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Don't .Experiment. Yon cannot aflord to waste time in experimenting wheu your lungs are in (langer. Oonsumption always seems, at ürst only a cokl. Do ñot premit any dealer to impose upon you with sonie cheap imitation of JDr. King's Nnw Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, but be sure i uu get the genuine. liecause he can uiake more profit he may teil you he lias somethinR justas good, or just the same. Uou't be deceived but inslst upongetting Dr. King's New piscovery, vvhicli is guaran teed to give relief in ail Throat, -Lung, aud Chest arïections. Trial bottle free at Eberbach's & Son 's Drug Store. Don't ,hawk, liawk, blow, spit, and disgust everybooy with your offenslve breath, but use Dr. ,Sage"s Calarrh Kemedy and end ït. Personal. Mr. N. H. Frohlichstein, of Moble, Ala.,writes: I take greut pleasure in recommending l)r. King's New Discovery for Consumption, liaving used it a severe attack of Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave me instant relief and entirely cured me and I have not been afflicted since. I also beg to state that I ha,i tried other remedies with no good resnlt. Have also used Electric Jutters and Dr. King's New Life Pilis, botli of which I can recommeud. Dr. King'sNew Uiscovery íor Consumption, Coughs and Colds, is sold on a positive guaramee. Trial bottles free at Eberbach & Son's drug store. A sliding scale- Trying ,to go up a toboggan course on foot. Dr.Pete's Magie Pain O1 is Good for both internal and external pain.Good for sprains, black and blue Bruises, and swollen jonits. Good for won mis made by knives scissors. and implemenlsof destrtiction Good for Nenralgia's twinges, anc Rheumatism's terrible torture.' Sokl b John Mooke and H. J. Brown.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News