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A Summary Of Congress

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Washington City, Marcb 1.- A bilí was favorably reported to the senate Wednesday wbich amends the Chinase immigration act o as to prevent Chinese from coming to this country from aoywhere, ana also rnaking it neoessary for those formerly here who have (he right to return, to avail themselves of the right in six mouths (rom the passage of the act or be excluded. The seríate non -concurrid in the house amendmetits to the bilis for public buildings at Omaha and Milwaukee, and a conference was asked. The dependent pension bill was then taken up, and sa amendment making it read "from the inflrmities of age or mental or physical disability" offered by Wilson, of Iowa. The debate on this was long and purtisan, and at itít conclusión without taking a vote the senate proceeded to executive business, and at 6:80 adjourned. In the house Kelly denied a newspaper report that he bad said the Republicans would resort to obslructive tactics to defeat a taritï bilí. A bill was then reported favorably to secure actual to settlers tbe public lands and protect the forests, and the house went into ommittee on the bill outhoriziug the treasnry to purchase bonds with the surplus. The debate on this included in its scope the whole range of national politics, and was long, bst the bill was finally agreed to in committee, and the house passed it. O'Neill introduced a bill requiring the branding of convict labor goods, and euloies were then pronounced upon Representativo MoíTat, of Michigan, the house adjourtiing at the conelusion of the speeches. Washington City, March 2.- The credentials as senators from Iowa and Mississippi respectively, of Wilson and Walthal, to late from March 4, 1SS9, were filed in the nena te Thursday. The bill to restrict owner gbipoflandin the territories to American I mms was passed. It excepts legation propertT in the District. Sherman's resolution requesting the president to negotiate a treaty with China entirely exeluding Cliinese" laborers from this country was adopted A resotation was adopted calling on the treasury for the correspondenee relatiug to sugar imeortation frauds in New York. The pension bill then cmiie up on the amendment to add Wie words "from the inñrmities of age," and Beek opposed, in a speech that traveled over Wie whole ground of national politics. He was replied to by Plumb, and then, without action, the senate adjourned until Monday. Tbe bilis for the exchange of mutilatëd mhsidiary silver eoin for new coin, and aboliAiing the $! gold pfece were reported favorably to the house, and that prohibiting the feransmisson by mail of newspaprs containing lottery advertiseraents adversely reported. Bills were pnssed for public buildings at Bridtrenort, Con n., and Hoboken, N. J. The resolution acenpting the invitation to this country to take pnrt in the Fronch exhiMtion of 1889 was adopted atter being ameii(!nd by providing for the Issue of a jjamphlet for distribution at the exhibition ietailing the virtnes of the American log when dead and cured; also the resolution authorizing the prf sident to enll a conference :o be held in this city in 188ÍÍ to promote international arbitnition and frfendly relaMons with the South American republics, The house then adjourned. Washington City, Match 3. - -MeKinley jwesented a petltion in the house Friday from Mindi'y glass-blowers protesting against the proposwl reduction of the dnty on glass. Tt ■was agreed that an evening session be held each Friday to consider private pension and political disability bilis. In conimittee of the whole the private calendar wíik tlien talken up, the bill providing for the payment of about tíürty claims for antiy supplies, reported by he court of claims, being the subject of disussion. The principal debate was on an amendment which providetl for tbe payment f rent for the use of the Episcopal Kemiuary í Virginia. The opposition was on the ground that it was a dangerous precedent to admit tbe claim, but it was agreed to, and the bill reported to the house, but pending action recess to 7::S0 was taken. At the night session twenty-five. pension bilis were pnssed, and several bilis removiug political disabilities. Washington City, March 5. - A bill authorizing the issue of fractionnl silver certiflates wivs reported to the house Saturday. H. ö. Seyinoui" txik the oath as successor of the late Representativo Moffatt, of the Michigan Eleventh district. The Pacific raüway telegrajh biJl, which provides that the Union Patific railvvay shall abi'ogate ite contract with üie Western Union and run its owni telegraph line entirely independent of other ltnes, was taken up and opposed by White of New York. Symes of Colorado advoeated it, and Wliite offered a substitute, which referred the quesMon to the courte. Whites substitute was rejected, and then the original bill was passed - yx to 4 - Bliss, Keteham, Merriman, and TVMte. A bill was passed relieving certain ▼olunteei-s and regulai-s of the Mexican war and war of the rebellion froni tbe charge of iesertion. The house then anjourned. Washington City, March 6.- The senate , posotfh'ce committee Monday reported the Rdmunds and CuUom bill-s for postal telegraph adversely, and favorably an original hül for the regulation of the telegraph on the principie of the inter-state raihvay bill. It was insisted by Cullom and others that the latter bill should be referred to the inter-state oómmerce committee, as it was out of the line of the postofflee eommittw, but it was ftnally laid on the table for the present. PeMtions for the abolishment of the "drummers" tax, and in favor oí a par diem pension bill were presented, as were the credentials of Beek as senator from Kentucky. The deficieney bill was taken up and delvited on a senate committee amendment to strike out the house provisión requiring tho pnblic printer to rigidly enforce the eighthour law. This amendment was withdrawn, bat without taking a vote on the house clause n exöcutive session was held and the senate, adjourned. In the house a resolution was introduced to appoint a committee to investígate the C, B. & Q. strike, and bilis: To declaj- trusts unlawful; to revive the grade of general in the army ; appropriating $227,000 for a departent exhibit at the Cincinnati e.xfMisition; to tniild a canal around Niágara Falls; to build public buildings at Cedar Rapids, Ottumwa, and Oskaloosa, Iowa. The McDuffle-Davidon contest from the state of Alnbama was iebatexl, the Republicans declariug that the evidenee showed that Davidson was elected by fraud, and the Democrats denying the charge; but the case eut over and the house adjourned Washington City, March T.- A joint rosolution was passed by the senate Tuesday, h'reoting an investigation by the geological survey of the prncticability of irrigation for ttfie arid r-egions of the west. The rule as to memorials and petitions was amended so as to refer theni all without debate. It was agreod that. a tnajority vote of the seuate khall decide hereafter wbether a treaty shall he considered in open sessiou. Beck's coin certifícate bill was adversely roported, and Wie house bill providing for the purchase of bouds by the treasury was favorably reported. The dependent pension bill was resumed, and during its consideration Ingalls made a slasbing attack on the president, the Democracy and all opposed to the bill and similar logislation. Blackburn replied and shortly after the bilí was laid over for the day, and the sonate adjourned. The house devoted its session to the McDuffie-Davidsou case, Johnstou of Indiana, Boutello and Butterworth advocating the rightof the contestant and O'Ferrall and others replying for t.he contestee. Crisp closed the debate, whi;h, of course, was on party lines, and a vote was taken on the minority rosolution seati ïgMeDuflie, whieh was rejected- lia to 144 The majority resolución was then adojtxl without división. Thomas of ülüiois introduced a l.ill pfohlbiting the use of portraits of women for advertiüing purposes without the consent of the person whose portrait is wantod. The house then adjournod.


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