At Manliatun .Innotion wilh Wheeling A Lk KrieK. R. Al A lexi Junrtion wllh M. C. R R L. S. H'j and K. & I'. M. 1!. R. At Mouroe Juoetiie h S 4 M. S. K'y At Dundee with L. 8. A M.8.. and M. A O. Ky. At Milun with V.,St.L. i P. Hy. Al l'ittslield wi;h I-. S. M. 8. Ry. At Ann ArbOT with Vlichiaan Central R. R,, and at South Lyon with Detroit, Lan-íing aüd Northern R.H.. indU. T. Ry. At Hambure wüh M A. UueDivioion Gruml Trunk U'y. At Howell wtth Detroit, ljn!,in & oitlietn R'y. At Durand wit h Chicago & Unmd Trunk K'y and Detroit, Grand í.aven & Milnuukte R'y. At Owoeso Juncliiin with Detroit. Grand Haven & Mllwaukee K'y un! Miciilünn Ontrul R'y. At 8t. Louis with Detioit. Luiisitií & Noiiheru P'y and Suginaw Valley & "t i-oniR'y. At Alma whh Detroil. La siui; & N'tirthern R'y. At Mt, Pleuant with Klinl Á l'iie Murquette R'y. H W. A8HLKY. W. H. ÜENNETT, Sunerinreii-Vnt. Gen. Pass. Ageut; A. J. T 1 [rfLEY, LoOül At;ent. i 4 xr va rrry M; UHirW KETAIL 1 3 ■ 'HE i 1 L) l S HF llï THI J. H. THiínil'SON & CO., Importen and JohlH'vs of Fine Teas, Ccffees, Spices, Etc. IBEE SPICE MILLSi 53 JEFF. AVE. DETROIT. MlCH EISMllHIHMang rRS We challenge MÊSSSmafOÊM COMPARISON 2S&LL3u Mannfactured by pG33SM ei Turra incBcc f ■fc-1 ' m - Im1 z I.KAND RAPIDS. Agents Wanted for tne must complete popular faraily phyíician book ever produred. Select something thobojqh11 i.sK.rii,, of Tin k valué, nml sales are alwayí sure and liirge. KNTIRKLY NEW, up to th verv ltest seience. yet iu plain language. A GR'EAT NOVELTY in all id parts und attiaets instant atlention. 250 eneraviugs. The raot profusely and lieautlfíillv illustraled book of the kind ever got up. HE8T OF ALL, it is BY FAR the LOVVEST PKICED ever published- less than halt the cost ot any decent volume yet out. Agents who are tired of struggling with highpriced booka, write for particular of this great new departure in booksellinir. PLANET PUBLISHING CO. 2u8 Pine Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. 3Cdav's time given Agents without capital. ANN ARBOR 1M1TMRS1RY All kinds of lieny Planta. Fruit and Ornamental trees from Ellanger Barry, Rochester, N. Y. F Orders must be sent at once. _áEl Wiï)es ai)dsyrüps Sweet and sour home-made wine for invalida. Bonesett Shrub, ltaspberry Wiueand Svrup, Dried Pears. Plymouth Rock Eggs. EM1L BAÜR, West Hurón StrEet.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News