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CHANCERY SALE. IN PURSUANCE AND BY VIRTUE OF A JLdecree of the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw-in ehancery, in the State of Michigan, made and entered on the fifth duy of Oetober, A. IJ. 1887, in a certain cause therein pending wherein Jacob F. Stabler, guardián of Michael Layer is complainant and Gottlob Charles Gross and Anna Gross are defendants. Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, the twenty-eishth day of April, A. D. 1888, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day I shall sell at public auction or vendue to the highest bidderat the east front door (being the Fourth street entrance) of the Court House in the city of AnnArbor in said county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, said Court House being the place for holding theCircuit Court for sai( county, to rai6e the amount due to the said complainant lor principal, interests and costs in this cause all those certain pieces or parcela of land sitúate In the township of Saline, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan and deseribed asfollows: viz.. All of the tollowinif deseribed land situated on seetion one (1), town tour (4) south, range iive (5) east, and in Haywood's addition to the villago oí Saline, being lote nuniber four (4), flve (5), six (6), twenty-nine (20), and west half of lot three (3), and the west half of lot thiity (30), according to the recorded plat of said Haywood's addition; also commencing at the center of the north line of lot numbertwo (2), in Haywood's addition to the village of Saline on seetion one (1), in town four (41, south of range nve(ö), east running thence northerly at'right;angles to said line two (2) chains to a stake, thence westerly parallel to said line one (1), chain and flfty (50), links-thence southerly at right uiiglcs to said line one (1) chain to a stake, thence easterly parallel to said line flfty (50) links to a stake, thenee southerly at right angles to said line one(l chain to a stake, at the center of lot three (8), thence easterly along the north line of said lot one (1) chain to the place of beginning, and in making said sale I shall, in accordance withthe terms of said decree. offer and sell as one tract or paree 1 of land the following deseribed pieees or pareels of said land, towit, all of the following described land situated on seetion one (1), in town four (4), Bouth range nve (5) east and iu Haywood's addition to the villageof Saline, being lotsnumber four (4)flvei5), six (6), twenty-nine (29) and west half of lot three (3), and the west half of lot thirty (30) according to the recorded plat of said Haywood's addition; and I shall al6o iu making said sale, and in accordance with the ternis of said decree, offer and sell as one tract or parcel of land, the land described as follows, commencing at the center of the north line of lot number two (2) in Haywood'g addition tothe villag of Saline on seetion one dl, in town four (4), south of ranjre flvo (5) east, running thence northerly at right angles to said Une two c) chainsito a stake, thence westerly parallel to said line one (1 chain and flfty (50) links, thence southerly at right angles to said line one (1) chain to a stake, thenc easterly parallel to said line fiftj r50) links toa stake, thence southerly at right angles to said line one (1) chain to astake at the center of lot three (3) thence easterly along the north line of said lot one UI chain to the plac of beginning. Dated. Ann Arbor, Michigan, March 14th 1888. PATRICK McKERNAN, Circuit Court Commissioner in and for the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan. Ecoenk K, Frueauff, Solicltor for Complainant. An Adjourned Annnal Meeting of the Washtenaw Connty Agricnltnral and Horticultnral Society. The members of said Society will take notice. that in accordance with Act 47, of ;be Session Lavs of 1882, there will be held an adjourned annual meeting of said Soeiety, on Frlday, April 20th, 1888, at 2 p m. ' at their room in the basement of ;he Courl House, in Ann Arbor, in said Jounty, for the purpose of voting to authoi,e and direct the President, Secretary aml [■reasurer of said Society to sell the real esate and fair grounds of the Society situated n said City, of Ann Arbor, to Israel Hall and nvest the proceeds of such sale in the purchaso twenty-two acres of land, lying about slxty rods south and east of the said fair groitnds, and belonglng to said Israel Hall, o 1 e U8ed for the fair grounds of said Society to mov the buildings, fences etc., now on said fair grounds to snid twenty-two acres, and the board of Managers hereby give noiee that at sueh meeting they intend to ask 'or an order for such sale to said Israel Hall or to sueh other person or persons as said ïociety shall at such meeting direct. The board of Managers ol' said Society by Frkdkick li. Buaun, President, John R. Minkh, Secretary, JessieA. Dell. Treastirer. Dated, Ann Arbor, March 13th. 1888.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News