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Michigan State News

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'Tis claimed for the Rev. Washington Gardner, who was rocently elected commandar of the Michigan ü. A. R.. that before he had reached the age of 19 "he had marchad over 5,000 miles with a gun on his shoulder." And yet no one would think of calling him a tramp. The electric light plant' at Sault Ste. Marie, run by water power, is now in full bloom, and the Soo folks feel bigger than ever. Dennis Brown, a Calhoun county carver, will sojourn at Jackson for the next three years because he attempted to slice up another Calhoun oounty citizen. A Newaygo cuss, named Hamilton has been convicted of murder in the second degree for whipping his own 18-month's-old child to death. St. Clair county folks are trying to get along with 1Ü0 doctors, but are having a siekly time of it A Caledonia farmer, heavily loaded with flrewater, tried titles with a train on the Detroit, Bay City & Alpena railway the other day, and was knocked out in the first round. He now inhabits another sphere. Tbree llivers folks are having a tussle over the location of their postofHce. Some of 'em want it moved, but more of 'em dou't, and the Washington authorities have been appealed to for a settlement of the dispute. Tbose who partook of the soup doled out at a Hartland ehurch social discovered a deeidedly peculiar flavor, which, upon investigation, proved to have been caused by a cud of tobáceo that had been placed therein by a heartless heathen of the town. A Kent county man took out a license to wed the girl he so dearly loved. The gïrl took the license, pondered over the matter and concluded that she hadn't better. Then the K. e. ni. hunted up a damsel who was ing, but the county clerk refused to issue a second lieense untü the first one was returned. As the first object of his heart's adoration refuses to surrender the legal perruit the would-be benedict is about the unhappiest man in the state. 'Tis said that between the limburger cheese factory and several church squabbles the atmosphere of Marine City has become decidedly odoriferous. Whew ! A Flat Rock huntsman took a good, fair aim at an English sparrow, and - now wears a hole in his foot. Sonie people's feet are always in the way. Charles Day, a Bertrand boy of 94 summers, applies for a pension for services rendered in the Mexican tussle of 1847-'48. A trifle late in the day, perhaps, but here's hoping for a green oíd age in which to enjoy it. An East Saginawer chased a rabbit under a lumber pile, but lost his long-eared game. The chase wasn't in vain, however, as he found a quantity of goods that some chap had spirited away from a neighboring store. A Marcellus man is said to have taught ninety-nine terms of school and isn't particularly tired either. A Northfiold farmer had lots of experiene crowded into a brief moment the other day He interviewud a buzz saw but lost an arm in the operation. 'There are nearly 810,000,000 in loose chang deposited with Detroit's banking houses. The Democratie state convention will be held at Grand Rapids' May 1(. Ed Pahner, the alleged wife dispateher o Alma, will be tried at a special term of tb Gratiot circuit court in April. The small" boy and the toy pistol got to gether at Adrián, and items of interest maj be expected in a few days. A citizen of Reese has a Bible that was printed away back in 1 741 , and it's in goor condition, too. But some folks ddi't wear "the book" very ï-apidly by its frequent pe rusa). lVhitehall and Montague are only a mile apart, which may account for the fact tha they are running a race in the divorce business. A Milford man will be interviewed in eourt one of these days and given an oppor tunity to explain why tae induced au aliei to vote at the last local election. Several prominent Muskegonits are a' Washington telling Únele Sam what a nice old gentleman he would be if he'd only scoop out their barboi1 acuording to local needs anc notions. AShepherd genius has received a patent on a horseshoe nali that is claimed to beat them all. Now the flyers 'can go. An epidemie of measles is getting in its fatal work in the country west of Monroe. rully one-half of the cases thus far have been escorted "across the river." J. P. Hubbard, a Stanwood son, had been employed on a logging railroad during the winter, but as the work was of a dangerous nature, three men having been killed on his "run," he concluded to go to Muskegou and act as switchman lor the C. & W. M. road. But this proved no less dangerous for he was killed during his first day's work. Joseph F. "Whipple, late president of the Pembroke Knitting milis, Battle Creek, has been nabbed at New York, and will return to explain the shortage in the conrpany's accounts, about which he is supposed to be posted. The case of Sam Clay, Grand Rapids' prosecuting attorney, charged with improper official conduct, will be taken to the supreme court. Clay's friends claim he couldn't get a fair shake in the local court, henee the ehange. Howard City has to pay $975 to a lady of that town for keeping a holey sidewalk that failed to ciirry her safely over. Local option has given a Waterloo blow to the eider and jelly factory of that place. Michigan railway receipts for the month of January have just been mafle public, reaching nearly f5,500,000. A band of borse-thieves are getting in their work on the equines in the neighborhood of Battle Creek. Miss Fighter is the schoolma'am who makes the urehins hustle at Freeport. Many people suppose that snow, ice, iron, copper and cussedness are the principal crops of the upper península, but it's a mistake. It also produces pure gold, one Ishpeming mine having turned out over $100,000 worth of "the stuff" during the past two yeaiu Henry and Margaretta Warwick, of Whitehall, are happy in the anticipation of receiving $500,000 f rom a Germán estáte to which they are entitled by virtue of heirship. The board of trustees of the Kalamazoo insane asylum have taken a squint at the management of that institution, and if they've found anything to justity the charges made not long since by certain disebarged employés tlip public hasn't found it out. A {35,000 factory will soon be making a newly-patented carriage-pole at Flint. ïhe safety feature of the device will be fully appreciated by the fellow who caref ully drops the lines over the dashboard and devotes himself wholly to the care of his best girl. Charles W. Grant, who built the fli-st frame house in East Saginaw in 1850, still lives in that city and is its oldest living resiient. The dog poisonw bas gotten in his work so faithfully at Lake City, that the bologna mai-ket is away up, and only the wealthj poople of the town can now afïord that hixury. Oxford girls are helping out tbeir brothen of the home bras band by giving leap year parties for their special benefit. A Flint woman recently sued another femuiine of that town for seUing her husband the drink that inebriates. As the suit was Hearing the end with a bright prospect of a nice judginent of damages for the plaintiff, it was couclusively showii that the latter wasn't Iegally married to the drinker, when the oase flasbed in the pau quicker'n a winfc East Saginaw folks take considerable stock mthemoou. At any rate they walk in its light when the ahnanac says the sigu is right, their electric lighte a lay off at that time. Over 00,000,000 feet of logs are bobbing around in the river Au Gres. Ferdinand Pope, a former newspaper man of Detroit, bnt more recently of Milwaukee, was thrown beneath the wheels while atternpting to boord a moving train at Grand Rapids, and instantly killed. Patrick Quinn, au Imlay City chap, took a trip over the "Injeany" line and was killed by the cars at Fort Wayne. Michigan people chipped in over $6,000 during the week of prayer to the Adventist's cause, more than one-üfth of the amount contributed by the entire country. Edwin Chapman.the Lansingman who died at Jackson the other day, carried 810,000 life insurance, which the companies wUl contest, on the grouud that it was a case of suicide. Muskegon dealers in dry goods, clothing and other wearing apparel have concluded to shut up shop on Sunday. But the fellow with cash in his pocket can stil] get a nibble at crackers and cheese on that day. For whipping to death his only child, less than 3 years old, Oregon Hamüton, of ■ Newaygo, has been given a life sentence to Jackson. In the seduction case of Lena Missik against Jeremiah Payne, at Grand Rapids, the jury gave the plaintiff judginent for il, 000. Apples are said to be so scarce at Jaekson I as to coinmand higher prices than the flnest oranyps Michigan cracker manufacturera have cracked a "trust" on their patrón, and now 'twill be a high priced nibble or none. Belding's Refrigerator company will erect anew building 60x360 feet, and employ 300 men, in the endeavor to keep up with their orders. "Work has been eommenced on a 50,000 hospital for the Battle Creek sanitariura. Pentwaterhad a -narrow escape f rom destruction by ñre at the burning of Faulkner's Opera house. Loss, $2,500; partially insured. The fishing campaign has been naugurated at St. Joseph. Brain food will be cheaper soon. Mrs. J. Little, an E? elston lady 0 years of aK, meu irom me eitects ol a slight wound in a finger, made by a darning neèdle. Martin L. S vreet, of Grand Grands, is well and widely knoivnas a model hotel man. But his knowledge is by no means limited to hotel matters for he tvas eleeted president of the North American Holstein-Friesiau assoeian at the animal meeting held at Buff alo, N. Y. Nillman's roller milis at Milford were burned early on the morning of the 32d involvingaloss of $20,000; insured for $8,000. A dynamite factory is one of the newfhdn's for Sault Ste. Marie. By and by the Soo may be expected to boom. Frank Bailey, a Wexford county youth of 16 summers, dpveloped a fondness for buryiiiK needies and pinsin his face and neck, and h)fi been sent to the Traverse City asylum to cure him of the habit. Charles K. ■Wright, state' geologist, died a,t his home in Marquette on the 22d. He was well and widely known as au ablö geologist aud genial gentleman.


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